13 research outputs found

    Cardiac thromboxane A2 receptor activation does not directly induce cardiomyocyte hypertrophy but does cause cell death that is prevented with gentamicin and 2-APB

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    Abstract Background We have previously shown that the thromboxane (TXA2) receptor agonist, U46619, can directly induce ventricular arrhythmias that were associated with increases in intracellular calcium in cardiomyocytes. Since TXA2 is an inflammatory mediator and induces direct calcium changes in cardiomyocytes, we hypothesized that TXA2 released during ischemia or inflammation could also cause cardiac remodeling. Methods U46619 (0.1-10 μM) was applied to isolated adult mouse ventricular primary cardiomyocytes, mouse ventricular cardiac muscle strips, and cultured HL-1 cardiomyocytes and markers of hypertrophy and cell death were measured. Results We found that TXA2 receptors were expressed in ventricular cardiomyocytes and were functional via calcium imaging. U46619 treatment for 24 h did not increase expression of pathological hypertrophy genes (atrial natriuretic peptide, β-myosin heavy chain, skeletal muscle α-actin) and it did not increase protein synthesis. There was also no increase in cardiomyocyte size after 48 h treatment with U46619 as measured by flow cytometry. However, U46619 (0.1-10 μM) caused a concentration-dependent increase in cardiomyocyte death (trypan blue, MTT assays, visual cell counts and TUNEL stain) after 24 h. Treatment of cells with the TXA2 receptor antagonist SQ29548 and inhibitors of the IP3 pathway, gentamicin and 2-APB, eliminated the increase in cell death induced by U46619. Conclusions Our data suggests that TXA2 does not induce cardiac hypertrophy, but does induce cell death that is mediated in part by IP3 signaling pathways. These findings may provide important therapeutic targets for inflammatory-induced cardiac apoptosis that can lead to heart failure.Peer Reviewe

    Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 Does Not Directly Influence Skeletal Muscle Cell Proliferation and Differentiation or Ex Vivo Muscle Contractility

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    Skeletal muscle dysfunction accompanies the clinical disorders of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets. In both disorders, fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), a bone-derived hormone regulating phosphate and vitamin D metabolism, becomes chronically elevated. FGF23 has been shown to play a direct role in cardiac muscle dysfunction; however, it is unknown whether FGF23 signaling can also directly induce skeletal muscle dysfunction. We found expression of potential FGF23 receptors ( Fgfr1-4) and α-Klotho in muscles of two animal models (CD-1 and Cy/+ rat, a naturally occurring rat model of chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder) as well as C2C12 myoblasts and myotubes. C2C12 proliferation, myogenic gene expression, oxidative stress marker 8-OHdG, intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i), and ex vivo contractility of extensor digitorum longus (EDL) or soleus muscles were assessed after treatment with various amounts of FGF23. FGF23 (2-100 ng/ml) did not alter C2C12 proliferation, expression of myogenic genes, or oxidative stress after 24- to 72-h treatment. Acute or prolonged FGF23 treatment up to 6 days did not alter C2C12 [Ca2+]i handling, nor did acute treatment with FGF23 (9-100 ng/ml) affect EDL and soleus muscle contractility. In conclusion, although skeletal muscles express the receptors involved in FGF23-mediated signaling, in vitro FGF23 treatments failed to directly alter skeletal muscle development or function under the conditions tested. We hypothesize that other endogenous substances may be required to act in concert with FGF23 or apart from FGF23 to promote muscle dysfunction in hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets and CKD

    Hyperthermia Induces Functional and Molecular Modifications in Cardiac, Smooth and Skeletal Muscle Cells

