391 research outputs found

    Network Analysis to Measure TIME Efficiency and Implementation Cost Production Process: a Case Study on Mujur Jaya Company

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    Competition in industrial sector does not only apply to garment and electronic subsectors but also to food & beverage subsectors. Accordingly Mujur Jaya—a medium enterprise operating in food & beverage subsector—is required to maintain its existence, growth, and competitiveness. This can be accomplished through production decision which leads to production efficiency and product quality improvement. The objective of this study is to analyze time efficiency and cost of production processes within the firm. Network analysis was applied. Primary data regarding chronological order, time, and costs of production processes were collected and directly measured at the location of the firm. Critical Path Methods, in particular methods of Earliest Start Time & Earliest Finish and Latest Start Time & Latest Finish Time were used to analyze data. Results of the study indicated that production process cost can be reduced up to IDR1870 per production cycle by cutting production time by approximately 2 minutes. In the long term, this improvement (i.e., time and cost of production process) would be of beneficials for the firm

    Pengaruh Manajemen Strategi, Pengetahuan Dan Tingkat Penggunaan Internet/tik, Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial USAha Mikro & Kecil

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    Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dipertimbangkan sebagai bagian integral dari sebuah Perusahaan pada beragam skala, termasuk USAha mikro dan kecil. Namun demikian, efektivitas TIK dalam mendukung peningkatan kinerja USAha (firm performance) sangat bergantung pada tingkat keselarasan strategis antara ICT dengan strategi bisnis yang disusun dan diimplementasikan Perusahaan. Variabel penelitian yang meliputi komprehensivitas strategi bisnis, komprehensivitas strategi TIK, kinerja USAha, dan variabel yang berpotensi memengaruhinya baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, yaitu tingkat pengetahuan pelaku USAha mikro dan kecil tentang TIK, intensitas pemanfaatan fasilitas TIK, persepsi pelaku USAha mikro dan kecil tentang tingkat kepentingan informasi bisnis, dan intensitas pemindaian lingkungan bisnis diperoleh dari 113 pelaku USAha mikro dan kecil. Derajat keselarasan strategis antara strategi bisnis dan strategi TIK diestimasi dengan perkalian antara komprehensivitas strategi bisnis dan komprehensivitas strategi TIK. Model analisa jalur (Path Analysis Model) digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis penilitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komprehensivitas strategi bisnis, komprehensivitas strategi TIK, dan keselarasan stretegis antara strategi bisnis dan strategi TIK secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja USAha, dalam hal ini USAha mikro dan kecil. Sementara itu, ketiga variabel tersebut dipengaruhi, dalam arah dan derajat yang berbeda, oleh tingkat pengetahuan umum tentang TIK, intensitas pemanfaatan fasilitas TIK, persepsi tentang tingkat kepentingan informasi bisnis, dan intensitas pemindaian lingkungan bisnis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan umum tentang TIK, intensitas pemanfaatan fasilitas TIK, persepsi tentang tingkat kepentingan informasi bisnis, dan intensitas pemindaian lingkungan bisnis berpengaruh secara tidak langsung, melalui strategi bisnis, strategi TIK, dan keselarasan antara keduanya, terhadap kinerja USAha

    Performance Analysis of 4x4 MIMO and 8x8 MIMO Antena Implementation of Private 5G Networks in Industrial Area

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    Private 5G represents a promising wireless network technology that offers a wide range of opportunities for mobile operators. It enables them to meet the increasing data demands of their customers and provide enhanced capacities and user experiences. However, before deploying Private 5G, it's crucial to prepare the foundation properly, especially when choosing the right antena and Radio Frequency (RF) band. This research project focuses on evaluating the implementation of 4x4 MIMO and 8x8 MIMO antenas in the Greater Jakarta industrial area, covering a 35 km2 area, operating at a frequency of 2300 MHz with a 40 MHz bandwidth. The study involved data rate measurements and determined the number of required sites based on different modulation schemes. The findings revealed that using an 8x8 MIMO antena resulted in a data rate twice as high as that achieved with a 4x4 MIMO antena and required only a quarter of the sites. Additionally, simulation results demonstrated that the 8x8 MIMO antena provided better SS-RSRP and SS-SINR values compared to the 4x4 MIMO antena, with values of -91.51 dBm and 8.52 d

    Construction of BPJS National Health Insurance Membership Regulations in Indonesia

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    The issuance of the BPJS National Health Insurance Law was a government effort to enhance the welfare of citizens by making it mandatory for them to become BPJS health insurance participants, with a deadline set for January 2019. However, as of May 2022, around 13.79% (according to Worldometer) or 12.26% (according to the Home Ministry) of citizens have not yet joined, due to various factors, including issues related to the BPJS health insurance membership regulations. This paper aims to provide clarity on the construction of health insurance membership regulations as outlined in Law Number 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Agency connected to the National Social Security System. The research utilized a descriptive analysis with a statutory approach, along with secondary data obtained through a library study to collect data, and systematic and teleological analysis to analyze the data. The results of the study indicate that the construction of BPJS health insurance membership regulations follows the Stufen theory, which is in accordance with the hierarchy of occupying concrete norms (Hans Kelsen) or formalgezets (Hans Nawiasky). Keywords: construction, national health insurance, national social security system regulatio

