33 research outputs found

    Policy and Institutional effects on market participation by smallholder rice farmers: case studies in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger

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    Rice sector contributes significantly to secure households with regard to their food needs but also to the creation of employments and income generation. The sector development and its evolution over the years have been marked by various policies and approaches. These development stages of the sector constitute nothing but the impact of the number of factors such as the rice policies put in place. A collaborative multi-country pilot study on policy and institutional arrangements effects on irrigated rice production and commercialization was conducted by WARDA and its country partners of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. In-depth surveys were carried out at both village and household levels to collect qualitative and quantitative data on irrigated rice production, commercialization, and irrigated schemes governance. A common critical constrain cited by the producers in these countries is the commercialization of their product and their inability to take advantage of the market opportunities. Using village and household levels survey data on irrigated rice production and commercialization, this paper attempts to examine the impact of policy and institutional factors in market participation by smallholder rice producers. A farm level supply is estimated using the quantity of rice marketed as the dependant variable and factors such as output and inputs price, and policy and institutional variables as independent ones. The preliminary results indicate that most significant explanatory variable is the average irrigated rice plot (Mali and Niger) and total area of other crops grown by the producer.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Relations/Trade, Labor and Human Capital, Marketing, Production Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Choriocarcinoma with uterine rupture presenting as acute haemoperitoneum and shock

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    Choriocarcinoma is a rare neoplasm and a malignant form of gestational trophoblastic disease. Invasive mole may perforate uterus through the myometrium resulting in uterine perforation and intraperitoneal bleeding. But uterine perforation due to choriocarcinoma is rare. We present a case of a young woman who presented 1 year after uterine evacuation of a molar pregnancy with invasive choriocarcinoma complicated by a uterine rupture and haemoperitoneum

    Détermination De La Dose Optimale D'engrais Minéral 15-15-15 Sur Cinq (05) Variétés De Maïs Doux (Zea Mays L. ssp. saccharata) Au Sénégal

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    The objective of this study is to assess the response of five varieties of sweet maize namely, Prime plus (V1), Shy 1036 (V2), Colombus (V3), GSS (V4), and JKMH-45 (V5) to three different doses of NPK (15-15-15) fertilizer: F1 (normal dose), F2 (75% of the normal dose) and F3 (125% of the normal dose). An experimental design in Fisher blocs with 15 treatments was established at the ISRA/CRA experimental station in Saint Louis (Senegal). The results have shown that 30 days after sowing (DAS), the varieties Colombus, GSS and JKMH-45 have had the highest heights with 32.75 cm, 31.85 cm and 31.46 cm, respectively with the F2 dose. The variety JKMH-45 has a greater height of the upper ear (89.39 cm) at 60 DAS and valorizes better the F2 dose (75% of the normal dose). The F3 dose increases less the plant’s height. A non-significant difference was observed among the 5 varieties used regarding the precocity. The variety V2 or Shy 1036 developed ears at first, but is not precocious compared to the variety V1 that not only shows earlier anthesis but also an appearance of darker hairs. The variety JKMH-45, although presenting darker hairs after the variety Prime plus, is the latest variety, earing at 57 DAS and with male and female anthesis appearing at 59 DAS and 63 DAS. This study can constitute a basic criterion in differentiating the sweet maize varieties in Senegal. It would also allow more financial saving on inputs and contribute to the maximization ofproduction if the choice of the variety is well done

    Different Plasmodium falciparum clearance times in two Malian villages following artesunate monotherapy.

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    BACKGROUND: Artemisinin resistance described as increased parasite clearance time (PCT) is rare in Africa. More sensitive methods such as qPCR might better characterize the clearance phenotype in sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: PCT is explored in Mali using light microscopy and qPCR after artesunate for uncomplicated malaria. In two villages, patients were followed for 28 days. Blood smears and spots were collected respectively for microscopy and qPCR. Parasitemia slope half-life was calculated after microscopy. Patient residual parasitemia were measured by qPCR. RESULTS: Uncorrected adequate clinical and parasitological responses (ACPR) observed in Faladje and Bougoula-Hameau were 78% and 92%, respectively (p=0.01). This reached 100% for both after molecular correction. Proportions of 24H microscopy positive patients in Faladje and Bougoula-Hameau were 97.2% and 72%, respectively (p<0.0001). Slope half-life was 2.8h in Faladje vs 2H in Bougoula-Hameau (p<0.001) and Proportions of 72H patients with residual parasitemia were 68.5% and 40% in Faladje and Bougoula-Hameau, respectively (p=0.003). The mean residual parasitemia was 2.9 in Faladje vs. 0.008 in Bougoula-Hameau (p=0.002). Although artesunate is efficacious in Mali, the longer parasite clearance time with submicroscopic parasitemia observed may represent early signs of developing P. falciparum resistance to artemisinins

    Détermination du débit de filtration glomérulaire au cours de la drépanocytose au Sénégal: Schwartz, Cockcroft et Gault, MDRD, CKD-EPI ou JSCCS ?

