19 research outputs found

    Conformational stability and activity analysis of two hydroxymethylbilane synthase mutants, K132N and V215E, with different phenotypic association with acute intermittent porphyria

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    The autosomal dominantly inherited disease AIP (acute intermittent porphyria) is caused by mutations in HMBS [hydroxymethylbilane synthase; also known as PBG (porphobilinogen) deaminase], the third enzyme in the haem biosynthesis pathway. Enzyme-intermediates with increasing number of PBG molecules are formed during the catalysis of HMBS. In this work, we studied the two uncharacterized mutants K132N and V215E comparative with wt (wild- type) HMBS and to the previously reported AIP-associated mutants R116W, R167W and R173W. These mainly present defects in conformational stability (R116W), enzyme kinetics (R167W) or both (R173W). A combination of native PAGE, CD, DSF (differential scanning fluorimetry) and ion-exchange chromatography was used to study conformational stability and activity of the recombinant enzymes. We also investigated the distribution of intermediates corresponding to specific elongation stages. It is well known that the thermostability of HMBS increases when the DPM (dipyrromethane) cofactor binds to the apoenzyme and the holoenzyme is formed. Interestingly, a decrease in thermal stability was measured concomitant to elongation of the pyrrole chain, indicating a loosening of the structure prior to product release. No conformational or kinetic defect was observed for the K132N mutant, whereas V215E presented lower conformational stability and probably a perturbed elongation process. This is in accordance with the high association of V215E with AIP. Our results contribute to interpret the molecular mechanisms for dysfunction of HMBS mutants and to establish genotype–phenotype relations for AIP.publishedVersio

    Mechanisms of sensitivity and resistance to CDK4/CDK6 inhibitors in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer treatment

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    Cell cycle dysregulation is a hallmark of cancer that promotes eccessive cell division. Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6) are key molecules in the G1-to-S phase cell cycle transition and are crucial for the onset, survival, and progression of breast cancer (BC). Small-molecule CDK4/CDK6 inhibitors (CDK4/6i) block phosphorylation of tumor suppressor Rb and thus restrain susceptible BC cells in G1 phase. Three CDK4/6i are approved for the first-line treatment of patients with advanced/metastatic hormone receptor-positive (HR+)/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative (HER2-) BC in combination with endocrine therapy (ET). Though this has improved the clinical outcomes for survival of BC patients, there is no established standard next-line treatment to tackle drug resistance. Recent studies suggest that CDK4/6i can modulate other distinct effects in both BC and breast stromal compartments, which may provide new insights into aspects of their clinical activity. This review describes the biochemistry of the CDK4/6-Rb-E2F pathway in HR+ BC, then discusses how CDK4/6i can trigger other effects in BC/breast stromal compartments, and finally outlines the mechanisms of CDK4/6i resistance that have emerged in recent preclinical studies and clinical cohorts, emphasizing the impact of these findings on novel therapeutic opportunities in BC

    Early ultrasound surveillance of newly-created haemodialysis arteriovenous fistula

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    IntroductionWe assess if ultrasound surveillance of newly-created arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) can predict nonmaturation sufficiently reliably to justify randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluation of ultrasound-directed salvage intervention.MethodsConsenting adults underwent blinded fortnightly ultrasound scanning of their AVF after creation, with scan characteristics that predicted AVF nonmaturation identified by logistic regression modeling.ResultsOf 333 AVFs created, 65.8% matured by 10 weeks. Serial scanning revealed that maturation occurred rapidly, whereas consistently lower fistula flow rates and venous diameters were observed in those that did not mature. Wrist and elbow AVF nonmaturation could be optimally modeled from week 4 ultrasound parameters alone, but with only moderate positive predictive values (PPVs) (wrist, 60.6% [95% confidence interval, CI: 43.9–77.3]; elbow, 66.7% [48.9–84.4]). Moreover, 40 (70.2%) of the 57 AVFs that thrombosed by week 10 had already failed by the week 4 scan, thus limiting the potential of salvage procedures initiated by that scan’s findings to alter overall maturation rates. Modeling of the early ultrasound characteristics could also predict primary patency failure at 6 months; however, that model performed poorly at predicting assisted primary failure (those AVFs that failed despite a salvage attempt), partly because patency of at-risk AVFs was maintained by successful salvage performed without recourse to the early scan data.ConclusionEarly ultrasound surveillance may predict fistula maturation, but is likely, at best, to result in only very modest improvements in fistula patency. Power calculations suggest that an impractically large number of participants (>1700) would be required for formal RCT evaluation

    Post-intervention Status in Patients With Refractory Myasthenia Gravis Treated With Eculizumab During REGAIN and Its Open-Label Extension

