144 research outputs found

    Persistent middle ear effusion presumably biofilm-related in a paediatric patient with common variable immunodeficiency

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    Bacterial biofilms play a role in upper respiratory tract diseases, including acute and chronic middle ear diseases, and are involved in chronic infections and resistance to antibiotic treatment. In particular, the nasopharynx and the surrounding tissues act as important reservoirs of resistant bacterial biofilms, which have been detected in biopsies taken from adenoid and/or middle ear mucosa of children with chronic middle ear effusion. Here we describe the management of a child with congenital immunodeficiency and a chronic middle ear effusion, resistant to traditional medical treatment and presumably due to nasopharyngeal colonization by bacterial biofilms, which has been successfully treated by means of medicated nasal douches delivering antibiotic and a biofilm-destroying compound

    Step-by-step iconographic description of a prolonged but still favourable course of orbital cellulitis in a child with acute rhinosinusitis: an iconographic case study

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    Orbital cellulitis is an infrequent complication of acute ethmoiditis possibly leading to life- or visual-threatening complications. Despite its natural history is well known, its clinical evolution may widely vary among patients, and even in the most favourable cases long-term sequelae may persist. We here provide a step-by-step iconographic description of a periorbital and orbital cellulitis occurring in a child with ipsilateral acute rhinosinusitis. Our report shows that an unusual long-term evolution of periorbital and orbital cellulitis is possible also in apparently favourable cases

    The Cytokine Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase (eNAMPT; PBEF; Visfatin) Acts as a Natural Antagonist of C-C Chemokine Receptor Type 5 (CCR5)

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    (1) Background: Extracellular nicotinamide phosphoribosyltrasferase (eNAMPT) is released by various cell types with pro-tumoral and pro-inflammatory properties. In cancer, eNAMPT regulates tumor growth through the activation of intracellular pathways, suggesting that it acts through a putative receptor, although its nature is still elusive. It has been shown, using surface plasma resonance, that eNAMPT binds to the C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5), although the physiological meaning of this finding is unknown. The aim of the present work was to characterize the pharmacodynamics of eNAMPT on CCR5. (2) Methods: HeLa CCR5-overexpressing stable cell line and B16 melanoma cells were used. We focused on some phenotypic effects of CCR5 activation, such as calcium release and migration, to evaluate eNAMPT actions on this receptor. (3) Results: eNAMPT did not induce ERK activation or cytosolic Ca2+-rises alone. Furthermore, eNAMPT prevents CCR5 internalization mediated by Rantes. eNAMPT pretreatment inhibits CCR5-mediated PKC activation and Rantes-dependent calcium signaling. The effect of eNAMPT on CCR5 was specific, as the responses to ATP and carbachol were unaffected. This was strengthened by the observation that eNAMPT inhibited Rantes-induced Ca2+-rises and Rantes-induced migration in a melanoma cell line. (4) Conclusions: Our work shows that eNAMPT binds to CCR5 and acts as a natural antagonist of this receptor

    Supervised Nasal Saline Irrigations in Otitis-Prone Children

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    Objectives: To retrospectively investigate the impact of supervised daily nasal saline irrigations (NSI) with 0. 9% saline solution in children with a history of recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM).Methods: A retrospective pilot study was planned to evaluate the possible effect of supervised NSI in reducing the number of acute otitis media (AOM) episodes in otitis-prone children aged 1–5 years, compared to children not instructed to correct NSI performance.Results: Analysis was based on the data contained in 173 charts (57.3% males, mean age of 30.9 ± 7.3 months). 52.0% of children had not been instructed to perform NSI, while the remaining (48.0%) patients had received supervised NSI. At the 4-months follow-up visit a significant reduced number of AOM episodes (1.03 ± 0.14 vs. 2.08 ± 0.16; p < 0.001) as well as antibiotic treatments (1.48 ± 0.17 vs. 2.59 ± 0.18; p < 0.001) was documented in children receiving supervised NSI compared to those not instructed for NSI performance.Conclusions: These data suggest that NSI should be considered in the therapeutic management of children with RAOM, and should be routinely prescribed as a daily adjunctive treatment to reduce acute infectious exacerbations in otitis-prone patients. Accurate parents training is crucial in order to improve children compliance and treatment effectiveness

    Phenotype Profiling and Allergy in Otitis-Prone Children

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    Background: Otitis-prone children can present some distinctive clinical patterns and although a number of known risk factors for recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM) are known, no dedicated epidemiological models have been developed to explain clinical heterogeneity.Methods: A preliminary retrospective pilot study was planned to evaluate the possible effect of allergic disease in the development of different disease phenotypes in otitis-prone children aged 3–10 years, particularly the absence (simple RAOM), or presence of episodes of otitis media with effusion between acute infections (RAOM with OME).Results: Analysis was based on the data contained in 153 charts (55.6% males, mean age of 59.4 ± 16.4 months). 75.8% of children had a simple RAOM and 24.2% a RAOM with OME. Atopy or allergy were documented in respectively 47.7 and 41.3% of children considered as a whole. The prevalence of atopy or allergy was significantly higher in the children with a RAOM with OME (atopy: 73.0 vs. 39.5%, p < 0.001; allergy: 60.0 vs. 36.1%, p = 0.049), who also more frequently showed adenoidal hypertrophy (p = 0.016), chronic adenoiditis (p = 0.007), conductive hearing loss (p = 0.004), and impaired tympanometry (p < 0.001).Conclusions: These data suggest that children with a RAOM with OME are clinically different from children with simple RAOM, as they have a more complex clinical presentation that includes not only adenoidal disease and audiological impairment, but also an underlying allergy or atopy. The possibility that the factors mentioned above may be differently involved in the heterogeneous clinical manifestations occurring in otitis-prone children needs to be further investigated in ad hoc epidemiological studies

