163 research outputs found


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    Self-consistent description of rotational properties of highly deformed states in atomic nuclei far from stability

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    This dissertation presents a theoretical study of rotational configurations in nuclei away from the line of ,8-stability : i) systematics of highly-deformed nuclear systems with moderate proton excess in the A \u27 130 mass region, with the lightest of them closely approaching the proton drip line, ii) neutron-rich 30, 32,34,36,38 Ne and 32,34,36,38,40 Mg nuclei, farthest away from the stability valley, with more than twice as many neutrons as protons. It uses successfully the mean-field approach for describing deformed nuclear states at high angular momenta, affirming that the self-consistent mean-field theories are well justified for use with a variety of different rotating nuclear systems, for which they offer significant predictive power. We present the first fully self-consistent global set of high-spin calculations in the A \u27 130 superdeformed region, using two conceptually different mean field theories : the non-relativistic cranked Skyrme Hartree-Fock method with SLy4 effective interaction ( CSHF ) , and the cranked Relativistic Mean Field approach ( CRMF ) . The results for 183 bands in CSHF and 105 bands in CRMF are used as a platform for the verification of the validity of the additivity approach in the A�130 superdeformed region, providing computational infrastructure for extracting sets of effective single-particle quadrupole moments and angular momentum alignments, which can be used directly in experimental analyses. The high precision of the additivity approach, and the accumulated statistics in this systematics allows us to perform a comparative study among the two self-consistent models. Its success implies that the extreme shell model concept is well justified at high angular momenta. The provided effective single-particle values and relative total Routhians for the bands in the same nucleus allows experimentalists to calculate easily the expected deformations and alignments in superdeformed bands, and serve as guidelines for spectroscopical analyses. This dissertation includes for the first time also the quantitative impact of the effective values of q22 as corrections to the main effective quadrupole components q20 for the evaluation of the transition quadrupole moments Qt, allowing us to separate out the deformation components in this region known for its relatively well pronounced -y-softness. The results indicate that the single-particle alignments are robust quantities, not varying significantly among self-consistent models. The effective alignments in CSHF are overall different from the corresponding values of the single-particle alignments, indicating the importance of the shape polarization effects in the self-consistent mean field studies. The high precision of the additivity results gives reasons to believe that there is a conceptual universality in the self-consistent models for rotating superdeformed nuclei in the wider mass range A=128-160. Our investigation of the properties of the very neutron-rich Ne and Mg nuclei leads for the first time to a quantitative understanding of their possible rotational behavior. The results show that there are sound physical reasons preventing the weakly bound intruder neutrons from breaking away under the influence of Coriolis and centrifugal forces at high cranking frequencies, thus offering a possibility for observation of rotational bands. The expected effect of the variation of the neutron shell structure with neutron number, mainly influencing the position of the high-j unique-parity shell, is balanced by the fact that the Coriolis force mainly acts on the high-j orbitals, which are strongly localized within the nuclear volume. As a result, no strong isovector effects ( due to neutron halo or skin ) are to be expected at high spins; the proton and neutron deformations are very similar even at extremely high rotational frequencies. The results show that for these nuclei the root-mean-square radii for protons and neutrons remain constant or within a narrow interval throughout the cranking frequency range. This work also makes predictions for the extent of the neutron drip line in the even-even Ne-Mg region, presents the very first cranking calculations for rotational bands in halo/ skin nuclei, and discusses the structure of their yrast bands

    Interview with Prof. Alena Ledeneva: Thriving on the Fringe

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    INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED EXPERT ON INFORMAL GOVERNANCE IN RUSSIA, PROFESSOR ALENA LEDENEVA, IN CONVERSATION WITH SLOVO’S EXECUTIVE EDITOR BORIMIR TOTEV. Alena Ledeneva is a Professor of Politics and Society at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London. Her research interests include corruption, informal economy, economic crime, informal practices in corporate governance, and role of networks and patron-client relationships in Russia and around the globe. Her books ‘Russia's Economy of Favours: Blat, Networking, and Informal Exchange’ (Cambridge University Press, 1998), ‘How Russia Really Works: Informal Practices in the 1990s’ (Cornell University Press, 2006), and ‘Can Russia Modernize? Sistema, Power Networks and Informal Governance’ (Cambridge University Press, 2013) have become must-read sources in Russian studies and social sciences. She received her PhD in Social and Political Theory from Cambridge University. Currently, she is the pillar leader of the multi-partner ANTICORRP.eu research project and also works on the Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, The Global Informality Project, and the FRINGE CENTRE: Centre for the Study of Social and Cultural Complexity

