520 research outputs found

    The prompt optical/near-infrared flare of GRB 050904: the most luminous transient ever detected

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    With a redshift of z=6.295, GRB 050904 is the most distant gamma-ray burst ever discovered. It was an energetic event at all wavelengths and the afterglow was observed in detail in the near-infrared bands. We gathered all available optical and NIR afterglow photometry of this GRB to construct a composite NIR light curve spanning several decades in time and flux density. Transforming the NIR light curve into the optical, we find that the afterglow of GRB 050904 was more luminous at early times than any other GRB afterglow in the pre-\emph{Swift} era, making it at these wavelengths the most luminous transient ever detected. Given the intrinsic properties of GRB 050904 and its afterglow, we discuss if this burst is markedly different from other GRBs at lower redshifts.Comment: The Astronomical Journal, in press; revised version, including the comments of the referee (one figure added, text restructured, all conclusions unchanged), 7 pages, 3 figure

    Modeling GRB 050904: Autopsy of a Massive Stellar Explosion at z=6.29

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    GRB 050904 at redshift z=6.29, discovered and observed by Swift and with spectroscopic redshift from the Subaru telescope, is the first gamma-ray burst to be identified from beyond the epoch of reionization. Since the progenitors of long gamma-ray bursts have been identified as massive stars, this event offers a unique opportunity to investigate star formation environments at this epoch. Apart from its record redshift, the burst is remarkable in two respects: first, it exhibits fast-evolving X-ray and optical flares that peak simultaneously at t~470 s in the observer frame, and may thus originate in the same emission region; and second, its afterglow exhibits an accelerated decay in the near-infrared (NIR) from t~10^4 s to t~3 10^4 s after the burst, coincident with repeated and energetic X-ray flaring activity. We make a complete analysis of available X-ray, NIR, and radio observations, utilizing afterglow models that incorporate a range of physical effects not previously considered for this or any other GRB afterglow, and quantifying our model uncertainties in detail via Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis. In the process, we explore the possibility that the early optical and X-ray flare is due to synchrotron and inverse Compton emission from the reverse shock regions of the outflow. We suggest that the period of accelerated decay in the NIR may be due to suppression of synchrotron radiation by inverse Compton interaction of X-ray flare photons with electrons in the forward shock; a subsequent interval of slow decay would then be due to a progressive decline in this suppression. The range of acceptable models demonstrates that the kinetic energy and circumburst density of GRB 050904 are well above the typical values found for low-redshift GRBs.Comment: 45 pages, 7 figures, and ApJ accepted. Revised version, minor modifications and 1 extra figur

    Lyman Alpha Emitters in the Hierarchically Clustering Galaxy Formation

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    We present a new theoretical model for the luminosity functions (LFs) of Lyman alpha (Lya) emitting galaxies in the framework of hierarchical galaxy formation. We extend a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation that reproduces a number of observations for local and high-z galaxies, without changing the original model parameters but introducing a physically-motivated modelling to describe the escape fraction of Lya photons from host galaxies (f_esc). Though a previous study using a hierarchical clustering model simply assumed a constant and universal value of f_esc, we incorporate two new effects on f_esc: extinction by interstellar dust and galaxy-scale outflow induced as a star formation feedback. It is found that the new model nicely reproduces all the observed Lya LFs of the Lya emitters (LAEs) at different redshifts in z ~ 3-6. Especially, the rather surprisingly small evolution of the observed LAE Lya LFs compared with the dark halo mass function is naturally reproduced. Our model predicts that galaxies with strong outflows and f_esc ~ 1 are dominant in the observed LFs. This is also consistent with available observations, while the simple universal f_esc model requires f_esc << 1 not to overproduce the brightest LAEs. On the other hand, we found that our model significantly overpredicts LAEs at z > 6, and absorption of Lya photons by neutral hydrogen in intergalactic medium (IGM) is a reasonable interpretation for the discrepancy. This indicates that the IGM neutral fraction x_HI rapidly evolves from x_HI << 1 at z < 6 to a value of order unity at z ~ 6-7, which is broadly consistent with other observational constraints on the reionization history.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; accepted to ApJ; the html abstract is replaced to match the accepted version, the .ps and .pdf files are strictly identical between the 2nd and the 3rd version

    The faint-galaxy hosts of gamma-ray bursts

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    The observed redshifts and magnitudes of the host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are compared with the predictions of three basic GRB models, in which the comoving rate density of GRBs is (1) proportional to the cosmic star formation rate density, (2) proportional to the total integrated stellar density and (3) constant. All three models make the assumption that at every epoch the probability of a GRB occuring in a galaxy is proportional to that galaxy's broad-band luminosity. No assumption is made that GRBs are standard candles or even that their luminosity function is narrow. All three rate density models are consistent with the observed GRB host galaxies to date, although model (2) is slightly disfavored relative to the others. Models (1) and (3) make very similar predictions for host galaxy magnitude and redshift distributions; these models will be probably not be distinguished without measurements of host-galaxy star-formation rates. The fraction of host galaxies fainter than 28 mag may constrain the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function at high redshift, or, if the fraction is observed to be low, may suggest that the bursters are expelled from low-luminosity hosts. In all models, the probability of finding a z<0.008 GRB among a sample of 11 GRBs is less than 10^(-4), strongly suggesting that GRB 980425, if associated with supernova 1998bw, represents a distinct class of GRBs.Comment: 7 pages, ApJ in press, revised to incorporate yet more new and revised observational result