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether eculizumab helps patients with anti-acetylcholine receptor-positive (AChR+) refractory generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG) achieve the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) post-intervention status of minimal manifestations (MM), we assessed patients' status throughout REGAIN (Safety and Efficacy of Eculizumab in AChR+ Refractory Generalized Myasthenia Gravis) and its open-label extension. METHODS: Patients who completed the REGAIN randomized controlled trial and continued into the open-label extension were included in this tertiary endpoint analysis. Patients were assessed for the MGFA post-intervention status of improved, unchanged, worse, MM, and pharmacologic remission at defined time points during REGAIN and through week 130 of the open-label study. RESULTS: A total of 117 patients completed REGAIN and continued into the open-label study (eculizumab/eculizumab: 56; placebo/eculizumab: 61). At week 26 of REGAIN, more eculizumab-treated patients than placebo-treated patients achieved a status of improved (60.7% vs 41.7%) or MM (25.0% vs 13.3%; common OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.1-4.5). After 130 weeks of eculizumab treatment, 88.0% of patients achieved improved status and 57.3% of patients achieved MM status. The safety profile of eculizumab was consistent with its known profile and no new safety signals were detected. CONCLUSION: Eculizumab led to rapid and sustained achievement of MM in patients with AChR+ refractory gMG. These findings support the use of eculizumab in this previously difficult-to-treat patient population. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: REGAIN, NCT01997229; REGAIN open-label extension, NCT02301624. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that, after 26 weeks of eculizumab treatment, 25.0% of adults with AChR+ refractory gMG achieved MM, compared with 13.3% who received placebo

    Minimal Symptom Expression' in Patients With Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody-Positive Refractory Generalized Myasthenia Gravis Treated With Eculizumab

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    The efficacy and tolerability of eculizumab were assessed in REGAIN, a 26-week, phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody-positive (AChR+) refractory generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG), and its open-label extension

    Balansert mÄlstyring i Bergen kommune : en kvalitativ eksplorerende studie om bruk av balansert mÄlstrying i Bergen kommune

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    Det har skjedd store endringer i offentlig sektor i senere tid. Ny offentlig styring (New Public Management) er en reformbÞlge hvor man har brukt styringsprinsipper fra privat sektor for Ä effektivisere og forbedre kvaliteten pÄ tjenestene. Balansert mÄlstyring er en del av denne reformen. Det er et flerdimensjonalt styringsverktÞy som skal koble den langsiktige strategien til daglig drift i kommunen. Bergen kommune vedtok at de skulle ta i bruk elementer fra balansert mÄlstyring i 2003, og i denne masterutredningen har vi sett pÄ hvordan balansert mÄlstyring brukes i kommunen, og hvilke utfordringer og suksessfaktorer som er knyttet til implementeringen av styringsverktÞyet. Det finnes lite forskning om balansert mÄlstyring i norske kommuner, og vi ser et sÊrlig behov for en studie hvor man tar for seg én kommune for Ä fÄ dypere innsikt i hvordan balansert mÄlstyring brukes der. I utredningen har vi brukt en kvalitativ eksplorerende metode for Ä belyse forskningstemaet. Studiens empiriske grunnlag er basert pÄ 17 dybdeintervjuer med ledere i Bergen kommune, bÄde pÄ administrativt nivÄ og tjenestenivÄ. Basert pÄ dette utvalget har vi fÄtt et helhetlig bilde av hvordan Bergen kommune bruker balansert mÄlstyring i dag og hvilke utfordringer og suksessfaktorer som foreligger ved implementeringen i ulike byrÄdsavdelinger. Vi har knyttet funnene vÄre til eksisterende teori om balansert mÄlstyring generelt og balansert mÄlstyring i offentlig sektor spesielt. Funnene vÄre viser at balansert mÄlstyring brukes i ulik grad i byrÄdsavdelingene, og det er utfordringer knyttet til utforming av mÄl og mÄleindikatorer, forankring hos toppledelsen, politisk styreform, iverksetting av strategi og mangler i datasystemet kommunen benytter. Studien avdekker ogsÄ at balansert mÄlstyring er best implementert pÄ tjenestenivÄ, men noen steder kun brukes som et rapporteringsverktÞy. Det synes viktig for suksess at implementeringen tilpasset egen kontekst. De som har et godt utviklet styringskort fÄr et stÞrre eierskap til styringsverktÞyet, og de bruker det mer aktivt. Vi konkluderer med at Bergen kommune mÄ tilpasse BMS-modellen ytterligere. Kommunen er stor og vi tror at mange av utfordringene kan lÞses med Ä dele den opp i mindre selvstendige enheter. PÄ den mÄten er det lettere Ä forankre styringssystemet, implementere strategi og utforme gode mÄl og mÄleindikatorer.nhhma

    Characterization of porphobilinogen deaminase mutants reveals that arginine-173 is crucial for polypyrrole elongation mechanism

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    Abstract Porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD), the third enzyme in the heme biosynthesis, catalyzes the sequential coupling of four porphobilinogen (PBG) molecules into a heme precursor. Mutations in PBGD are associated with acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), a rare metabolic disorder. We used Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) to demonstrate that wild-type PBGD and AIP-associated mutant R167W both existed as holoenzymes (Eholo) covalently attached to the dipyrromethane cofactor, and three intermediate complexes, ES, ES₂, and ES₃, where S represents PBG. In contrast, only ES₂ was detected in AIP-associated mutant R173W, indicating that the formation of ES₃ is inhibited. The R173W crystal structure in the ES₂-state revealed major rearrangements of the loops around the active site, compared to wild-type PBGD in the Eholo-state. These results contribute to elucidating the structural pathogenesis of two common AIP-associated mutations and reveal the important structural role of Arg173 in the polypyrrole elongation mechanism