25 research outputs found

    Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction.

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    Intrinsically disordered proteins, defying the traditional protein structure-function paradigm, are a challenge to study experimentally. Because a large part of our knowledge rests on computational predictions, it is crucial that their accuracy is high. The Critical Assessment of protein Intrinsic Disorder prediction (CAID) experiment was established as a community-based blind test to determine the state of the art in prediction of intrinsically disordered regions and the subset of residues involved in binding. A total of 43 methods were evaluated on a dataset of 646 proteins from DisProt. The best methods use deep learning techniques and notably outperform physicochemical methods. The top disorder predictor has Fmax = 0.483 on the full dataset and Fmax = 0.792 following filtering out of bona fide structured regions. Disordered binding regions remain hard to predict, with Fmax = 0.231. Interestingly, computing times among methods can vary by up to four orders of magnitude

    Lessons from the CAGI-4 Hopkins clinical panel challenge

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    The CAGI-4 Hopkins clinical panel challenge was an attempt to assess state of the art methods for clinical phenotype prediction from DNA sequence. Participants were provided with exonic sequences of 83 genes for 106 patients from the Johns Hopkins DNA Diagnostic Laboratory. Five groups participated in the challenge, predicting both the probability that each patient had each of fourteen possible classes of disease, as well as one or more causal variants. In cases where the Hopkins laboratory reported a variant, at least one predictor correctly identified the disease class in 36 of 43 patients (84%). Even in cases where the Hopkins laboratory did not find a variant, at least one predictor correctly identified the class in 39 of 63 patients (62%). Each prediction group correctly diagnosed at least one patient that was not successfully diagnosed by any other groups. We discuss the causal variant predictions by the different groups and their implications for further development of methods to assess variants of unknown significance. Our results suggest that clinically relevant variants may be missed when physicians order small panels targeted on a specific phenotype. We also quantify the false positive rate of DNA-guided analysis in the absence of prior phenotypic indication. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Using neural networks and evolutionary information in decoy discrimination for protein tertiary structure prediction

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    Background: We present a novel method of protein fold decoy discrimination using machine learning, more specifically using neural networks. Here, decoy discrimination is represented as a machine learning problem, where neural networks are used to learn the native-like features of protein structures using a set of positive and negative training examples. A set of native protein structures provides the positive training examples, while negative training examples are simulated decoy structures obtained by reversing the sequences of native structures. Various features are extracted from the training dataset of positive and negative examples and used as inputs to the neural networks.Results: Results have shown that the best performing neural network is the one that uses input information comprising of PSI-BLAST [1] profiles of residue pairs, pairwise distance and the relative solvent accessibilities of the residues. This neural network is the best among all methods tested in discriminating the native structure from a set of decoys for all decoy datasets tested. Conclusion: This method is demonstrated to be viable, and furthermore evolutionary information is successfully used in the neural networks to improve decoy discrimination

    The InterPro protein families and domains database: 20 years on

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    The InterPro database (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) provides an integrative classification of protein sequences into families, and identifies functionally important domains and conserved sites. InterProScan is the underlying software that allows protein and nucleic acid sequences to be searched against InterPro's signatures. Signatures are predictive models which describe protein families, domains or sites, and are provided by multiple databases. InterPro combines signatures representing equivalent families, domains or sites, and provides additional information such as descriptions, literature references and Gene Ontology (GO) terms, to produce a comprehensive resource for protein classification. Founded in 1999, InterPro has become one of the most widely used resources for protein family annotation. Here, we report the status of InterPro (version 81.0) in its 20th year of operation, and its associated software, including updates to database content, the release of a new website and REST API, and performance improvements in InterProScan

    InterPro in 2019: improving coverage, classification and access to protein sequence annotations

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    The InterPro database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) classifies protein sequences into families and predicts the presence of functionally important domains and sites. Here, we report recent developments with InterPro (version 70.0) and its associated software, including an 18% growth in the size of the database in terms on new InterPro entries, updates to content, the inclusion of an additional entry type, refined modelling of discontinuous domains, and the development of a new programmatic interface and website. These developments extend and enrich the information provided by InterPro, and provide greater flexibility in terms of data access. We also show that InterPro's sequence coverage has kept pace with the growth of UniProtKB, and discuss how our evaluation of residue coverage may help guide future curation activities

