8,868 research outputs found

    Surface trapping and leakage of low-frequency g-modes in rotating early-type stars -- I. Qualitative analysis

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    A qualitative study of the surface trapping of low-frequency non-radial g-modes in rotating early-type stars is undertaken within the Cowling, adiabatic and traditional approximations. It is demonstrated that, at frequencies below a cut-off, waves cannot be fully trapped within the star, and will leak through the surface. Expressions for the cut-off frequency are derived in both the non-rotating and rotating cases; it is found from these expressions that the cut-off frequency increases with the rotation rate for all but prograde sectoral modes. The results are of possible relevance to the 53 Per and SPB classes of variable star, which exhibit pulsation frequencies of the same order of magnitude as the cut-off frequencies found for the stellar model. It is suggested that observations either of an upper limit on variability periods (corresponding to the cut-off), or of line-profile variations due to leaking modes, may permit asteroseismological studies of the outer layers of these systems.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to be published in MNRA

    Excitation of g modes in Wolf-Rayet stars by a deep opacity bump

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    We examine the stability of l=1 and l=2 g modes in a pair of nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet stellar models characterized by differing hydrogen abundances. We find that modes with intermediate radial orders are destabilized by a kappa mechanism operating on an opacity bump at an envelope temperature log T ~ 6.25. This `deep opacity bump' is due primarily to L-shell bound-free transitions of iron. Periods of the unstable modes span ~ 11-21 hr in the model containing some hydrogen, and ~ 3-12 hr in the hydrogen-depleted model. Based on the latter finding, we suggest that self-excited g modes may be the source of the 9.8 hr-periodic variation of WR 123 recently reported by Lefevre et al. (2005).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS letter

    Integration of ground and on-board system for terminal count

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    The development of an integrated ground and onboard system for Space Shuttle terminal count management is discussed. The criteria considered in designing this system are outlined. Examples of problems encountered in the process of maturing the design are presented

    Centrifugal Breakout of Magnetically Confined Line-Driven Stellar Winds

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    We present 2D MHD simulations of the radiatively driven outflow from a rotating hot star with a dipole magnetic field aligned with the star's rotation axis. We focus primarily on a model with moderately rapid rotation (half the critical value), and also a large magnetic confinement parameter, Ξ·βˆ—β‰‘Bβˆ—2Rβˆ—2/MΛ™V∞=600\eta_{\ast} \equiv B_{\ast}^2 R_{\ast}^{2} / \dot{M} V_{\infty} = 600. The magnetic field channels and torques the wind outflow into an equatorial, rigidly rotating disk extending from near the Kepler corotation radius outwards. Even with fine-tuning at lower magnetic confinement, none of the MHD models produce a stable Keplerian disk. Instead, material below the Kepler radius falls back on to the stellar surface, while the strong centrifugal force on material beyond the corotation escape radius stretches the magnetic loops outwards, leading to episodic breakout of mass when the field reconnects. The associated dissipation of magnetic energy heats material to temperatures of nearly 10810^{8}K, high enough to emit hard (several keV) X-rays. Such \emph{centrifugal mass ejection} represents a novel mechanism for driving magnetic reconnection, and seems a very promising basis for modeling X-ray flares recently observed in rotating magnetic Bp stars like Οƒ\sigma Ori E.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Sub-Inertial Gravity Modes in the B8V Star KIC 7760680 Reveal Moderate Core Overshooting and Low Vertical Diffusive Mixing

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    KIC 7760680 is so far the richest slowly pulsating B star, by exhibiting 36 consecutive dipole (β„“=1\ell=1) gravity (g-) modes. The monotonically decreasing period spacing of the series, in addition to the local dips in the pattern confirm that KIC 7760680 is a moderate rotator, with clear mode trapping in chemically inhomogeneous layers. We employ the traditional approximation of rotation to incorporate rotational effects on g-mode frequencies. Our detailed forward asteroseismic modelling of this g-mode series reveals that KIC 7760680 is a moderately rotating B star with mass ∼3.25\sim3.25 MβŠ™_\odot. By simultaneously matching the slope of the period spacing, and the number of modes in the observed frequency range, we deduce that the equatorial rotation frequency of KIC 7760680 is 0.4805 dayβˆ’1^{-1}, which is 26\% of its Roche break up frequency. The relative deviation of the model frequencies and those observed is less than one percent. We succeed to tightly constrain the exponentially-decaying convective core overshooting parameter to fovβ‰ˆ0.024Β±0.001f_{\rm ov}\approx0.024\pm0.001. This means that convective core overshooting can coexist with moderate rotation. Moreover, models with exponentially-decaying overshoot from the core outperform those with the classical step-function overshoot. The best value for extra diffusive mixing in the radiatively stable envelope is confined to log⁑Dextβ‰ˆ0.75Β±0.25\log D_{\rm ext}\approx0.75\pm0.25 (with DextD_{\rm ext} in cm2^2 secβˆ’1^{-1}), which is notably smaller than theoretical predictions.Comment: 12 Figures, 2 Tables, all data publicly available for download; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa
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