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    La détermination du Débit de Filtration Glomérulaire (DFG) est importante chez les drépanocytaires du fait qu’ils constituent un groupe de patients chez lesquels des atteintes rénales sont fréquemment décrites notamment l’hyperfiltration glomérulaire. Dès lors, à une époque où les calculateurs en ligne proposent simultanément différentes formules de détermination du DFG, il serait important d’évaluer au sein d’une population noire africaine drépanocytaire l’équivalence entre ces formules qui ont été développées et validées sur des populations caucasiennes et afro-américaines à DFG normal ou diminué. Ainsi cette étude avait pour but d’évaluer l’interchangeabilité des différentes formules de détermination du DFG en les appliquant à des drépanocytaires. Des enfants et adultes sénégalais drépanocytaires homozygotes ont été alors recrutés et leur DFG calculé. La fréquence de l’hyperfiltration glomérulaire et celle de l’insuffisance rénale ont été calculées à partir des résultats obtenus avec les formules de Schwartz et du CKD-EPI. La concordance des différentes formules a été évaluée avec la méthode Bland-Altman. Au total 56 adultes et 62 enfants ont été inclus dans l’étude. L’insuffisance rénale a été notée chez 1,78% des adultes et 9,68% des enfants ; l’hyperfiltration glomérulaire chez 66,10% des adultes et 25,8% des enfants. Par rapport aux formules de référence (CKD-EPI, Schwartz), tous les biais relevés étaient significativement différents de zéro à l’exception de celui de Cockcroftet Gault qui était statistiquement nul. Les limites de concordance étaient toutes inacceptablement larges par rapport aux limites attendues à l’exception de celles du CKD-EPI sans ajustement sur la race. Ainsi, la formule de Schwartz n’était pas interchangeable avec celle du JSCCS chez les enfants, tout comme celle du CKD-EPI ne l’était pas non plus avec celles du JSCCS, de Cockcroft, du MDRD ou du CKD-EPI sans ajustement sur la race chez les adultes drépanocytaires. &nbsp; English title: Determination of glomerular filtration rate in sickle cell disease in Senegal: Schwartz, Cockcroft and Gault, MDRD, CKD-EPI or JSCCS? Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is important in patients living with sickle cell disease (SCD) because they constitute a group of patients where kidney dysfunction is frequently described, in particular glomerular hyperfiltration. Therefore, at a time when online calculators simultaneously propose different formulas to estimate GFR, it would be important to evaluate in a black African population living with SCD the equivalence between these formulas which have been developed and validated on Caucasian and African American populations with normal or decreased GFR. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate interchangeability of different GFR formulas in a group of patients living with SCD. Homozygous Senegalese sickle cell children and adults were then recruited and their GFR computed using Schwartz and JSCCS in children, Cockcroft and Gault, CKD-EPI with and without adjustment for ethnicity, MDRD and JSCCS formulas in adults. The frequency of glomerular hyperfiltration and renal failure was computed based on the results generated using Schwartz and CKD-EPI formulas. The agreement between formulas was assessed with BlandAltman method. A total of 56 adults and 62 children were included in this study. Renal failure was observed in 1.78% of adults and 9.68% of children; glomerular hyperfiltration in 66.10% of adults and 25.8% of children. Compared with reference formulas (CKD-EPI, Schwartz), all biases found were significantly different from zero except for Cockcroft and Gault formula bias, which was statistically zero. The limits of agreement were all unacceptably wide compared with the expected limits with the exception of CKD-EPI without adjustment for ethnicity. Thus, Schwartz formula would not be interchangeable with JSCCS formula in children, nor was the CKD-EPI formula interchangeable with the JSCCS, Cockcroft and Gault, MDRD or CKD-EPI without adjustment for ethnicity formulas in adults living with sickle cell anemia

    Microscopic Analysis and Quality Assessment of Induced Sputum From Children With Pneumonia in the PERCH Study.

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    BACKGROUND.: It is standard practice for laboratories to assess the cellular quality of expectorated sputum specimens to check that they originated from the lower respiratory tract. The presence of low numbers of squamous epithelial cells (SECs) and high numbers of polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells are regarded as indicative of a lower respiratory tract specimen. However, these quality ratings have never been evaluated for induced sputum specimens from children with suspected pneumonia. METHODS.: We evaluated induced sputum Gram stain smears and cultures from hospitalized children aged 1-59 months enrolled in a large study of community-acquired pneumonia. We hypothesized that a specimen representative of the lower respiratory tract will contain smaller quantities of oropharyngeal flora and be more likely to have a predominance of potential pathogens compared to a specimen containing mainly saliva. The prevalence of potential pathogens cultured from induced sputum specimens and quantity of oropharyngeal flora were compared for different quantities of SECs and PMNs. RESULTS.: Of 3772 induced sputum specimens, 2608 (69%) had 25 PMNs per LPF, measures traditionally associated with specimens from the lower respiratory tract in adults. Using isolation of low quantities of oropharyngeal flora and higher prevalence of potential pathogens as markers of higher quality, 25 PMNs per LPF) was the microscopic variable most associated with high quality of induced sputum. CONCLUSIONS.: Quantity of SECs may be a useful quality measure of induced sputum from young children with pneumonia

    Standardization of Laboratory Methods for the PERCH Study.