    Identification and structural characterization of FYVE domain-containing proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>FYVE domains have emerged as membrane-targeting domains highly specific for phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns(3)<it>P</it>). They are predominantly found in proteins involved in various trafficking pathways. Although FYVE domains may function as individual modules, dimers or in partnership with other proteins, structurally, all FYVE domains share a fold comprising two small characteristic double-stranded β-sheets, and a C-terminal α-helix, which houses eight conserved Zn<sup>2+ </sup>ion-binding cysteines. To date, the structural, biochemical, and biophysical mechanisms for subcellular targeting of FYVE domains for proteins from various model organisms have been worked out but plant FYVE domains remain noticeably under-investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We carried out an extensive examination of all <it>Arabidopsis </it>FYVE domains, including their identification, classification, molecular modeling and biophysical characterization using computational approaches. Our classification of fifteen <it>Arabidopsis </it>FYVE proteins at the outset reveals unique domain architectures for FYVE containing proteins, which are not paralleled in other organisms. Detailed sequence analysis and biophysical characterization of the structural models are used to predict membrane interaction mechanisms previously described for other FYVE domains and their subtle variations as well as novel mechanisms that seem to be specific to plants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study contributes to the understanding of the molecular basis of FYVE-based membrane targeting in plants on a genomic scale. The results show that FYVE domain containing proteins in plants have evolved to incorporate significant differences from those in other organisms implying that they play a unique role in plant signaling pathways and/or play similar/parallel roles in signaling to other organisms but use different protein players/signaling mechanisms.</p

    Working toward precision medicine: Predicting phenotypes from exomes in the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI) challenges

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    Precision medicine aims to predict a patient's disease risk and best therapeutic options by using that individual's genetic sequencing data. The Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI) is a community experiment consisting of genotype–phenotype prediction challenges; participants build models, undergo assessment, and share key findings. For CAGI 4, three challenges involved using exome-sequencing data: Crohn's disease, bipolar disorder, and warfarin dosing. Previous CAGI challenges included prior versions of the Crohn's disease challenge. Here, we discuss the range of techniques used for phenotype prediction as well as the methods used for assessing predictive models. Additionally, we outline some of the difficulties associated with making predictions and evaluating them. The lessons learned from the exome challenges can be applied to both research and clinical efforts to improve phenotype prediction from genotype. In addition, these challenges serve as a vehicle for sharing clinical and research exome data in a secure manner with scientists who have a broad range of expertise, contributing to a collaborative effort to advance our understanding of genotype–phenotype relationships

    PDBe-KB: collaboratively defining the biological context of structural data

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    The Protein Data Bank in Europe – Knowledge Base (PDBe-KB, https://pdbe-kb.org) is an open collaboration between world-leading specialist data resources contributing functional and biophysical annotations derived from or relevant to the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The goal of PDBe-KB is to place macromolecular structure data in their biological context by developing standardised data exchange formats and integrating functional annotations from the contributing partner resources into a knowledge graph that can provide valuable biological insights. Since we described PDBe-KB in 2019, there have been significant improvements in the variety of available annotation data sets and user functionality. Here, we provide an overview of the consortium, highlighting the addition of annotations such as predicted covalent binders, phosphorylation sites, effects of mutations on the protein structure and energetic local frustration. In addition, we describe a library of reusable web-based visualisation components and introduce new features such as a bulk download data service and a novel superposition service that generates clusters of superposed protein chains weekly for the whole PDB archive

    An expanded evaluation of protein function prediction methods shows an improvement in accuracy

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    Background: A major bottleneck in our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of life is the assignment of function to proteins. While molecular experiments provide the most reliable annotation of proteins, their relatively low throughput and restricted purview have led to an increasing role for computational function prediction. However, assessing methods for protein function prediction and tracking progress in the field remain challenging.Results: We conducted the second critical assessment of functional annotation (CAFA), a timed challenge to assess computational methods that automatically assign protein function. We evaluated 126 methods from 56 research groups for their ability to predict biological functions using Gene Ontology and gene-disease associations using Human Phenotype Ontology on a set of 3681 proteins from 18 species. CAFA2 featured expanded analysis compared with CAFA1, with regards to data set size, variety, and assessment metrics. To review progress in the field, the analysis compared the best methods from CAFA1 to those of CAFA2.Conclusions: The top-performing methods in CAFA2 outperformed those from CAFA1. This increased accuracy can be attributed to a combination of the growing number of experimental annotations and improved methods for function prediction. The assessment also revealed that the definition of top-performing algorithms is ontology specific, that different performance metrics can be used to probe the nature of accurate predictions, and the relative diversity of predictions in the biological process and human phenotype ontologies. While there was methodological improvement between CAFA1 and CAFA2, the interpretation of results and usefulness of individual methods remain context-dependent