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    Comparative Medicine - OneHealth and Comparative Medicine Poster SessionHyperthermia is used for the treatment of a number of diseases, including muscle injuries, inflammations, tendinitis, and osteoarticular disorder. More recently, hyperthermia has been used as an adjuvant in cancer treatment. Only two studies have shown that hyperthermia leads to hypertrophy in in-vitro models of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells. Functional, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of hyperthermia-induced hypertrophy in muscles remain largely undiscovered. We investigated the effects of mild heat shock (HS) on C2C12 skeletal, HL-1 cardiac and AR-75 smooth muscle cells. Mild HS (20 min 43ºC) induced increases in the cell area in all muscle cells tested. C2C12 cells are a well-accepted model of skeletal muscle fibers, and were selected for complementary studies. First, to biochemically confirm an increase in protein synthesis we measured and found an increase of ~6% in total protein content 24 hrs after HS. Second, we examined potential modifications in calcium (Ca) homeostasis regulation by measuring intracellular Ca. We detected a lower resting level of intracellular Ca and smaller and longer caffeine-induced Ca transients in C2C12 muscle cells 24 hrs after HS. Next, to search for molecular mechanisms involved with HS-induced hypertrophy and calcium homeostasis modifications, mRNA from C2C12 muscle cells was analyzed at different time points after HS (0, 1, 2, and 24 hrs). We used an ABI Step One Plus RT2 PCR Array System and a custom-built 96 gene array. We report for the first time that the expression of key heat-shock, hypertrophy/ metabolic, and Ca+2 signaling genes were altered after HS. Hsp70 and Hsp72 genes were highly expressed (211-1829 fold change) after HS. Also, Myh7 (MHC-I), Myh6, Srf, Ppp3r1 and Pck1 were up-regulated by 2-6 fold change compared with control cells.. Furthermore, a reduction in the expression of RyR and Trdn genes was observed (2- 3.6 fold change) with an associated increase in the expression of IP3R genes (2-4 fold change). These results indicate that hyperthermia modulates not only heat-shock related and hypertrophy genes, but also genes involved with metabolism, apoptosis repression, calcium homeostasis and signaling, and cell homeostasis. Our studies offer an initial exploration of the functional, biochemical and molecular mechanisms that may help explain the beneficially adaptive effects of hyperthermia on muscle function. Our studies shall also prove useful for the refinement of a specific device (EM-Stim) to be employed for the treatment of muscle and bone diseases (See poster by Hatem et al). Importantly, our studies have potential translational applications. By learning how to more precisely use hyperthermia to control specific genes that can improve or treat muscle injuries, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular diseases, the ensuing benefits shall be unmistakable. Our short and long-term goals are: i) optimize our protocols; ii) test HS in animal models; iii) manipulate expression of promising genes of interest in vitro and in in-vivo animal models; iv) initiate clinical studies to fully translate from the bench to the bed-side


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    Training alterations in elite cyclists may cause transient changes in glomerular filtration rate. To these authors' knowledge, no biochemical investigation of chronic renal function in athletes during a training cycle exists. The purpose of the present archival study was to evaluate the effects of training on homeostatic renal function, evaluated predicted glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Eight male competitive college cyclists (mean ± SD: age: 22.2 ± 3.8 yrs, height: 1.80 ± 0.06 m, mass: 76.6 ± 7.9 kg, and body fat was 7 ± 2%) volunteered to undergo 12 weeks of training, and were required to undergo blood sampling at timed intervals to calculate GFR. Homeostatic GFR was altered significantly during various points in the investigation. Volume and average cycling speed were found to have moderate correlations to alterations in GFR. In addition to these findings, 7 of the 8 subjects had GFR's below normal physiological ranges during some point in the experiment. The duration, intensity, and volume of cycling appear to have an influence on renal function. This influence is pronounced during periods when the athletes are unaccustomed to the training load

    Acute heat treatment improves insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in aged skeletal muscle