    Neutrinos from supernovae: experimental status and perspectives

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    I discuss the state of the art in the search for neutrinos from galactic stellar collapses and the future perspectives of this field. The implications for the neutrino physics of a high statistics supernova neutrino burst detection by the network of detectors operating around the world are also reviewed.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures. Extended version of talk given at IInd International Workshop on Matter, Anti-Matter and Dark Matter, Trento (Italy), 29-30 October 2001. A reduced version will appear in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Goddard Robotic Telescope - Optical Follow-up of GRBs and Coordinated Observations of AGNs -

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    Since it is not possible to predict when a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) will occur or when Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) flaring activity starts, follow-up/monitoring ground telescopes must be located as uniformly as possible all over the world in order to collect data simultaneously with Fermi and Swift detections. However, there is a distinct gap in follow-up coverage of telescopes in the eastern U.S. region based on the operations of Swift. Motivated by this fact, we have constructed a 14" fully automated optical robotic telescope, Goddard Robotic Telescope (GRT), at the Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory. The aims of our robotic telescope are 1) to follow-up Swift/Fermi GRBs and 2) to perform the coordinated optical observations of Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) AGN. Our telescope system consists of off-the-shelf hardware. With the focal reducer, we are able to match the field of view of Swift narrow instruments (20' x 20'). We started scientific observations in mid-November 2008 and GRT has been fully remotely operated since August 2009. The 3 sigma upper limit in a 30-second exposure in the R filter is ~15.4 mag; however, we can reach to ~18 mag in a 600-second exposures. Due to the weather condition at the telescope site, our observing efficiency is 30-40% on average.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ASR special issue on Neutron Stars and Gamma Ray Burst

    Solving the Cooling Flow Problem of Galaxy Clusters by Dark Matter Neutralino Annihilation

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    Recent X-ray observations revealed that strong cooling flow of intracluster gas is not present in galaxy clusters, even though predicted theoretically if there is no additional heating source. I show that relativistic particles produced by dark matter neutralino annihilation in cluster cores provide a sufficient heating source to suppress the cooling flow, under reasonable astrophysical circumstances including adiabatic growth of central density profile, with appropriate particle physics parameters for dark matter neutralinos. In contrast to other astrophysical heat sources such as AGNs, this process is a steady and stable feedback over cosmological time scales after turned on.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. Accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. A few minor revisions and references adde

    Search for Sub-TeV Gamma Rays Coincident with BATSE Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Project GRAND is a 100m x 100m air shower array of proportional wire chambers (PWCs). There are 64 stations each with eight 1.29 m^2 PWC planes arranged in four orthogonal pairs placed vertically above one another to geometrically measure the angles of charged secondaries. A steel plate above the bottom pair of PWCs differentiates muons (which pass undeflected through the steel) from non-penetrating particles. FLUKA Monte Carlo studies show that a TeV gamma ray striking the atmosphere at normal incidence produces 0.23 muons which reach ground level where their angles and identities are measured. Thus, paradoxically, secondary muons are used as a signature for gamma ray primaries. The data are examined for possible angular and time coincidences with eight gamma ray bursts (GRBs) detected by BATSE. Seven of the GRBs were selected because of their good acceptance by GRAND and high BATSE Fluence. The eighth GRB was added due to its possible coincident detection by Milagrito. For each of the eight candidate GRBs, the number of excess counts during the BATSE T90 time interval and within plus or minus five degrees of BATSE's direction was obtained. The highest statistical significance reported in this paper (2.7 sigma) is for the event that was predicted to be the most likely to be observed (GRB 971110).Comment: To be presented at the XXVIII International Cosmic Ray Conference, Tsukuba, Japa

    The Star Formation Rate in the Reionization Era as Indicated by Gamma-ray Bursts

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    High-redshift gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) offer an extraordinary opportunity to study aspects of the early Universe, including the cosmic star formation rate (SFR). Motivated by the two recent highest-z GRBs, GRB 080913 at z = 6.7 and GRB 090423 at z = 8.1, and more than four years of Swift observations, we first confirm that the GRB rate does not trace the SFR in an unbiased way. Correcting for this, we find that the implied SFR to beyond z = 8 is consistent with LBG-based measurements after accounting for unseen galaxies at the faint end of the UV luminosity function. We show that this provides support for the integrated star formation in the range 6 < z < 8 to have been alone sufficient to reionize the Universe.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; modified to match version accepted for publication in ApJ Letter