23 research outputs found

    Exploring the phase diagram of the two-impurity Kondo problem

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    A system of two exchange-coupled Kondo impurities in a magnetic field gives rise to a rich phase space hosting a multitude of correlated phenomena. Magnetic atoms on surfaces probed through scanning tunnelling microscopy provide an excellent platform to investigate coupled impurities, but typical high Kondo temperatures prevent field-dependent studies from being performed, rendering large parts of the phase space inaccessible. We present an integral study of pairs of Co atoms on insulating Cu2N/Cu(100), which each have a Kondo temperature of only 2.6 K. In order to cover the different regions of the phase space, the pairs are designed to have interaction strengths similar to the Kondo temperature. By applying a sufficiently strong magnetic field, we are able to access a new phase in which the two coupled impurities are simultaneously screened. Comparison of differential conductance spectra taken on the atoms to simulated curves, calculated using a third order transport model, allows us to independently determine the degree of Kondo screening in each phase.Comment: paper: 14 pages, 4 figures; supplementary: 3 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Controlled complete suppression of single-atom inelastic spin and orbital cotunnelling

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    The inelastic portion of the tunnel current through an individual magnetic atom grants unique access to read out and change the atom's spin state, but it also provides a path for spontaneous relaxation and decoherence. Controlled closure of the inelastic channel would allow for the latter to be switched off at will, paving the way to coherent spin manipulation in single atoms. Here we demonstrate complete closure of the inelastic channels for both spin and orbital transitions due to a controlled geometric modification of the atom's environment, using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). The observed suppression of the excitation signal, which occurs for Co atoms assembled into chain on a Cu2_2N substrate, indicates a structural transition affecting the dz_z2^2 orbital, effectively cutting off the STM tip from the spin-flip cotunnelling path.Comment: 4 figures plus 4 supplementary figure

    Atomic spin chain realization of a model for quantum criticality

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    The ability to manipulate single atoms has opened up the door to constructing interesting and useful quantum structures from the ground up. On the one hand, nanoscale arrangements of magnetic atoms are at the heart of future quantum computing and spintronic devices; on the other hand, they can be used as fundamental building blocks for the realization of textbook many-body quantum models, illustrating key concepts such as quantum phase transitions, topological order or frustration. Step-by-step assembly promises an interesting handle on the emergence of quantum collective behavior as one goes from one, to few, to many constituents. To achieve this, one must however maintain the ability to tune and measure local properties as the system size increases. Here, we use low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy to construct arrays of magnetic atoms on a surface, designed to behave like spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg chains in a transverse field, for which a quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic to a paramagnetic phase is predicted in the thermodynamic limit. Site-resolved measurements on these finite size realizations reveal a number of sudden ground state changes when the field approaches the critical value, each corresponding to a new domain wall entering the chains. We observe that these state crossings become closer for longer chains, indicating the onset of critical behavior. Our results present opportunities for further studies on quantum behavior of many-body systems, as a function of their size and structural complexity.Comment: published online on 18 Apr 2016 in Nature Physic

    Magnetic adatoms as building blocks for quantum magnetism

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    Physics at the level of an atom is dominated by laws of quantum mechanics. Often, this is entangled with a high complexity in behavior of the systems at that length scale. Unravelling the properties of a material at the atomic level is, therefore, a challenging task that easily supersedes current computational capabilities. A route to circumvent this problem is found in physical realization of simpler quantum systems that are representative of the complex quantum systems one is interested in. These simpler physical systems, unlike their more complex counterparts, can actually be measured and information about the complex system, otherwise inaccessible, gained. This thesis describes experimental work focusing mainly on the property of magnetism in spin chains. To mimic these complex systems, we employ a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to build atomic chains on solid state surfaces and probe their magnetic properties. The intrinsic strength of STM in building and testing structures with single atom precision makes STM a great candidate for simulation of complex quantum systems. In addition to STM having a role of a quantum simulator, I present work supporting STM as a control device determining the very existence of the magnetic excitations of the atom it measures. Finally, I present experimental findings that suggest we are able to probe the magnetic excitations of the atom with subatomic resolution. In summary, this thesis work presents STM as a powerful probing and control tool for studies on quantum magnetism at the level of a single atom.QN/Otte La

    YBa2Cu3O7-delta nanorings to probe fluxoid quantization in High Critical Temperature Superconductors

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    We have realized YBa2Cu3O7-delta (YBCO) nanorings and measured the magnetoresistance R(B) close to the superconducting transition. The large oscillations that we have measured can be interpreted in terms of vortex dynamics triggering the nanowires to the resistive state. The Fast Fourier Transform spectrum of the magnetoresistance oscillations shows a single sharp peak for nanorings with narrower loop arm width: this peak can be univocally associated to a h/2e periodicity as predicted for optimally doped YBCO. Moreover it is a clear evidence of a uniform vorticity of the order parameter inside the rings, confirming a high degree of homogeneity of our nanostructures. This result gives a boost to further investigations of YBCO nanorings at different dopings within the superconducting dome, where in the underdoped regime a R(B) periodicity different from the conventional h/2e has been predicted