139 research outputs found

    Impact of Regional Factors on Births and Wives' Continuation in Employment - Panel survey of consumers by the Institute for Research on Household Economics (Japanese)

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    This thesis examines regional disparities in fertility rates, and analyzes the influence of regional factors on birth trends and continuation in employment. For this analysis, while controlling for individual attributes such as type of work, age, and academic career, by combining microdata and attribute data for the region in which individuals reside, we investigate how differences between regions with regard to the living environment and other factors affect women's birth behavior and continuation in employment. With regard to regional factors, we focus on housing conditions, commuting time, the government's family policies, and the economic climate. In order to consider the concurrence of birth behavior and continuation in employment by wives, we used a bivariate probit model to make estimates, and our findings were that there are correlations between the birth rate of the second child and whether the home is rented or owned, and between the birth of the first child and the father's commuting time and the capacity of daycare centers.

    Hydrogen bonds of DsrD protein revealed by neutron crystallography

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    Hydrogen bonds of DNA-binding protein DsrD have been determined by neutron diffraction. In terms of proton donors and acceptors, DsrD protein shows striking differences from other proteins

    Identification of a novel motif responsible for the distinctive transforming activity of human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV) type 1 Tax1 protein from HTLV-2 Tax2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a causative agent of adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), whereas its relative HTLV-2 is not associated with any malignancies including ATL. HTLV-1 Tax1 transformed a T-cell line from interleukin (IL)-2-dependent growth to IL-2-independent growth, with an activity that was much more potent in comparison to HTLV-2 Tax2. This distinction was mediated by at least two Tax1 specific functions, an interaction with host cellular factors through the PDZ domain binding motif (PBM) and the activation of NF-kappaB2 (NF-κB2)/p100.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a series of Tax1 chimeric proteins with Tax2, we found that amino acids 225-232 of Tax1, the Tax1(225-232) region, was essential for the activation of NF-κB2 as well as for the high transforming activity. The strict amino acid conservation of Tax1(225-232) among HTLV-1 and simian T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (STLV-1), but not HTLV-2 and STLV-2, indicates that function(s) through the Tax1(225-232) region are biologically significant. Interestingly, another HTLV-1 relative, HTLV-3, has a PBM, but does not conserve the Tax1(225-232) motif in Tax3, thus indicating that these two motifs classify the three HTLVs into the separate groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that the combinatory functions through Tax1(225-232) and PBM play crucial roles in the distinct biological properties of the three HTLVs, perhaps also including their pathogenesis.</p

    Chemogenetic sensory fMRI reveals behaviorally relevant bidirectional changes in primate somatosensory network

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    手と足の感覚は、実は脳の中でつながっていた --脳障害による活動変化の広がりを見ることで常識を覆す発見、脳機能・疾患機序の理解へ前進--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-21.Concurrent genetic neuromodulation and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in primates has provided a valuable opportunity to assess the modified brain-wide operation in the resting state. However, its application to link the network operation with behavior still remains challenging. Here, we combined chemogenetic silencing of the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) with tactile fMRI and related behaviors in macaques. Focal chemogenetic silencing of functionally identified SI hand region impaired grasping behavior. The same silencing also attenuated hand stimulation-evoked fMRI signal at both the local silencing site and the anatomically and/or functionally connected downstream grasping network, suggesting altered network operation underlying the induced behavioral impairment. Furthermore, the hand region silencing unexpectedly disinhibited foot representation with accompanying behavioral hypersensitization. These results demonstrate that focal chemogenetic silencing with sensory fMRI in macaques unveils bidirectional network changes to generate multifaceted behavioral impairments, thereby opening a pivotal window toward elucidating the causal network operation underpinning higher brain functions in primates

    Chemogenetic dissection of the primate prefronto-subcortical pathways for working memory and decision-making

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    「何を買うんだっけ」と「どれにしよう」を処理する2つの脳回路を明らかに --霊長類の生体脳で神経経路を可視化・操作する技術で解明、高次脳機能の理解へ大きく前進--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-24.The primate prefrontal cortex (PFC) is situated at the core of higher brain functions via neural circuits such as those linking the caudate nucleus and mediodorsal thalamus. However, the distinctive roles of these prefronto-subcortical pathways remain elusive. Combining in vivo neuronal projection mapping with chemogenetic synaptic silencing, we reversibly dissected key pathways from dorsolateral part of the PFC (dlPFC) to the dorsal caudate (dCD) and lateral mediodorsal thalamus (MDl) individually in single monkeys. We found that silencing the bilateral dlPFC-MDl projections, but not the dlPFC-dCD projections, impaired performance in a spatial working memory task. Conversely, silencing the unilateral dlPFC-dCD projection, but not the unilateral dlPFC-MDl projection, altered preference in a decision-making task. These results revealed dissociable roles of the prefronto-subcortical pathways in working memory and decision-making, representing the technical advantage of imaging-guided pathway-selective chemogenetic manipulation for dissecting neural circuits underlying cognitive functions in primates

    Effects of mild calorie restriction and high-intensity interval walking in middle-aged and older overweight Japanese

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    We investigated whether a combination of mild calorie restriction (MCR) and high-intensity interval walking (HIW) improved physical fitness more than HIW alone in middle-aged and older overweight Japanese (40-69 years old, BMI >= 23.6 kg/m(2)). Forty-seven women and 16 men were divided into MCR + HIW and HIW groups. All subjects performed HIW: >= 5 sets of 3-min low-intensity walking (40% peak aerobic capacity for walking, VO2peak) and 3-min high-intensity walking (>= 70% VO2peak) per day, >= 4 days per week, for 16 weeks while energy expenditure was monitored with a tri-axial accelerometer. The MCR + HIW group consumed meal replacement formula (240 kcal): a mixture of low-carbohydrates and -fat and high-protein, for either lunch or dinner everyday and therefore, had similar to 87% of the energy intake of the HIW group during the intervention period. Although the HIW group showed improvements in BMI, blood pressure, and several blood chemicals, the MCR + HIW group had greater improvement. Moreover, the medical expenditure for the 6 months including the intervention period was 59% lower in the MCR + HIW group than in the HIW group. Our strategy of a short-term combination of MCR and HIW may thus prevent lifestyle-associated diseases and improve health in middle-aged and older overweight Japanese.ArticleEXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY. 44(10):666-675 (2009)journal articl

