224 research outputs found

    A single intrinsic Josephson junction with double-sided fabrication technique

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    We make stacks of intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) imbedded in the bulk of very thin (d100d\leq 100~nm) Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x\mathrm{Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x}} single crystals. By precisely controlling the etching depth during the double-sided fabrication process, the stacks can be reproducibly tailor-made to be of any microscopic height (09nm<d0-9 \mathrm{nm} <d), i.e. enclosing a specified number of IJJ (0-6), including the important case of a single junction. We discuss reproducible gap-like features in the current-voltage characteristics of the samples at high bias.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to be published in APL May. 2

    VALES: IV. Exploring the transition of star formation efficiencies between normal and starburst galaxies using APEX/SEPIA Band-5 and ALMA at low redshift

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    In this work we present new APEX/SEPIA Band-5 observations targeting the CO (J=2-1J=2\text{-}1) emission line of 24 Herschel-detected galaxies at z=0.10.2z=0.1-0.2. Combining this sample {with} our recent new Valpara\'iso ALMA Line Emission Survey (VALES), we investigate the star formation efficiencies (SFEs = SFR/MH2M_{\rm H_{2}}) of galaxies at low redshift. We find the SFE of our sample bridges the gap between normal star-forming galaxies and Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs), which are thought to be triggered by different star formation modes. Considering the SFE\rm SFE' as the SFR and the LCOL'_{\rm CO} ratio, our data show a continuous and smooth increment as a function of infrared luminosity (or star formation rate) with a scatter about 0.5 dex, instead of a steep jump with a bimodal behaviour. This result is due to the use of a sample with a much larger range of sSFR/sSFRms_{\rm ms} using LIRGs, with luminosities covering the range between normal and ULIRGs. We conclude that the main parameters controlling the scatter of the SFE in star-forming galaxies are the systematic uncertainty of the αCO\alpha_{\rm CO} conversion factor, the gas fraction and physical size.Comment: 9pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Magnetic field regulated infall on the disc around the massive protostar Cepheus A HW2

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    We present polarization observations of the 6.7-GHz methanol masers around the massive protostar Cepheus A HW2 and its associated disc. The data were taken with the Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network. The maser polarization is used to determine the full three-dimensional magnetic field structure around Cepheus A HW2. The observations suggest that the masers probe the large scale magnetic field and not isolated pockets of a compressed field. We find that the magnetic field is predominantly aligned along the protostellar outflow and perpendicular to the molecular and dust disc. From the three-dimensional magnetic field orientation and measurements of the magnetic field strength along the line of sight, we are able to determine that the high density material, in which the masers occurs, is threaded by a large scale magnetic field of ~23 mG. This indicates that the protostellar environment at ~1000 AU from Cepheus A HW2 is slightly supercritical (lambda approximately 1.7) and the relation between density and magnetic field is consistent with collapse along the magnetic field lines. Thus, the observations indicate that the magnetic field likely regulates accretion onto the disc. The magnetic field dominates the turbulent energies by approximately a factor of three and is sufficiently strong to be the crucial component stabilizing the massive accretion disc and sustaining the high accretion rates needed during massive star-formation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS. High resolution version can be found at http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~wouter/papers/papers.shtm

    Dynamics of the 6.7 and 12.2 GHz methanol masers around Cepheus A HW2

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    The 6.7 GHz methanol maser is exclusively associated with high-mass star formation. However, it remains unclear what structures harbour the methanol masers. Cepheus A is one of the closest regions of massive star formation, making it an excellent candidate for detailed studies. We determine the dynamics of maser spots in the high-mass star-forming region Cepheus A in order to infer where and when the maser emission occurs. Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the 6.7 and 12.2 GHz methanol masers allows for mapping their spatial and velocity distribution. Phase-referencing is used to determine the astrometric positions of the maser emission, and multi-epoch observations can reveal 3D motions. The 6.7 GHz methanol masers are found in a filamentary structure over ~1350 AU, straddling the waist of the radio jet HW2. The positions agree well with previous observations of both the 6.7 and 12.2 GHz methanol masers. The velocity field of the maser spots does not show any sign of rotation, but is instead consistent with an infall signature. The 12.2 GHz methanol masers are closely associated with the 6.7 GHz methanol masers, and the parallax that we derive confirms previous measurements. We show that the methanol maser emission very likely arises in a shock interface in the equatorial region of Cepheus A HW2 and presents a model in which the maser emission occurs between the infalling gas and the accretion disk/process.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Distribution and excitation of thermal methanol in 6.7 GHz maser bearing star-forming regions. I. The nearby source Cepheus A

