5 research outputs found

    Enzymes of Ureide Synthesis in Pea and Soybean

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    Choline kinase II is present only in nodules that synthesize stable peribacteroid membranes

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    Host-cell cytoplasm from soybean plants infected with the peribacteroid membrane (PBM)-building Rhizobium japonicum strain 61-A-101 (effective, N(2)-fixing) had much higher choline kinase activity than cytoplasm from either uninfected tissue or tissue infected with the non-PBM-building (ineffective, non-N(2)-fixing) strain 61-A-24. Ion-exchange chromatography showed that both types of nodule and root tissue possessed constitutive choline kinase I activity that had a K(m) for choline of ≈150 μM. The nodules of the effective symbiosis had another activity, choline kinase II (K(m) = 81 μM). Nondenaturing and NaDodSO(4) electrophoresis revealed no multimeric subunit structure of the two enzyme forms but did show the molecular sizes for choline kinase I, 58-59 kDa, and choline kinase II, 60 kDa. Choline kinase I and II and pI values of 8.1 and 8.5, respectively, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of whole cytoplasm from control and infected tissue showed a spot corresponding to choline kinase II only in the case of the effective symbiosis, whereas both tissue types had spots corresponding to choline kinase I. Choline kinase II is presumed to be encoded by the plant as neither free-living nor symbiotic (bacteroid) forms of the prokaryote showed any choline kinase activity

    Using energetic models to investigate the survival and reproduction of beaked whales (family Ziphiidae)

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    Mass stranding of several species of beaked whales (family Ziphiidae) associated with exposure to anthropogenic sounds has raised concern for the conservation of these species. However, little is known about the species' life histories, prey or habitat requirements. Without this knowledge, it becomes difficult to assess the effects of anthropogenic sound, since there is no way to determine whether the disturbance is impacting the species' physical or environmental requirements. Here we take a bioenergetics approach to address this gap in our knowledge, as the elusive, deep-diving nature of beaked whales has made it hard to study these effects directly. We develop a model for Ziphiidae linking feeding energetics to the species' requirements for survival and reproduction, since these life history traits would be the most likely to be impacted by non-lethal disturbances. Our models suggest that beaked whale reproduction requires energy dense prey, and that poor resource availability would lead to an extension of the inter-calving interval. Further, given current information, it seems that some beaked whale species require relatively high quality habitat in order to meet their requirements for survival and reproduction. As a result, even a small non-lethal disturbance that results in displacement of whales from preferred habitats could potentially impact a population if a significant proportion of that population was affected. We explored the impact of varying ecological parameters and model assumptions on survival and reproduction, and find that calf and fetus survival appear more readily affected than the survival of adult females