319 research outputs found

    PrimÀr immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi hos hund - patogenes, patologi och predisponerande faktorer

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    Immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi (IMHA) delas i litteraturen upp i en primÀr och en sekundÀr form. I denna litteraturstudie kommer fokus att ligga pÄ den primÀra formen, vilken Àr den enda som kan klassas som sant autoimmun, dÄ andra möjliga orsaker till uppkomsten av sjukdomen har uteslutits. Den sekundÀra formen dÀremot kan uppstÄ till följd av flera olika faktorer sÄsom infektiösa sjukdomar, andra immunologiska sjukdomar (exempelvis systemisk lupus erythematosus), neoplasier, vaccinationer eller mediciner. I bÄda fallen riktas antikroppar, och ibland Àven komplementfaktorer, mot cirkulerande erytrocyter varvid en ökad nedbrytning av dessa ger upphov till en hemolytisk anemi. Flera olika teorier finns rörande predisponerande faktorer för den primÀra formen, sÄsom ras, kön, Ärstid, Älder samt föregÄende vaccination. De patologiska fynden varierar beroende pÄ sjukdomens duration, men de mest typiska Àr ikterus, hepatosplenomegali, fÀrgförÀndringar i njurar och urin, ödematösa lungor och infarkter i desamma samt ökad erytropoes i benmÀrgen. Sjukdomen Àr mÄngfacetterad och mer forskning behövs, bland annat för att faststÀlla varför vissa individer tycks vara predisponerade, samt för att förbÀttra behandlingsregimen dÄ sjukdomen har en hög mortalitet, Àven vid snabbt insatt behandling.In the literature, immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is divided into both a primary and a secondary form. In this literature study, the main focus will be on the primary form, which is the only of the two that is classified as truly autoimmune. The primary form is diagnosed when all other possible reasons for the disease have been ruled out. The secondary form on the other hand can arise as a consequence of several factors, including infectious diseases, other immunological diseases (e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus), neoplasias, vaccinations or medicines. In both cases antibodies, sometimes accompanied by complement factors, are directed against circulating erythrocytes, after which a hemolytic anemia arises as a consequence of the increased erythrocyte destruction. Many different theories have been proposed regarding predisposing factors, such as breed, sex, season, age and previous vaccination. The pathological findings differ depending on the duration of the disease, but the most characteristic ones are: icterus, hepatosplenomegaly, colour changes in the kidneys and urine, pulmonary edema and infarcts and increased erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. The disease is multifaceted and more research in this area is desirable, for instance to establish why some individuals appear to be predisposed to the disease and to improve the treatment regimen as primary IMHA has a high mortality, even when the animal undergoes rapid treatment

    Is Embedding Entailed in Consumer Valuation of Food Safety Characteristics?

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    Consumers’ preferences for food safety characteristics are investigated with particular focus on existence of an embedding effect. Embedding exists if consumer valuation of food safety is insensitive to scope. Two choice experiments have been conducted valuing food safety in respectively minced pork and chicken breasts, exemplified by avoiding human risks of Salmonella infections and strengthening the restrictions of using antibiotics in the pork production and in terms of avoiding human risks of Salmonella and Campylobacter infections respectively. The results showed no indications of an embedding effect between the food safety characteristics, in neither of the cases.Valuation, Choice Experiment, Market Goods, Food Safety, Embedding., Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Consumers want safer meat - but not at all costs

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    The value of information and support: Experiences among patients with prostate cancer

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    Aims and objectives To explore and analyse prostate cancer survivors` experiences and critical reflections of information received during their cancer trajectory. Background Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in men worldwide. Treatment causes side effects such as urinary incontinence, bowel changes and erection problems influencing sex life and manhood. Cancer pathways are designed to give patients and their relatives a predictable and as stress-free as possible treatment trajectory and minimise waiting time. Design Qualitative, explorative research design. Methods Focus groups with 16 prostate cancer survivors after having participated in an educational programme. The COREQ checklist was followed to ensure rigour in the study. Results The main theme, ‘Help me stay in control’, and three subthemes, ‘To be met with interest and support, enough knowledge to understand what is happening and a plan to build the new life on’, emerged from qualitative analysis and highlighted the participants’ need for information and support, specially scheduled at critical times in the treatment trajectory: the diagnostic phase, the treatment phase and the life after treatment. They also highlighted the need for empathy and interest from healthcare professionals and highlighted the need for arenas to discuss vulnerable topics. Contact with peers was perceived as supportive and encouraging. Conclusion Healthcare professionals must support prostate cancer survivors with empathy, interest and information tailored to their needs in three different phases. Continuity in information flow may increase trust and satisfaction among the prostate cancer survivors. Relevance to clinical practice PCa patients’ need for information varied at critical times in their treatment trajectory. HCP should meet them with empathy and interest to be able to tailor their need for information and support.publishedVersio

    Segregation of chromosome arms in growing and non-growing <i>Escherichia coli </i>cells

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    In slow-growing Escherichia coli cells the chromosome is organized with its left (L) and right (R) arms lying separated in opposite halves of the nucleoid and with the origin (O) in-between, giving the pattern L-O-R. During replication one of the arms has to pass the other to obtain the same organization in the daughter cells: L-O-R L-O-R. To determine the movement of arms during segregation six strains were constructed carrying three coloured loci: the left and right arms were labeled with red and cyan fluorescent-proteins, respectively, on loci symmetrically positioned at different distances from the central origin, which was labeled with green-fluorescent protein. In non-replicating cells with the predominant spot pattern L-O-R, initiation of replication first resulted in a L-O-O-R pattern, soon changing to O-L-R-O. After replication of the arms the predominant spot patterns were, L-O-R L-O-R, O-R-L R-O-L or O-L-R L-O-R indicating that one or both arms passed an origin and the other arm. To study the driving force for these movements cell growth was inhibited with rifampicin allowing run-off DNA synthesis. Similar spot patterns were obtained in growing and non-growing cells, indicating that the movement of arms is not a growth-sustained process, but may result from DNA synthesis itself. The distances between loci on different arms (LR-distances) and between duplicated loci (LL- or RR-distances) as a function of their distance from the origin, indicate that in slow-growing cells DNA is organized according to the so-called sausage model and not accordingto the doughnut model

    Centre for Dynamics Measurements

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