    Interview with Jonathan Cohen: Beginning the Legacy of SLOVO Journal

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    DIRECTOR OF CONCILIATION RESOURCES, JONATHAN COHEN, IN CONVERSATION WITH SLOVO’S EXECUTIVE EDITOR BORIMIR TOTEV. Jonathan Cohen joined Conciliation Resources in December 1997 and developed the Caucasus programme. In September 2008, he became Director of Programmes overseeing all Conciliation Resources’ regional programmes and was appointed Executive Director in May 2016. Previously he was deputy director of the Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations in The Hague, working with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. Before that he worked for International Alert and the Peace Research Institute Oslo. He has been a board member of the DFID/CAF Partnerships in the Non-Profit Sector Programme for Russia; acted as a consultant to United Nations Volunteers, the Heinrich Boell Foundation, the Berghof Foundation and taught at the London School of Economics

    Interview with Prof. Jan Kubik: The FATIGUE Project

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    SCIENTIST-IN-CHARGE AND MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE FATIGUE PROJECT, PROFESSOR JAN KUBIK, IN CONVERSATION WITH SLOVO’S EXECUTIVE EDITOR BORIMIR TOTEV. Prof. Jan Kubik was the Director of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies between January 2015 and August 2017, as well as Pro-Vice Provost for Europe at University College London. Kubik works on the interplay between power (politics) and culture, protest politics and social movements, and post-communist transformations. He also writes about qualitative methods in the social sciences. His first and one of the most recent books, ‘The Power of Symbols against the Symbols of Power’ (Penn State Press) and ‘Anthropology and Political Science’ (Berghahn, with Myron Aronoff) are the best exemplifications of his approach. Kubik studies politics and culture comparatively, but the principal source of his observations and data are Poland and East Central Europe. Since 1991 he has taught in the Department of Political Science at Rutgers University, where he once served as the Chair. He has lectured around the world and has held several prestigious teaching posts and fellowships, including the Graduate School of Social Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences

    Editorial to Special Interview Issue

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    It has been both a great challenge and an incredible honour to work on SLOVO Journal during such a thriving year for our awareness of Russian history and culture, marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution, but also a year that has tested the academic community’s ability to come together and defend its right to academic freedom. In the past year, we have produced two pronounced issues under VOL. 29 of SLOVO Journal, concentrating on the publication of interdisciplinary academic work of the highest standard. As an exclusively self-managed postgraduate project, and a unique part of the UCL Press family, we continue to provide some of the freshest insight into the Russian, East & Central European and Eurasian regions to our global readership. I’d like to repeatedly thank this year’s Editorial Board and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies for the precious amounts of time and dedication offered to SLOVO Journal

    Estudio del futuro de la gestión del atm atendiendo a las restricciones por las emisiones de los motores de aviación

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    L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és estimar tres possibles escenaris viables de com pot ser el futur a mig termini, aproximadament sobre l'any 2035, de la gestió de l'trànsit aeri atenent a les previsibles restriccions degudes a la contaminació dels motors. Els escenaris que s'estudien són; un escenari en el qual es contempla la prohibició de sobrevolar certes zones de l'espai aeri, el segon escenari planteja imposar restriccions de diferent naturalesa que poden portar a reduir la quantitat de vols a la Unió Europea perfilant com el més viable i finalment un escenari normatiu que consisteix en la inclusió dels gasos que no tenen base en carboni en el comerç d'emissions.El objetivo de este estudio es estimar tres posibles escenarios viables de cómo podrá ser el futuro a medio plazo, aproximadamente sobre el año 2035, de la gestión del tráfico aéreo atendiendo a las previsibles restricciones debidas a la contaminación de los motores. Los escenarios que se estudian son; un escenario en el que se contempla la prohibición de sobrevolar ciertas zonas del espacio aéreo, el segundo escenario plantea imponer restricciones de diferente naturaleza que pueden llevar a reducir la cantidad de vuelos en la Unión Europea perfilándose como el más viable y por último un escenario normativo que consiste en la inclusión de los gases que no tienen base en carbono en el comercio de emisiones.The objective of this study is to estimate three possible viable scenarios of what the future may be like in the medium term, approximately around the year 2035, of air traffic management, taking into account the foreseeable restrictions due to engine contamination. The scenarios that are studied are; a scenario in which the prohibition to fly over certain areas of airspace is contemplated, the second scenario proposes imposing restrictions of a different nature that can lead to reducing the number of flights in the European Union, outlining itself as the most viable and finally a regulatory scenario consisting of the inclusion of non-carbon-based gases in emissions trading

