44 research outputs found

    Digital Transformation in companies: Invoice processing as a document manager

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    Treballs Finals del Grau de d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020 , Tutor: Joaquín Turmo Garuz[eng] This thesis aims to analyze the importance of digitalization in companies, how it has forced us to change our habits and become more efficient. In particular, I would like to focus on the automation of document management, a very routine task in any organization that can be greatly improved by this digital transformation. The amount of information generated by today's companies is growing exponentially and the old storage systems have too many shortcomings. For this reason, in recent years, document managers, software programmed to perform the most routine and expensive tasks, are becoming an increasingly important part of business. To carry out this study, I decided to target the accounting department in order to determine the degree of effectiveness of a specific document manager: invoice processing[spa] La digitalización es algo que nos caracteriza como sociedad hoy en día y, pese a que muchos la tenemos muy interiorizada, hay muchos casos en los que cuesta hacer este cambio de lo analógico a lo digital. Esto mismo pasa en muchas empresas, y es por ello mi interés en estudiar cómo afecta la transformación digital en éstas. Al tratarse de un tema muy amplio que abarca diversos conocimientos, he querido centrarme en la parte más relacionada con mis estudios; la gestión documental. Hoy en día, la cantidad de información generada por las empresas está creciendo exponencialmente al mismo tiempo que la urgencia con la que queremos disponer de dicha información y los antiguos sistemas de procesamiento y almacenamiento de toda esta documentación tienen demasiadas deficiencias. Vivimos en un mundo en el que cada segundo cuenta, por lo que la automatización nos ayuda a aprovechar al máximo nuestros recursos. Por este motivo, en los últimos años, se han hecho muy populares en España los gestores documentales, softwares programados para realizar las tareas más rutinarias y costosas. Éstos son aplicables a cualquier sector, negocio o empresa, e incluso, dentro de las empresas, en cualquier departamento. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, me he centrado en el departamento de contabilidad, para poder precisar el grado de efectividad de un gestor documental en concreto: procesamiento de facturas. El principal objetivo ha sido ver qué tan eficiente puede ser para una empresa tomar consciencia de esta transformación digital e implementar este software para hacer frente a la gestión de las facturas. Para contestar a esta cuestión, he estudiado un caso práctico; el de Volkswagen Financial Services, la entidad financiera del Grupo Volkswagen en España. Con datos reales de esta empresa, he podido llevar a cabo un análisis de lo que supone realizar este proceso de la manera tradicional y compararlo con la implementación de este gestor documental, siendo posible así ver a partir de qué volumen de facturas es viable esta inversión y las ventajas que una empresa puede llegar a obtener. Este trabajo ha sido realizado durante la pandemia mundial provocada por el virus Covid-19 y esto, aunque haya hecho que mis recursos hayan sido limitados y haya dificultado partes del análisis, también me ha hecho dar cuenta de la importancia que tiene la transformación digital en las empresas. En estos meses dónde mucha gente ha tenido que teletrabajar, se ha visto qué empresas presentaban infraestructuras necesarias para poder llevar a cabo este teletrabajo de manera satisfactoria y qué empresas, por el contrario, han carecido de sistemas y programas informáticos, no pudiendo realizar el 100% de su trabajo al no estar en la oficina con todos los documentos físicos presentes. Esto me hace pensar que, después de pasar por esta situación, muchos negocios se han de plantear una nueva forma de trabajar, viendo la eficiencia que puede traer la implementación de estos gestores documentales

    Frequency domain modelling of a coupled system of floating structure and mooring Lines: An application to a wave energy converter

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    Floating structures for single offshore renewable energy devices, i.e. wave energy converters, tend to be significantly smaller than those of the traditional offshore industry and the interaction between floater motions and mooring line dynamics become important. Installation sites are generally subject to powerful waves and currents experiencing more dynamically excited motions. Water depths are also lower, ranging generally from 50 m to 200 m and mooring systems are to be designed to assure the station keeping of them while not interfering with the power conversion. However, floater motions may induce large dynamic tensions on mooring lines, making quasistatic analyses inaccurate in terms of design tension while non-linear time domain simulations too time consuming. This paper introduces a numerical model of lumped mass for mooring lines and rigid body motions for the floating structure coupled by means of kinematic relations, and its subsequent linearization, which is solved in the frequency domain. The linearized model is applied to a two-body floating spar type oscillating water column, subject to the 36 most occurrent sea states at the BIMEP site. Its accuracy is verified through a comparison with the equivalent time domain simulation and a review of the results and its limitations are also pointed out

    Actividades desarrolladas en el área administrativa de establecimiento Doña Julia S. A.

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    Establecimiento Doña Julia SA, empresa agropecuaria dedicada a la agricultura extensiva y a la ganadería de ciclo completo. Sobre esta última actividad profesional, me baso para realizar esa presentación.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Actividades desarrolladas en el área administrativa de establecimiento Doña Julia S. A.

