1,589 research outputs found

    High density QCD with static quarks

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    We study lattice QCD in the limit that the quark mass and chemical potential are simultaneously made large, resulting in a controllable density of quarks which do not move. This is similar in spirit to the quenched approximation for zero density QCD. In this approximation we find that the deconfinement transition seen at zero density becomes a smooth crossover at any nonzero density, and that at low enough temperature chiral symmetry remains broken at all densities.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, uses epsf.sty, postscript figures include

    Hadron Spectrum in QCD with Valence Wilson Fermions and Dynamical Staggered Fermions at $6/g^2=5.6

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    We present an analysis of hadronic spectroscopy for Wilson valence quarks with dynamical staggered fermions at lattice coupling 6/g2=β=5.66/g^2 = \beta=5.6 at sea quark mass amq=0.01am_q=0.01 and 0.025, and of Wilson valence quarks in quenched approximation at β=5.85\beta=5.85 and 5.95, both on 163×3216^3 \times 32 lattices. We make comparisons with our previous results with dynamical staggered fermions at the same parameter values but on 16416^4 lattices doubled in the temporal direction.Comment: 32 page

    Effects of spatial size, lattice doubling and source operator on the hadron spectrum with dynamical staggered quarks

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    We have extended our previous study of the lattice QCD spectrum with 2 flavors of staggered dynamical quarks at 6/g2=5.66/g^2=5.6 and amq=0.025am_q=0.025 and 0.01 to larger lattices, with better statistics and with additional sources for the propagators. The additional sources allowed us to estimate the Δ\Delta mass and to measure the masses of all mesons whose operators are local in time. These mesons show good evidence for flavor symmetry restoration, except for the masses of the Goldstone and non-Goldstone pions. PCAC is observed in that mπ2mqm_\pi^2 \propto m_q, and fπf_\pi is estimated. Use of undoubled lattices removes problems with the pion propagator found in our earlier work. Previously we found a large change in the nucleon mass at a quark mass of amq=0.01am_q=0.01 when we increased the spatial size from 12 to 16. No such effect is observed at the larger quark mass, amq=0.025am_q=0.025. Two kinds of wall source were used, and we have found difficulties in getting consistent results for the nucleon mass between the two sources.Comment: 30 pages PostScript fil

    The intrinsic strangeness and charm of the nucleon using improved staggered fermions

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    We calculate the intrinsic strangeness of the nucleon, - , using the MILC library of improved staggered gauge configurations using the Asqtad and HISQ actions. Additionally, we present a preliminary calculation of the intrinsic charm of the nucleon using the HISQ action with dynamical charm. The calculation is done with a method which incorporates features of both commonly-used methods, the direct evaluation of the three-point function and the application of the Feynman- Hellman theorem. We present an improvement on this method that further reduces the statistical error, and check the result from this hybrid method against the other two methods and find that they are consistent. The values for and found here, together with perturbative results for heavy quarks, show that dark matter scattering through Higgs-like exchange receives roughly equal contributions from all heavy quark flavors.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Nature of segregation of reactants in diffusion controlled A+B reactions: Role of mobility in forming compact clusters

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    We investigate the A+B=0 bimolecular chemical reaction taking place in low-dimensional spaces when the mobilities of the two reacting species are not equal. While the case of different reactant mobilities has been previously reported as not affecting the scaling of the reactant densities with time, but only the pre-exponential factor, the mechanism for this had not been explained before. By using Monte-Carlo simulations we show that the nature of segregation is very different when compared to the normal case of equal reactant mobilities. The clusters of the mobile species are statistically homogeneous and randomly distributed in space, but the clusters of the less mobile species are much more compact and restricted in space. Due to the asymmetric mobilities, the initial symmetric random density fluctuations in time turn into asymmetric density fluctuations. We explain this trend by calculating the correlation functions for the positions of particles for the several different cases

    Roughness and multiscaling of planar crack fronts

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    We consider numerically the roughness of a planar crack front within the long-range elastic string model, with a tunable disorder correlation length ξ\xi. The problem is shown to have two important length scales, ξ\xi and the Larkin length LcL_c. Multiscaling of the crack front is observed for scales below ξ\xi, provided that the disorder is strong enough. The asymptotic scaling with a roughness exponent ζ0.39\zeta \approx 0.39 is recovered for scales larger than both ξ\xi and LcL_c. If Lc>ξL_c > \xi, these regimes are separated by a third regime characterized by the Larkin exponent ζL0.5\zeta_L \approx 0.5. We discuss the experimental implications of our results.Comment: 8 pages, two figure

    Fracture Roughness Scaling: a case study on planar cracks

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    Using a multi-resolution technique, we analyze large in-plane fracture fronts moving slowly between two sintered Plexiglas plates. We find that the roughness of the front exhibits two distinct regimes separated by a crossover length scale δ\delta^*. Below δ\delta^*, we observe a multi-affine regime and the measured roughness exponent ζ=0.60±0.05\zeta_{\parallel}^{-} = 0.60\pm 0.05 is in agreement with the coalescence model. Above δ\delta^*, the fronts are mono-affine, characterized by a roughness exponent ζ+=0.35±0.05\zeta_{\parallel}^{+} = 0.35\pm0.05, consistent with the fluctuating line model. We relate the crossover length scale to fluctuations in fracture toughness and the stress intensity factor

    Asymptotic behavior of A + B --> inert for particles with a drift

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    We consider the asymptotic behavior of the (one dimensional) two-species annihilation reaction A + B --> 0, where both species have a uniform drift in the same direction and like species have a hard core exclusion. Extensive numerical simulations show that starting with an initially random distribution of A's and B's at equal concentration the density decays like t^{-1/3} for long times. This process is thus in a different universality class from the cases without drift or with drift in different directions for the different species.Comment: LaTeX, 6pp including 3 figures in LaTeX picture mod