    Studi X-ray Diffractometry pada Struktur Coating Alumunium yang Dipreparasi Denganmetode Mechanical Alloying

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    X-RAY DIFFRACTOMETRY STUDY ON STUCTURE OF ALUMINUM COATING PREPARED BY A MECHANICAL ALLOYING METHOD. Aluminum (Al) coating was successfully deposited on the surface of low carbon steel by using a mechanical alloying method. After coating deposition, the aluminum coating was annealed in vacuum furnace of 5.6 Pa at elevated temperatures of 600 oC, 700 oC and 800 oC. Phase transformation and structure changes in aluminum coating at varying curing temperatures ware studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD). The presence of Al (111) diffraction peak from the results of XRD characterization indicates thatAl coating was deposited on the surface of low carbon steel. On the other hand, the results of XRD characterization show the phase transformation and structure changes of Al coating due to the effect of annealing temperature. It was indicated by the presence of diffraction peaks of Al3,2Fe, Fe3Al, dan Fe0,8Al0,2 after annealing.An increase in annealing temperature leads to decrease in d-spacing, lattice parameter, and lattice constant Fe0,8Al0,2(110). However, the lattice strain and dislocation density are likely to increase. Structure coating evolution occurred due to the diffusion of aluminum to the substrate of low carbon steel

    Fermentabilitas Rumen dan Kecernaan In Vitro Ransum yang Disuplementasi Kulit Buah Kopi Produk Fermentasi Jamur Pleurotus Ostreatus

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi potensi kulit buah kopi yang telah difermentasi jamur Pleurotus ostreatussebagai pakan suplemen secara in vitro berupa tingkat fermentabilitas dalam rumen dan kecernaan bahan kering serta bahan organik ransum. Kulit buah kopi produk biokonversi ditambahkan ke dalam ransum konsentrat sebanyak 0%(R0), 2%(R2), 4%(R4) dan 6%(R6) dari total bahan kering ransum. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dan tiga sumber cairan rumen kambing sebagai blok dan level pemakaian kulit buah kopi dalam ransum sebagai perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pH rumen dan NH3-N. Nilai rerata pH rumen dalam penelitian ini berada dalam kisaran normal. Suplementasi sampai level tertinggi (6%) tidak mengganggu metabolisme protein dalam rumen. Kadar VFA nyata menurun pada ransum yang disuplementasi dibandingkan ransum kontrol, dan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata dalam produksi VFA diantara ransum yang disuplementasi. Produksi VFA berada dalam kisaran normal. Perlakuan tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap populasi mikrobia rumen (protozoa dan bakteri). Hal ini memberikan indikasi bahwa suplementasi kulit buah kopi produk biokonversi sampai level 6% tidak membahayakan kehidupan mikroba rumen. Kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik ransum yang disuplementasi menurun dibandingkan ransum kontrol. Level 6% penambahan di dalam ransum, kecernaan masih dikategorikan baik

    The Risk Quotient of Sulfide Hydrogen Toward Lung Vital Capacity of People Living Around Landfill Area

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    Waste is one of factors causing air pollution in Palembang City. Volume of waste that should be processed increases every day, while condition of waste management service is still 70% of the total volume. The waste processing is managed by using open dumping system, which affects on the increase of air pollution. One of gases that exist as effect of the process of organic compound decomposition of anaerobic bacteria from garbage is sulfide hydrogen (H2S) pollutant which can promote health disorders, especially respiratory system. This study aimed to analyze correlation between characteristics (age, sex, nutritional status, smoking, and living distance) and the risk quotient of sulfide hydrogen concentration in air ambient to the lung capacity of people around landfillarea. This study used cross-sectional design with the sample of 78 people around landfill area. Data analysis used double logistic regression. Results showed that nutritional status (p value = 0.022, OR = 12.085) and RQ (p value = 0.016; OR = 7.547) significantly related to lung vital capacity of people around landfill area. People around landfill area having worse nutrition and lower RQ than the median were potential to have lung vital capacity disorder. The dominant variable significantly influencing to lung vital capacity of people living around Sukawinatan Landfill is nutritional status

    Interferon-mediated intracellular signalling Modulation of different phospholipase activities in Burkitt lymphoma cells

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    AbstractThe effect of interferon-α on Daudi lymphoma cells either sensitive or resistant to the action of this cytokine has been analysed in terms of phospholipase C (PLC) and D (PLD) activities. Results have shown a combined modulation of PIP2-specific phospholipase C and phospholipase D. In particular, a decreased activity of PIP2-specific PLC has been found, concomitant to a PLD-mediated phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis, suggesting that the intracellular signaling activated by interferon in Daudi cells involves a phospholipase D/phosphohydrolase pathway
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