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    Context. Candidate high-mass star-forming regions can be identified through the occurrence of 6.7 GHz methanol masers. In these sources the methanol abundance of the gas must be enhanced, because the masers require a considerable methanol path length. The place and time of origin of this enhancement is not well known. Similarly, it is debated in which of the physical components of the high-mass star-forming region the masers are located.Aims. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution and excitation of the methanol gas around Cep A and to describe the physical conditions of the region. In addition the large-scale abundance distribution is determined to understand the morphology and kinematics of star-forming regions in which methanol masers occur.Methods. The spatial distribution of methanol is studied by mapping the line emission, as well as the column density and excitation temperature, which are estimated using rotation diagrams. For a limited number of positions the parameters are checked with non-LTE models. Furthermore, the distribution of the methanol abundance is derived in comparison with archival dust continuum maps.Results. Methanol is detected over a 0.3x0.15 pc area centred on the Cep A HW2 source and shows an outflow signature. Most of the gas can be characterized by a moderately warm rotation temperature (30-60 K). At the central position two velocity components are detected with different excitation characteristics, the first related to the large-scale outflow. The second component, uniquely detected at the central location, is probably associated with the maser emission on much smaller scales of 2 ''. A detailed analysis reveals that the highest densities and temperatures occur for these inner components. In the inner region the dust and gas are shown to have different physical parameters.Conclusions. Abundances of methanol in the range 10(-9)-10(-7) are inferred, with the abundance peaking at the maser position. The geometry of the large-scale methanol is in accordance with previous determinations of the Cep A geometry, in particular those from methanol masers. The dynamical and chemical time-scales are consistent with a scenario where the methanol originates in a single driving source associated with the HW2 object and the masers in its equatorial region.</p

    The properties and polarization of the H2O and CH3OH maser environment of NGC7538-IRS1

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    NGC7538 is a complex massive star-forming region. The region is composed of several radio continuum sources, one of which is IRS1, a high-mass protostar, from which a 0.3 pc molecular bipolar outflow was detected. Several maser species have been detected around IRS1. The CH3OH masers have been suggested to trace a Keplerian-disk, while the H2O masers are almost aligned to the outflow. More recent results suggested that the region hosts a torus and potentially a disk, but with a different inclination than the Keplerian-disk that is supposed to be traced by the CH3OH masers. Tracing the magnetic field close to protostars is fundamental for determining the orientation of the disk/torus. Recent studies showed that during the protostellar phase of high-mass star formation the magnetic field is oriented along the outflows and around or on the surfaces of the disk/torus. The observations of polarized maser emissions at milliarcsecond resolution can make a crucial contribution to understanding the orientation of the magnetic field and, consequently, the orientation of the disk/torus in NGC7538-IRS1. The NRAO Very Long Baseline Array was used to measure the linear polarization and the Zeeman-splitting of the 22GHz H2O masers toward NGC7538-IRS1. The European VLBI Network and the MERLIN telescopes were used to measure the linear polarization and the Zeeman-splitting of the 6.7GHz CH3OH masers toward the same region. We detected 17 H2O masers and 49 CH3OH masers at high angular resolution. We detected linear polarization emission toward two H2O masers and toward twenty CH3OH masers. The CH3OH masers, most of which only show a core structure, seem to trace rotating and potentially infalling gas in the inner part of a torus. Significant Zeeman-splitting was measured in three CH3OH masers. [...] We also propose a new description of the structure of the NGC7538-IRS1 maser region.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 4 Tables, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Tube Research and Development

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    Contains reports on two research projects