492 research outputs found

    Logical Reduction of Metarules

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    International audienceMany forms of inductive logic programming (ILP) use metarules, second-order Horn clauses, to define the structure of learnable programs and thus the hypothesis space. Deciding which metarules to use for a given learning task is a major open problem and is a trade-off between efficiency and expressivity: the hypothesis space grows given more metarules, so we wish to use fewer metarules, but if we use too few metarules then we lose expressivity. In this paper, we study whether fragments of metarules can be logically reduced to minimal finite subsets. We consider two traditional forms of logical reduction: subsumption and entailment. We also consider a new reduction technique called derivation reduction, which is based on SLD-resolution. We compute reduced sets of metarules for fragments relevant to ILP and theoretically show whether these reduced sets are reductions for more general infinite fragments. We experimentally compare learning with reduced sets of metarules on three domains: Michalski trains, string transformations, and game rules. In general, derivation reduced sets of metarules outperform subsumption and entailment reduced sets, both in terms of predictive accuracies and learning times

    Perspectivas de desarrollo del sistema de transporte en el Mediterráneo

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    Jean-Claude Tourret subratlla la importància de consolidar una xarxa de transports comuns per donar coherència interna al propi Arc Mediterrani. No obstant això, és conscient de les disfuncions existents en la xarxa d'infraestructures situades al llarg del litoral mediterrani occidental, especialment referent al ferrocarril, i de les dificultats polítiques en la concepció unitària de les infraestructures més enllà de l'escala estatal

    A Posthumous Contribution by {Larry Wos}: {E}xcerpts from an Unpublished Column

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    International audienceShortly before Larry Wos passed away, he sent a manuscript for discussion to Sophie Tourret, the editor of the AAR newsletter. We present excerpts from this final manuscript, put it in its historic context and explain its relevance for today’s research in automated reasoning

    Phase-Field Study of Polycrystalline Growth and Texture Selection During Melt Pool Solidification

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    Grain growth competition during solidification determines microstructural features, such as dendritic arm spacings, segregation pattern, and grain texture, which have a key impact on the final mechanical properties. During metal additive manufacturing (AM), these features are highly sensitive to manufacturing conditions, such as laser power and scanning speed. The melt pool (MP) geometry is also expected to have a strong influence on microstructure selection. Here, taking advantage of a computationally efficient multi-GPU implementation of a quantitative phase-field model, we use two-dimensional cross-section simulations of a shrinking MP during metal AM, at the scale of the full MP, in order to explore the resulting mechanisms of grain growth competition and texture selection. We explore MPs of different aspect ratios, different initial (substrate) grain densities, and repeat each simulation several times with different random grain distributions and orientations along the fusion line in order to obtain a statistically relevant picture of grain texture selection mechanisms. Our results show a transition from a weak to a strong ⟨10⟩\langle10\rangle texture when the aspect ratio of the melt pool deviates from unity. This is attributed to the shape and directions of thermal gradients during solidification, and seems more pronounced in the case of wide melt pools than in the case of a deeper one. The texture transition was not found to notably depend upon the initial grain density along the fusion line from which the melt pool solidifies epitaxially

    A Superposition Strategy for Abductive Reasoning in Ground Equational Logic

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    http://www.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/staff/maribel/IWS2012/IWS2012.htmlInternational audienceAn algorithm is presented for generating implicates of sets of ground, flat, equational clauses. It uses a novel representation of the clause sets that takes the properties of the equality predicate into account in order to ease redundancy elimination. The generation of implicates is performed modulo equivalence and is based on an unordered application of the transitivity axiom with delayed equality tests

    An Approach to Abductive Reasoning in Equational Logic

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    http://ijcai.org/papers13/contents.php - Posters: Constraints, Satisfiability, and Search (ijcai13.org)International audienceAbduction has been extensively studied in propositional logic because of its many applications in artificial intelligence. However, its intrinsic complexity has been a limitation to the implementation of abductive reasoning tools in more expressive logics. We have devised such a tool in ground flat equational logic, in which literals are equations or disequations between constants. Our tool is based on the computation of prime implicates. It uses a relaxed paramodulation calculus, designed to generate all prime implicates of a formula, together with a carefully defined data structure storing the implicates and able to efficiently detect, and remove, redundancies. In addition to a detailed description of this method, we present an analysis of some experimental results
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