    Chemogenetic attenuation of cortical seizures in nonhuman primates

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    「てんかん」の発生を時間的・空間的にピンポイントで抑える画期的な治療法を開発 --世界で初めてサルでの有効性を実証、臨床応用に向け大きく前進--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-03-01.Epilepsy is a disorder in which abnormal neuronal hyperexcitation causes several types of seizures. Because pharmacological and surgical treatments occasionally interfere with normal brain function, a more focused and on-demand approach is desirable. Here we examined the efficacy of a chemogenetic tool—designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs)—for treating focal seizure in a nonhuman primate model. Acute infusion of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline into the forelimb region of unilateral primary motor cortex caused paroxysmal discharges with twitching and stiffening of the contralateral arm, followed by recurrent cortical discharges with hemi- and whole-body clonic seizures in two male macaque monkeys. Expression of an inhibitory DREADD (hM4Di) throughout the seizure focus, and subsequent on-demand administration of a DREADD-selective agonist, rapidly suppressed the wide-spread seizures. These results demonstrate the efficacy of DREADDs for attenuating cortical seizure in a nonhuman primate model

    Characterization of pullulanase (PUL)-deficient mutants of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and the function of PUL on starch biosynthesis in the developing rice endosperm

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    Rice (Oryza sativa) allelic sugary1 (sug1) mutants defective in isoamylase 1 (ISA1) accumulate varying levels of starch and phytoglycogen in their endosperm, and the activity of a pullulanase-type of a debranching enzyme (PUL) was found to correlate closely with the severity of the sug1 phenotype. Thus, three PUL-deficient mutants were generated to investigate the function of PUL in starch biosynthesis. The reduction of PUL activity had no pleiotropic effects on the other enzymes involved in starch biosynthesis. The short chains (DP ≤13) of amylopectin in PUL mutants were increased compared with that of the wild type, but the extent of the changes was much smaller than that of sug1 mutants. The α-glucan composition [amylose, amylopectin, water-soluble polysaccharide (WSP)] and the structure of the starch components (amylose and amylopectin) of the PUL mutants were essentially the same, although the average chain length of the B2-3 chains of amylopectin in the PUL mutant was ∼3 residues longer than that of the wild type. The double mutants between the PUL-null and mild sug1 mutants still retained starch in the outer layer of endosperm tissue, while the amounts of WSP and short chains (DP ≤7) of amylopectin were higher than those of the sug1 mutant; this indicates that the PUL function partially overlaps with that of ISA1 and its deficiency has a much smaller effect on the synthesis of amylopectin than ISA1 deficiency and the variation of the sug1 phenotype is not significantly dependent on the PUL activities

    State-of-the-art ultrasonographic findings in lower extremity sports injuries

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    Athletes sometimes experience overuse injuries. To diagnose these injuries, ultrasonography is often more useful than plain radiography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ultrasonography can show both bone and soft tissue from various angles as needed, providing great detail in many cases. In conditions such as osteochondrosis or enthesopathies such as Osgood-Schlatter disease, Sinding- Larsen-Johansson disease, bipartite patella, osteochondritis dissecans of the knee, painful accessory navicular, and jumper’s knee, ultrasonography can reveal certain types of bony irregularities or neovascularization of the surrounding tissue. In patients of enthesopathy, ultrasonography can show the degenerative changes at the insertion of the tendon. Given its usefulness in treatment, ultrasonography is expected to become essential in the management of overuse injuries affecting the lower limb in athletes

    ホンガク ニ オケル ショウガイ ガクセイ シエン ニ カンスル ゲンジョウ ト カダイ キョウイン ヘノ web アンケート チョウサ ヨリ

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    日本では2016年に障害者差別解消法が施行され,本学では同年に現在の障がい学生支援体制が構築され,合理的配慮を申請する学生の数は増加の一途にある.また,本学では2021年にD&I宣言が打ち出され,障がいの有無に関係なく個々の可能性を生かす環境整備を目標に掲げられた.つまり,合理的配慮の提供に限らず,教員が学生個々に合わせた教育指導及び支援を行うことが求められることとなる.本報告では教員に対してアンケートを実施することで,教員の学生支援の現状を把握し,今後の課題について考察した.合理的配慮対象外の障がいのある,もしくは障がいの疑いがある学生への個別の支援については多くの職員が必要と感じ,教育的な支援をおこなっていた.今後のD&Iな環境構築を実現させるためには教員へのサポートの充実が求められる.In Japan, the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities was enacted in 2016, and in the same year, the current support system for students with disabilities was established at Osaka University, and the number of students applying for reasonable accommodation is steadily increasing. Osaka University declared D&I in 2021, with the goal of creating an environment in which individuals can make the most of their potential, regardless of whether they have a disability or not. In other words, teachers are required to provide not only reasonable accommodation, but also to provide educational guidance and support tailored to each student. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey to teachers to grasp the current situations and challenges of their student support. Many staff felt that it was necessary to provide individual support to students with or suspected of being disabled, which are not eligible for reasonable accommodation, and provided educational support. In order to realize the development of the D&I environment in the future, we thought that enhanced support for teachers would be required.調査報告Research Report