    The nitrate transporter family protein LjNPF8.6 controls the N-fixing nodule activity

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    N-fixing nodules are new organs formed on legume roots as a result of the beneficial interaction with soil bacteria, rhizobia. The nodule functioning is still a poorly characterized step of the symbiotic interaction, as only a few of the genes induced in N-fixing nodules have been functionally characterized. We present here the characterization of a member of the Lotus japonicus nitrate transporter1/peptide transporter family, LjNPF8.6. The phenotypic characterization carried out in independent L. japonicus LORE1 insertion lines indicates a positive role of LjNPF8.6 on nodule functioning, as knockout mutants display N-fixation deficiency (25%) and increased nodular superoxide content. The partially compromised nodule functioning induces two striking phenotypes: anthocyanin accumulation already displayed 4 weeks after inoculation and shoot biomass deficiency, which is detected by long-term phenotyping. LjNPF8.6 achieves nitrate uptake in Xenopus laevis oocytes at both 0.5 and 30 mm external concentrations, and a possible role as a nitrate transporter in the control of N-fixing nodule activity is discussed

    Estudio sobre el diseño e implementación de un sistema de almacenamiento utilizando los servicios distribuidos dados por Apache ZooKeeper

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    En este documento se hablará sobre el planteamiento y diseño de mi TFG, así como del desarrollo del primer prototipo. Se trata de crear un sistema que sea capaz de centralizar y sincronizar los ficheros de un usuario. Estos ficheros pueden estar tanto en servidores de la nube, como en servidores propios del usuario o incluso terminales como PC o un smartphone. El sistema tiene que tener la capacidad de localizar y saber donde están todos los ficheros que el usuario a añadido a su cuenta particular, de forma que se los enseñe a él todos juntos, pero cuando pida un fichero, saber donde buscarlo y proporcionárselo al usuario de una forma transparente. Además el sistema también tiene que ser activo y tener funcionalidades que el usuario no tenga que realizar a mano, como por ejemplo crear replicas de un fichero según qué condiciones o detectar cuando alguno ha sido modificado o borrado directamente desde el servidor en el que se localizaba, entre otros. Para realizar este proyecto y como con casi todos, hay que hacer un estudio de la competencia que existe hoy en día y las alternativas o posibles soluciones que hay al problema planteado. El estudio se centra en 3 alternativas principales, que son: El almacenamiento en nube, herramientas o servicios de unificación de cuentas en la nube y por ultimo el almacenamiento NAS. También se estudian las tecnologías de las que se puede hacer uso para el desarrollo para los diferentes aspectos, como: el almacenamiento de los meta-datos, el de los datos, el servidor de aplicaciones, o los lenguajes de programación utilizados. Luego ya se podría plantear el análisis de casos de uso y requisitos, así como el diseño del proyecto, el cual parte por una vista general del mismo, las posibles alternativas y el planteamiento detallado de la alternativa escogida. Hay que hablar, además, de la implementación de un primer prototipo, sobre el que se realizan algunas pruebas para determinar la viabilidad del proyecto y saber si se puede llevar a cabo o si realmente podría cubrir las necesidades u objetivos marcados.This paper will discuss the planning and design of my TFG as well as the development of the first prototype. It is about creating a system that is able to centralize and synchronize files from a user. It doesn't matter if the files are inside a PC, smartphone, on the cloud, you name it. The system must have the ability to locate all the files from the account user, so that him found all the files together in the same place in a transparent way, but the real thing is that the real files are stored in different places and devices In addition the system also needs to have functionalities that the user does not perform by hand, such as creating replicas of a file (according to specific conditions) or detect if someone edited or deleted a file from the server where it was located, among other things. To make this project and (as with almost all), you should make a study of the competition that exists today and the alternatives or possible solutions to the problem there. The study focuses on three main alternatives, such as: cloud storage, tools or services unification of accounts and finally cloud storage NAS. The technologies and possible uses about this study like storing data or metadata, application server, programming languages used are also studied here. Then we could raise the analysis of use cases and requirements as well as project design, which begins with an overview of it, the alternatives and the detailed approach of the chosen alternative. We must also mention the implementation of a first prototype, on some tests to determine the viability of the project and whether it can be carried out or if it could really cover the needs or objectives.Ingeniería Informátic
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