5 research outputs found

    Territori, the Italian Web Portal of Cadastres and Historical Cartography

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    Territori is the Italian web portal of cadastres and historical cartography realized during 2011 by the company Hyperborea on assignment of the DirezioneGenerale per gliArchivi Territori belongs to the National Archival System SAN that aims at offering a unique point of access to Italian archival sources Territori is one of the sub-portal of the SAN Territori represents a single access point to the documentation preserved in all the Italian State Archives that joined in the project Every Italian State Archive that realized filing cataloguing and digitization project of their maps and cadastral sources can join in Ter-ritori improving the global documentation managed by the portal and following its promotion and valori-zation aim

    Le Soprintendenze bibliografiche dello Stato

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    The intervention sums up the story of the bibliographic Superintendences, ministerial offices funded in 1919 and transferred to the Regions in 1972, and talks about their positioning within the history of the cultural policies from the Italian unification onwards. Sources used have been legislative and regulatory acts, essays on the subject from different periods and written testimonies of sector's operators. The immediate reason for this has been the need to study the development of state and regional policies on this matter when reform interventions deeply modify the balance of the last forty years. The survey has outlined also the persistence of never-solved problems in the planning of public interventions: for example, different functions have been managed by eclectic structures and at the same time the performance of the single functions has been fragmented based on their own institutions

    AMICA (Antarctic Multiband Infrared Camera) project

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    The Antarctic Plateau offers unique opportunities for ground-based Infrared Astronomy. AMIGA (Antarctic Multiband Infrared CAmera) is an instrument designed to perform astronomical imaging from Dome-C in the near- (1-5 μm) and mid- (5 - 27 μm) infrared wavelength regions. The camera consists of two channels, equipped with a Raytheon InSb 256 array detector and a DRS MF-128 Si:As IBC array detector, cryocooled at 35 and 7 K respectively. Cryogenic devices will move a filter wheel and a sliding mirror, used to feed alternatively the two detectors. Fast control and readout, synchronized with the chopping secondary mirror of the telescope, will be required because of the large background expected at these wavelengths, especially beyond 10 μm. An environmental control system is needed to ensure the correct start-up, shut-down and housekeeping of the camera. The main technical challenge is represented by the extreme environmental conditions of Dome C (T ∼ -90°C, p ° 640 mbar) and the need for a complete automatization of the overall system. AMIGA will be mounted at the Nasmyth focus of the 80 cm IRAIT telescope and will perform survey-mode automatic observations of selected regions of the Southern sky. The first goal will be a direct estimate of the observational quality of this new highly promising site for Infrared Astronomy. In addition, IRAIT, equipped with AMIGA, is expected to provide a significant improvement in the knowledge of fundamental astrophysical processes, such as the late stages of stellar evolution (especially AGB and post-AGB stars) and the star formation