987 research outputs found

    Survey of Italian pediatricians on awareness, experiences and beliefs regarding direct-to-consumer genetic testing in minors

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    Background: Our study wanted to assess Italian pediatricians’ awareness, experience and beliefs regarding directto- consumer (DTC) genetic tests (GT) in minors, with a focus on those for predisposition to complex disease, lyfestyle, athletic ability and other inborn talents. Methods: A 28-item questionnaire was administered through the SurveyMonkey® web platform to the 9,086 members of the Italian Society of Pediatrics for which a valid email address was available. The survey was opened from April through November 2017. Statistical analyses were performed using the Graphpad software package. Results: 36.2% of the 442 respondents were aware of DTC-GT, but only 23.1% of them felt adequately prepared to meet families’ information needs. The first three sources of knowledge were the Internet (20.98%), magazines/ newspapers (16.78%) and TV/Radio (14.33%), while companies’ direct marketing activity influenced knowledge only in 2.45% of the cases. Only 16.4% of the aware respondents had been already approached for advice. More than 95% of the pediatricians who were aware would not advise DTC-GT for lifestyle, athletic performance or other inborn skills. 69.2% was unfavourable to susceptibility tests for complex diseases. Most of them expressed an interest in learning more and indicated as preferred sources of information public policies issued by professional societies. Conclusion: The low awareness and experience and the vendors’ tiny contribution to knowledge suggest a still limited penetration of DTC-GT companies in Italy. A great interest in learning more was found. Scientific societies are best positioned to support health professionals in this educational goal thanks to their role of trusted sources of information and guidance

    "Climate Stress Test: bad (or good) news for the market? An Event Study Analysis on Euro Zone Banks"

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    The scope of this paper is to assess the effect 2021 ECB Climate stress test on the stock prices of the banks included in the exercise. To this end, we set up an event study analysis, whereby at the relevant dates we use market data in order to test for the existence of abnormal returns. Three main results emerge from our research. First, on 18.03.2021 investors’ fear arising from the details published about the methodology of the ECB climate stress test and some preliminary evidence had a negative impact on banks stock prices. Second, on the date of publication of the final results on 22.09.21, we find a positive reaction from market participants, since the market possibly expected the banks’ exposure to climate risks to be greater than the one emerging from final results. Third, on the starting date of COP26, an event related to the worldwide consensus on the need to manage climate change, we find a negative effects on banks’ quote that can be explained by the too tiny progresses reached by the summit, which are considered too mild and not adequate to reach the Paris Agreement goals. Finally, robustness tests including small banks not directly supervised by the ECB and banks with a business model not focused on credit intermediation, indicate that the market consider them less exposed to climate risks than larger banks. Our results may have implications in view of future climate stress tests

    Monitoring of Cell Layer Integrity with a Current-Driven Organic Electrochemical Transistor

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    The integrity of CaCo-2 cell barriers is investigated by organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) in a current-driven configuration. Ion transport through cellular barriers via the paracellular pathway is modulated by tight junctions between adjacent cells. Rupturing its integrity by H2O2 is monitored by the change of the output voltage in the transfer characteristics. It is demonstrated that by operating the OECT in a current-driven configuration, the sensitive and temporal resolution for monitoring the cell barrier integrity is strongly enhanced as compared to the OECT transient response measurement. As a result, current-driven OECTs are useful tools to assess dynamic and critical changes in tight junctions, relevant for clinical applications as drug targeting and screening

    Stratigraphic evolution of the Triassic\u2013Jurassic succession in the Western Southern Alps (Italy) : the record of the two-stage rifting on the distal passive margin of Adria

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    The Triassic-Lower Jurassic succession of the Southern Alps is characterized by rapid thickness changes, from an average of about 5000m east of Lago Maggiore to about 500m in the Western Southern Alps. The stratigraphy reflects the Triassic evolution of the Tethyan Gulf and the Early Jurassic rifting responsible for the Middle Jurassic break-up of Adria from Europe. The succession of the Western Southern Alps starts with Lower Permian volcanics directly covered by Anisian sandstones. The top of the overlying Ladinian dolostones (300m) records subaerial exposure and karstification. Locally (Gozzano), Upper Sinemurian sediments cover the Permian volcanics, documenting pre-Sinemurian erosion. New biostratigraphic data indicate a latest Pliensbachian-Toarcian age for the Jurassic synrift deposits that unconformably cover Ladinian or Sinemurian sediments. Therefore, in the Western Southern Alps, the major rifting stage that directly evolved into the opening of the Penninic Ocean began in the latest Pliensbachian-Toarcian. New data allowed us to refine the evolution of the two previously recognized Jurassic extensional events in the Southern Alps. The youngest extensional event (Western Southern Alps) occurred as tectonic activity decreased in the Lombardy Basin. During the Sinemurian the Gozzano high represents the western shoulder of a rift basin located to the east (Lombardy). This evolution documents a transition from diffuse early rifting (Late Hettangian-Sinemurian), controlled by older discontinuities, to rifting focused along a rift valley close to the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary. This younger rift bridges the gap between the Hettangian-Sinemurian diffuse rifting and the Callovian-Bathonian break-up. The late Pliensbachian-Toarcian rift, which eventually lead to continental break-up, is interpreted as the major extensional episode in the evolution of the passive margin of Adria. The transition from diffuse to focused extension in the Southern Alps is comparable to the evolution of the Central Austroalpine during the Early Jurassic and of the Central and Northern Atlantic margins

    Linking food web functioning and habitat diversity for an ecosystem based management: A Mediterranean lagoon case-study

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    We propose a modelling approach relating the functioning of a transitional ecosystem with the spatial extension of its habitats. A test case is presented for the lagoon of Venice, discussing the results in the context of the application of current EU directives. The effects on food web functioning due to changes related to manageable and unmanageable drivers were investigated. The modelling procedure involved the use of steady-state food web models and network analysis, respectively applied to estimate the fluxes of energy associated with trophic interactions, and to compute indices of food web functioning. On the long term (hundred years) temporal scale, the model indicated that the expected loss of salt marshes will produce further changes at the system level, with a lagoon showing a decrease in the energy processing efficiency. On the short term scale, simulation results indicated that fishery management accompanied by seagrass restoration measures would produce a slight transition towards a more healthy system, with higher energy cycling, and maintaining a good balance between processing efficiency and resilience. Scenarios presented suggest that the effectiveness of short term management strategies can be better evaluated when contextualized in the long term trends of evolution of a system. We also remark the need for further studying the relationship between habitat diversity and indicators of food web functioning
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