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    Aging is associated with insulin resistance and decreased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake into skeletal muscle. Although the mechanisms underlying age-related insulin resistance are not clearly defined, impaired defense against inflammation and tissue oxidative stress are likely causes. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) have been shown to protect tissue from oxidative stress and inhibit the activation of stress kinases such as JNK, known to interfere with the insulin signaling pathway. While the induction of HSPs via chronic heat treatment has been shown to protect skeletal muscle from obesity-related insulin resistance, the ability of heat treatment to improve insulin action in aged skeletal muscle is not known. In the present study, one bout of in vivo heat treatment applied to 24-mo-old Fischer 344 rats improved insulin-stimulated glucose uptake after 24 h in slow-twitch soleus muscles. In vitro heat treatment applied to young (3-mo-old) and aged (24-mo-old) soleus muscles increased expression of HSP72 and inhibited anisomycin-induced activation of JNK. In contrast, heat treatment had no effect on p38 MAPK, a MAPK strongly activated with anisomycin. Prior inhibition of HSP72 transcription with the pharmacological inhibitor KNK437 eliminated the ability of heat treatment to blunt JNK activation. This suggests that the ability of heat treatment to inhibit JNK activation in skeletal muscle is dependent on increased HSP72 expression. In conclusion, an acute bout of heat treatment can increase insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in aged skeletal muscle, with the underlying mechanism likely to be HSP72-mediated JNK inhibition

    Skeletal muscle, but not cardiovascular function, is altered in a mouse model of autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets

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    Autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets (ARHR) is a heritable disorder characterized by hypophosphatemia, osteomalacia, and poor bone development. ARHR results from inactivating mutations in the DMP1 gene with the human phenotype being recapitulated in the Dmp1 null mouse model which displays elevated plasma fibroblast growth factor 23. While the bone phenotype has been well characterized, it is not known what effects ARHR may also have on skeletal, cardiac, or vascular smooth muscle function, which is critical to understand to treat patients suffering from this condition. In this study, the extensor digitorum longus (EDL- fast-twitch muscle), soleus (SOL- slow-twitch muscle), heart, and aorta were removed from Dmp1 null mice and ex-vivo functional tests were simultaneously performed in collaboration by three different laboratories. Dmp1 null EDL and SOL muscles produced less force than wildtype muscles after normalization for physiological cross sectional area of the muscles. Both EDL and SOL muscles from Dmp1 null mice also produced less force after the addition of caffeine (which releases calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum) which may indicate problems in excitation contraction coupling in these mice. While the body weights of the Dmp1 null were smaller than wildtype, the heart weight to body weight ratio was higher. However, there were no differences in pathological hypertrophic gene expression compared to wildtype and maximal force of contraction was not different indicating that there may not be cardiac pathology under the tested conditions. We did observe a decrease in the rate of force development generated by cardiac muscle in the Dmp1 null which may be related to some of the deficits observed in skeletal muscle. There were no differences observed in aortic contractions induced by PGF2a or 5-HT or in endothelium-mediated acetylcholine-induced relaxations or endothelium-independent sodium nitroprusside-induced relaxations. In summary, these results indicate that there are deficiencies in both fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fiber type contractions in this model of ARHR, while there was less of a phenotype observed in cardiac muscle, and no differences observed in aortic function. These results may help explain skeletal muscle weakness reported by some patients with osteomalacia and need to be further investigated

    Aging and Sequential Resistance Exercise Bout Effects on Housekeeping Gene Messenger RNA Expression in Human Skeletal Muscle

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how age and 1 week of conventional resistance exercise affects commonly used housekeeping gene (HKG) messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in skeletal muscle. Ten college-aged (18–25 years) and 10 older (60–76 years) men completed 3 lower-body resistance exercise bouts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and muscle samples were obtained before bout 1 (T1), 48 hours after the first (T2) and second bouts (T3), and 24 hours after the third bout (T4). Raw Ct values indicated that b-actin and cyclophilin were more highly expressed in older vs. younger males (p < 0.01) at T1. When normalizing each HKG mRNA to the other 4 HKG mRNAs, CYC increased at T3 and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate hydrogenase decreased at T2 (p , 0.05) in younger men. This is one of the few studies to suggest that explicit HKG mRNAs should be used depending upon age group and resistance exercise intervention