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    Establecimiento Doña Julia SA, empresa agropecuaria dedicada a la agricultura extensiva y a la ganadería de ciclo completo. Sobre esta última actividad profesional, me baso para realizar esa presentación.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    A comparison of numerical approaches for the design of mooring systems for wave energy converters

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    This paper analyses the numerical outcome of applying three different well-known mooring design approaches to a floating wave energy converter, moored by means of four catenary lines. The approaches include: a linearized frequency domain based on a quasistatic model of the mooring lines, a time domain approach coupled with an analytic catenary model of the mooring system, and a fully coupled non-linear time domain approach, considering lines' drag and inertia forces. Simulations have been carried out based on a set of realistic combinations of lines pretension and linear mass, subject to extreme environmental conditions. Obtained results provide realistic cost and performance indicators, presenting a comparison in terms of total mooring mass and required footprint, as well as the design line tension and structure offset. It has been found that lines' viscous forces influence significantly the performance of the structure with high pretensions, i.e., >1.2, while there is acceptable agreement between the modelling approaches with lower pretensions. Line tensions are significantly influenced by drag and inertia forces because of the occurrence of snap loads due to the heaving of the floater. However, the frequency domain approach provides an insight towards the optimal design of the mooring system for preliminary designs

    Actividades desarrolladas en el área administrativa de establecimiento Doña Julia S. A.

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    Establecimiento Doña Julia SA, empresa agropecuaria dedicada a la agricultura extensiva y a la ganadería de ciclo completo. Sobre esta última actividad profesional, me baso para realizar esa presentación.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Small scale experimental validation of a numerical model of the HarshLab2.0 floating platform coupled with a non-linear lumped mass catenary mooring system

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    When focusing on mooring system numerical modelling, the efforts are focused on validating models that increase the accuracy and maintain the computation time under reasonable limits. In this paper an approach for modelling the interaction among supporting structure and mooring system is introduced through kinematic relations. The proposed approach has been validated with the experimental wave tank 1:13.6 scaled data of the HarshLab 2.0 platform, a CALM type buoy moored with a three-line catenary system and used as a floating laboratory for materials and corrosion testing, to be installed at BiMEP. The drag forces of the buoy as well as the Morison coefficients of the heave-pitch coupling, induced by the attached structure for ships boat landing, have been identified. Results of the mooring line tensions are validated with imposed displacements of the structure and, subsequently, with coupled simulations of the moored buoy in a set of realistic sea states. Sources of differences on the estimation of line tensions are found to be mainly due to uncertainties of seabed friction forces, a high sensitivity of line tensions to small swaying and a poor pitching performance of the numerical model, very likely due to a very non-linear pitching of the physical model

    Numerical investigation of the aerodynamic performance for a Wells-type turbine in a wave energy converter

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    Ocean waves constitute an extensive energy resource, whose extraction has been the subject of intense research activity in the last three decades. Among the different variants of Wave Energy Converters, the principle of the Oscillating Water Col- umn (OWC) is one of the most promising ones. An OWC comprises two key elements: a collector chamber, which transfers the wave oscillations’ energy to the air within the chamber by back and forth displacement, and a power take off system, which converts the pneumatic power into electricity or some other usable form. The Wells turbine is a self-rectifying air turbine, a suitable solution for energy extraction from reciprocating air flow in an OWC. In the present work, the steady state, inviscid flow in the Wells turbine is investigated by numerical simulations. The relatively novel Virtual Multiple Reference Frame (VMRF) technique is used to account for the rotary motion of the turbine, and the overall performance is compared with results in the literature

    Numerical investigation of the aerodynamic performance for a wells-type turbine in a wave energy converter

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    Ocean waves constitute an extensive energy resource, whose extraction has been the subject of intense research activity in the last three decades. Among the different variants of Wave Energy Converters, the principle of the Oscillating Water Column (OWC) is one of the most promising ones. An OWC comprises two key elements: A collector chamber, which transfers the wave oscillations' energy to the air within the chamber by back and forth displacement, and a power take off system, which converts the pneumatic power into electricity or some other usable form. The Wells turbine is a self-rectifying air turbine, a suitable solution for energy extraction from reciprocating air flow in an OWC. In the present work, the steady state, inviscid flow in the Wells turbine is investigated by numerical simulations. The relatively novel Virtual Multiple Reference Frame (VMRF) technique is used to account for the rotary motion of the turbine, and the overall performance is compared with results in the literature

    Numerical Approaches for Loads and Motions Assessment of Floating WECs Moored by Means of Catenary Mooring Systems

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    Technologies for harvesting offshore renewable energy based on float- ing platforms, such as offshore wind, wave and tidal energies, are currently being developed with the purpose of achieving a competitive cost of energy. The eco- nomic impact of the mooring system is significant within the total cost of such deployments, and large efforts are being carried out to optimize designs. Analysis of mooring systems at early stages generally require a trade-off between quick analysis methods and accuracy to carry out multi-variate sensitivity analyses. Even though the most accurate approaches are based on the non-linear finite ele- ment method in the time domain, these can result in being very time consuming. The most widely used numerical approaches for mooring line load estimates are introduced and discussed in this paper. It is verified that accurate line tension estimates require lines drag and inertia forces to be accounted for. A mooring and floating structure coupled model based on the lumped mass finite element ap- proach is also discussed, and it is confirmed that the differences found in the coupled numerical model are mainly produced by the uncertainty on hydrody- namic force estimates on the floating structure rather than by the lumped mass method. In order to enable quick line tension estimates, a linearization of the structure and mooring coupled model is discussed. It shows accurate results in operational conditions and enables modal analysis of the coupled system