670 research outputs found

    New Deal murals in Kentucky post offices.

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    This dissertation takes a primarily art historical approach to the murals commissioned from 1934 to 1943 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt\u27s administration. This study is confined to the post office murals created for the Commonwealth of Kentucky under the United states Treasury Department\u27s Section of Fine Arts. Many of these paintings were lost or deliberately destroyed when the program was dismantled. Today most of the remaining murals are dirty and· faded and little noticed. Many of the artists have been forgotten. During the Depression years, however, these paintings contributed to local pride, optimism for the future, stronger patriotism, and a sense of community. Since then, the murals have been ignored or denigrated as inferior examples of painting. My thesis is that the murals do have artistic significance. Almost every muralist whose work is still in a Kentucky post office had a solid academic training, many of them in Paris, and a good grasp of the fundamentals of painting. Their work is well worth stylistic analysis and preservation as part of our American heritage


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    Book Review: Social Changes in a Global World by Ulrike Schuerkens

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    Walden University’s social change approach is an essential part of its vision and is transmitted through the academic work and knowledge of its graduates, who are trained to find solutions to critical societal challenges in pursuit of advancing the greater global good. Schuerkens’ Social Changes in a Global World can serve as a compendium for the Walden family and others interested in this topic. The author examines how social transformations and changes are connected to issues of power and political influence; how transformations and changes have been influenced by concepts of modernity, progress, and rationalization; how transformations and changes differ in various contexts and geographical areas. The author explores globalization through both anthropological and sociological lenses along with the distinct journeys of humanity in developing and industrialized nations that are now seemingly merging and sharing commercial and cultural interests. The audience for this book may include academics, higher education practitioners, individuals concerned with global civil society, and political activists

    Title IX, sex ratios, and trends in leadership roles in AIAW Division I institutions

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    The purpose of this investigation was to identify and analyze trends in Title IX’s impact and sex rations of athletic coaches and administrators in AIAW Division I intercollegiate athletic programs. Institutions offering at least one Division I intercollegiate athletic program, as defined by the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW), were chosen as a population. The following problems were investigated for the institutions chosen. The number of women’s athletic activities in 1970-71, 1975-76 and 1980-81. The number and percent of women coaching women’s athletics in 1970-71, 1975-76, and 1980-81. The number and percent of women as athletic administrators in 1970-71, 1975-76 and 1980-81. The possible reasons for any observed changes. The effects of Title IX court cases on women’s athletics. This study investigated the research problems using four formats. They were: 1) a search of AIAW records for women’s intercollegiate athletics, 2) a national survey of all AIAW Division I institutions, 3) personal interviews with executive officers at the AIAW National Office, and with delegates at the 1981 AIAW Delegate Assembly in Detroit, Michigan and 4) a review and abstract of all court cases of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 as it relates to athletics. The first two investigative procedures sought to identify trends in sex ratio changes, which were addressed in problem 1, 2 and 3. The third procedure, the interviews, was to answer problem 4, the possible reasons for any observed changes. The fourth procedure, a Title IX compendium, was aimed at problem number 5. Results of the investigation showed a large increase in the number of athletic activities offered for women throughout the decade. There were also increases in the number of women coaches and administrators for these programs. However, the increase in the number of men coaching and administering women’s programs was much more dramatic. The percentages of male and female coaches for women’s intercollegiate athletics throughout the decade depicts the trend: 1970-71 1975-76 1980-81 Male Coaches 8.6% 24.7% 41.6% Female Coaches 91.4% 75.3% 58.4% The number of women coaching women’s teams continues to increase. However, there is a noticeable trend toward more men coaching. In fact in District 3 of the study, the West Coast, there are already more men coaching intercollegiate Division I athletic activities (39.1% women and 60.9% men) than women. Implications of this study are that men are being selected to coach many of the new women’s teams. Several problems must be addressed: 1) role models, 2) experience as assistant coaches and 3) training for coaches

    Interactive display of 2D and 3D discrete quadrics with controlled topology

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    In this demonstration, we are going to propose an interactive animation of analytically defined discrete conics (quadrics in 2D) and discrete quadrics in 3D. The digitization is performed on the 2D quadratic equation: Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 and the 3D quadric equation Ax2 + By2 + Cz2 + Dxy + Exz + F yz + Gx + Hy + Iz + J = 0.We propose 4 and 8-connected discrete 2D conics (naive and standard discrete conics) defined analytically where the user can see the resulting discrete conic while interacting with the parameters A, B, C, D, E and F. In the same way, we propose 6-separating and tunnel free 3D quadrics (naive and standard 3D quadrics) defined analytically where the user can can interactively modify the parameters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J

    Minimal arithmetic thickness connecting discrete planes

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    International audienceWhile connected arithmetic discrete lines are entirely characterized, only partial results exist for the more general case of arithmetic discrete hyperplanes. In the present paper, we focus on the 33-dimensional case, that is on arithmetic discrete planes. Thanks to arithmetic reductions on a vector \vect{n}, we provide algorithms either to determine whether a given arithmetic discrete plane with \vect{n} as normal vector is connected, or to compute the minimal thickness for which an arithmetic discrete plane with normal vector \vect{n} is connected
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