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    The Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health study was conducted across 7 diverse research sites and relied on standardized clinical and laboratory methods for the accurate and meaningful interpretation of pneumonia etiology data. Blood, respiratory specimens, and urine were collected from children aged 1-59 months hospitalized with severe or very severe pneumonia and community controls of the same age without severe pneumonia and were tested with an extensive array of laboratory diagnostic tests. A standardized testing algorithm and standard operating procedures were applied across all study sites. Site laboratories received uniform training, equipment, and reagents for core testing methods. Standardization was further assured by routine teleconferences, in-person meetings, site monitoring visits, and internal and external quality assurance testing. Targeted confirmatory testing and testing by specialized assays were done at a central reference laboratory

    Standardization of laboratory methods for the PERCH study

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    The Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health study was conducted across diverse research sites and relied on standardized clinical and laboratory methods for the accurate and meaningful interpretation of pneumonia etiology data. Blood, respiratory specimens, and urine were collected from children aged 1-5months hospitalized with severe or very severe pneumonia and community controls of the same age without severe pneumonia and were tested with an extensive array of laboratory diagnostic tests. A standardized testing algorithm and standard operating procedures were applied across all study sites. Site laboratories received uniform training, equipment, and reagents for core testing methods. Standardization was further assured by routine teleconferences, in-person meetings, site monitoring visits, and internal

    Causes of severe pneumonia requiring hospital admission in children without HIV infection from Africa and Asia: the PERCH multi-country case-control study

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    Background Pneumonia is the leading cause of death among children younger than 5 years. In this study, we estimated causes of pneumonia in young African and Asian children, using novel analytical methods applied to clinical and microbiological findings. Methods We did a multi-site, international case-control study in nine study sites in seven countries: Bangladesh, The Gambia, Kenya, Mali, South Africa, Thailand, and Zambia. All sites enrolled in the study for 24 months. Cases were children aged 1–59 months admitted to hospital with severe pneumonia. Controls were age-group-matched children randomly selected from communities surrounding study sites. Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal (NP-OP), urine, blood, induced sputum, lung aspirate, pleural fluid, and gastric aspirates were tested with cultures, multiplex PCR, or both. Primary analyses were restricted to cases without HIV infection and with abnormal chest x-rays and to controls without HIV infection. We applied a Bayesian, partial latent class analysis to estimate probabilities of aetiological agents at the individual and population level, incorporating case and control data. Findings Between Aug 15, 2011, and Jan 30, 2014, we enrolled 4232 cases and 5119 community controls. The primary analysis group was comprised of 1769 (41·8% of 4232) cases without HIV infection and with positive chest x-rays and 5102 (99·7% of 5119) community controls without HIV infection. Wheezing was present in 555 (31·7%) of 1752 cases (range by site 10·6–97·3%). 30-day case-fatality ratio was 6·4% (114 of 1769 cases). Blood cultures were positive in 56 (3·2%) of 1749 cases, and Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most common bacteria isolated (19 [33·9%] of 56). Almost all cases (98·9%) and controls (98·0%) had at least one pathogen detected by PCR in the NP-OP specimen. The detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza virus, human metapneumovirus, influenza virus, S pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), H influenzae non-type b, and Pneumocystis jirovecii in NP-OP specimens was associated with case status. The aetiology analysis estimated that viruses accounted for 61·4% (95% credible interval [CrI] 57·3–65·6) of causes, whereas bacteria accounted for 27·3% (23·3–31·6) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis for 5·9% (3·9–8·3). Viruses were less common (54·5%, 95% CrI 47·4–61·5 vs 68·0%, 62·7–72·7) and bacteria more common (33·7%, 27·2–40·8 vs 22·8%, 18·3–27·6) in very severe pneumonia cases than in severe cases. RSV had the greatest aetiological fraction (31·1%, 95% CrI 28·4–34·2) of all pathogens. Human rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus A or B, human parainfluenza virus, S pneumoniae, M tuberculosis, and H influenzae each accounted for 5% or more of the aetiological distribution. We observed differences in aetiological fraction by age for Bordetella pertussis, parainfluenza types 1 and 3, parechovirus–enterovirus, P jirovecii, RSV, rhinovirus, Staphylococcus aureus, and S pneumoniae, and differences by severity for RSV, S aureus, S pneumoniae, and parainfluenza type 3. The leading ten pathogens of each site accounted for 79% or more of the site's aetiological fraction. Interpretation In our study, a small set of pathogens accounted for most cases of pneumonia requiring hospital admission. Preventing and treating a subset of pathogens could substantially affect childhood pneumonia outcomes