211 research outputs found

    Common interests, private gains: a study of co-operative floodplain aquaculture

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    In recent years a number of floodplain aquaculture projects have sprung up in the Daudkandi area of Comilla District. Key to this development are a number of unique organisational and financing arrangements which facilitate the development of necessary infrastructure through issuing shares to farmers who have land in the targeted floodplain area. In February 2007, a short review was carried out to better understand how floodplain aquaculture was affecting a range of local social, economic and environmental issues.Fishery management, Flood plains, Aquaculture

    Domestic Violence Against Women: Its Determinants and Implications for Gender Resource Allocation

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    Using data from a survey of Bangladeshi households, this paper explores the determinants of domestic violence against women as well as its implications for the resources allocated to women. The findings reveal that higher education of women and that of their husbands, and better socioeconomic status of households are crucial in reducing the risk of violence, while, contrary to general perceptions, women?s involvement in income generating activities and participation in NGO programmes do not have any similar effects. When resources allocated to women with and without the experiences of domestic violence are compared, no statistically significant difference between the mean calories consumed by the two groups can be found. However, there is robust evidence of women subject to domestic violence receiving significantly lower calories from the preferred food items such as, fish, meat, eggs, drinks and dairy products. Furthermore, this group of women is allocated significantly lower amounts of household food and non-food expenses compared to their counterparts who do not report domestic violence against them.domestic violence, intra-household distribution, Bangladesh

    Does Women?s Status Matter for Food Security? Evidence from Bangladesh

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    Using data from a survey of Bangladeshi households, this paper investigates the link between female status and food security. Employing three different indicators of female status ? husband?s and wife?s assets brought at marriage, female share of household income and a composite index of women empowerment, the paper finds evidence of women?s status influencing food security. By raising the level of food security for some disadvantaged women?s groups female status is also found to be instrumental in mitigating the extent of gender-based within-household discrimination. The findings reveal that inferences drawn about food security by observing the changes in various non-food budget shares could be misleading or overemphasized.food security, women?s status, intra-household distribution, gender discrimination, Bangladesh


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    The analysis of retinal vasculature in digital fundus images is important for diagnosing eye related diseases. However, digital colour fundus images suffer from low and varied contrast, and are also affected by noise, requiring the use of fundus angiogram modality. The Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram (FFA) modality gives 5 to 6 time’s higher contrast. However, FFA is an invasive method that requires contrast agents to be injected and this can lead other physiological problems. A reported digital image enhancement technique named RETICA that combines Retinex and ICA (Independent Component Analysis) techniques, reduces varied contrast, and enhances the low contrast blood vessels of model fundus images

    Majority Rule: better patching via Self-Consistency

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    Large Language models (LLMs) can be induced to solve non-trivial problems with "few-shot" prompts including illustrative problem-solution examples. Now if the few-shots also include "chain of thought" (CoT) explanations, which are of the form problem-explanation-solution, LLMs will generate a "explained" solution, and perform even better. Recently an exciting, substantially better technique, self-consistency [1] (S-C) has emerged, based on the intuition that there are many plausible explanations for the right solution; when the LLM is sampled repeatedly to generate a pool of explanation-solution pairs, for a given problem, the most frequently occurring solutions in the pool (ignoring the explanations) tend to be even more likely to be correct! Unfortunately, the use of this highly-performant S-C (or even CoT) approach in software engineering settings is hampered by the lack of explanations; most software datasets lack explanations. In this paper, we describe an application of the S-C approach to program repair, using the commit log on the fix as the explanation, only in the illustrative few-shots. We achieve state-of-the art results, beating previous approaches to prompting-based program repair, on the MODIT dataset; we also find evidence suggesting that the correct commit messages are helping the LLM learn to produce better patches

    The context specific factors affecting women empowerment and empowerment's implications for resource allocation, awareness and fertility: an econometric analysis

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    Using data from a survey of Bangladeshi households, this paper constructs an index of women empowerment and explores both the determinants of empowerment of married women and the impacts that empowerment has on various aspects of a woman's life. The findings reveal that female education, her involvement in income generating activities (both formal and informal) and the structure of the household (unit or extended) are important determinants. As regards the impacts of empowerment on the female's life, the paper finds that empowerment affects her food intake and expenditure patterns in quantitative and qualitative terms - it positively impacts women's nutritional status and health care and confers positive impacts on taking family planning measures. Also empowered women’s behavior is less discriminating when it comes to serving food among family members

    India's Tipaimukh dam and Bangladesh's policy response: an analysis

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    India has undertaken the Tipaimukh project on the Barak River. This river is very important for the north-eastern region of the country. Once built, this project will have various adverse impacts on Bangladesh. Though India has repeatedly said that she will not do anything that is damaging for Bangladesh, the project has only been deferred temporarily. This paper analyzes all the policy alternatives that Bangladesh has at her disposal and argues that the only feasible option that the country has is to ask India for the closure of the project

    Inventaire des variétés, des méthodes locales de stockage et de protection contre les ravageurs de la patate douce (Ipomea batatas L.) dans la bande Ouest du Niger

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    La patate douce (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) est une culture de subsistance par excellence en Afrique. Comme aliment de soudure, elle joue un rĂŽle majeur dans plusieurs mĂ©nages tant urbains que ruraux et sa consommation par habitant est d’environ 84 kg/an. A cet effet, la valorisation de cette culture reprĂ©sente une des meilleures alternatives pour assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire d’une population en constante croissance et Ă©galement face Ă  la baisse de la production des cultures vivriĂšres comme le mil, sorgho ou le blĂ©. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une meilleure connaissance de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique et la maĂźtrise des problĂšmes phytosanitaires s’avĂšre plus que primordiales. Pour cela, des enquĂȘtes ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es auprĂšs des producteurs des principales zones de culture en vue d’inventorier les variĂ©tĂ©s couramment utilisĂ©es et les connaissances locales en matiĂšre de stockage et de maĂźtrise des problĂšmes phytosanitaires de cette plante. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont permis de montrer qu’une diversitĂ© de variĂ©tĂ©s de patate douce est cultivĂ©e au Niger. Cependant, le nombre de variĂ©tĂ©s locales utilisĂ©es dĂ©pend de la zone d’étude. C’est ainsi que dans la zone d’Ayorou, huit (8) variĂ©tĂ©s de patate douce ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es contre douze (12) Ă  Balleyara et seize (16) dans la zone de Bengou. Pour lutter contre les ennemis de la culture, les producteurs pratiquent la mĂ©thode chimique avec une utilisation abusive de pesticides chimiques qui reprĂ©sentent un danger pour l’environnement. Plusieurs mĂ©thodes locales de stockage sont aussi utilisĂ©es pour la conservation des tubercules de patate douce (Stockage Ă  l’ombre des arbres, la conservation sur pied, conservation dans de grenier) mais avec des rĂ©sultats non satisfaisants car les pertes liĂ©es au stockage des tubercules restent trĂšs Ă©levĂ©es.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: patate douce, diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique, connaissances locales, mĂ©thodes de lutte, mĂ©thodes de stockage, Niger