    Endoscopic Adenoidectomy in Children With Otitis Media With Effusion and Mild Hearing Loss

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    Objectives Surgical management of children with chronic otitis media with effusion (OME) includes tympanostomy tube insertion or adenoidectomy, alone or with myringotomy and tube insertion. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of transoral microdebrider endoscopic-assisted adenoidectomy (TOMEA) and traditional adenoidectomy in the management of children with mild hearing loss due to OME and chronic adenoiditis. Methods This prospective, double-blind and controlled study involved 120 consecutive patients aged 4–12 years, who were randomised 1:1 to undergo TOMEA or traditional adenoidectomy under general anesthesia. All the patients underwent a complete otolaryngological examination, including nasopharyngeal fibre endoscopy (NFE), pneumatic otoscopy, otomicroscopy, tympanometry and supraliminar tonal audiometry, upon enrolment, and three and nine months postoperatively. Results There were no statistically significant differences in age or gender distribution between the TOMEA group (mean age, 4.9±1.1 years; 53.3% males) and the traditional adenoidectomy group (mean age, 5.3±0.9 years; 56.7% males). Both procedures led to a significant improvement in choanal patency (P<0.01) and all of the otological and audiological parameters (P<0.01) 3 and 9 months postoperatively, although postoperative NFE showed that the mean percentage of residual choanal obstruction was significantly less in the TOMEA group (P=0.02). There was no significant between-group difference in the percentage of children with tympanic membrane changes, but the postoperative prevalence of children with a type B tympanogram was significantly lower in the TOMEA group after 3 (15.0% vs. 31.7%, P=0.05) and 9 months (18.3% vs. 38.3%, P=0.02), as was the percentage of children with mild conductive hearing loss (3.3% vs. 23.3%, P<0.01; and 8.3% vs. 28.3%, P<0.01). Conclusion Although both TOMEA and traditional adenoidectomy are effective in treating children with mild hearing loss due to adenoidal hypertrophy and OME, the former achieves the greater reduction in residual adenoidal hypertrophy and better audiological outcomes

    Otitis Media Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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    The global coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the prevalence and management of many pediatric infectious diseases, including acute otitis media (AOM). Coronaviruses are a group of RNA viruses that cause respiratory tract infections in humans. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, coronavirus serotypes OC43, 229E, HKU1, and NL63 were infrequently detected in middle ear fluid (MEF) specimens and nasopharyngeal aspirates in children with AOM during the 1990s and 2000s and were associated with a mild course of the disease. At times when CoV was detected in OM cases, the overall viral load was relatively low. The new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative pathogen responsible for the eruption of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Following the pandemic declaration in many countries and by the World Health Organization in March 2020, preventive proactive measures were imposed to limit COVID-19. These included social distancing; lockdowns; closure of workplaces; kindergartens and schools; increased hygiene; use of antiseptics and alcohol-based gels; frequent temperature measurements and wearing masks. These measures were not the only ones taken, as hospitals and clinics tried to minimize treating non-urgent medical referrals such as OM, and elective surgical procedures were canceled, such as ventilating tube insertion (VTI). These changes and regulations altered the way OM is practiced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Advents in technology allowed a vast use of telemedicine technologies for OM, however, the accuracy of AOM diagnosis in those encounters was in doubt, and antibiotic prescription rates were still reported to be high. There was an overall decrease in AOM episodes and admissions rates and with high spontaneous resolution rates of MEF in children, and a reduction in VTI surgeries. Despite an initial fear regarding viral shedding during myringotomy, the procedure was shown to be safe. Special draping techniques for otologic surgery were suggested. Other aspects of OM practice included the presentation of adult patients with AOM who tested positive for SARS-2-CoV and its detection in MEF samples in living patients and in the mucosa of the middle ear and mastoid in post-mortem specimens

    A Strong Decline in the Incidence of Childhood Otitis Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Netherlands

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    Introduction: Recent reports have highlighted the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of infectious disease illnesses and antibiotic use. This study investigates the effect of the pandemic on childhood incidence of otitis media (OM) and associated antibiotic prescribing in a large primary care-based cohort in the Netherlands. Material and Methods: Retrospective observational cohort study using routine health care data from the Julius General Practitioners’ Network (JGPN). All children aged 0-12 registered in 62 practices before the COVID-19 pandemic (1 March 2019 - 29 February 2020) and/or during the pandemic (1 March 2020 - 28 February 2021) were included. Data on acute otitis media (AOM), otitis media with effusion (OME), ear discharge episodes and associated antibiotic prescriptions were extracted. Incidence rates per 1,000 child years (IR), incidence rate ratios (IRR) and incidence rate differences (IRD) were compared between the two study periods. Results: OM episodes declined considerably during the COVID-19 pandemic: IR pre-COVID-19 vs COVID-19 for AOM 73.7 vs 27.1 [IRR 0.37]; for OME 9.6 vs 4.1 [IRR 0.43]; and for ear discharge 12.6 vs 5.8 [IRR 0.46]. The absolute number of AOM episodes in which oral antibiotics were prescribed declined accordingly (IRD pre-COVID-19 vs COVID-19: -22.4 per 1,000 child years), but the proportion of AOM episodes with antibiotic prescription was similar in both periods (47% vs 46%, respectively). Discussion: GP consultation for AOM, OME and ear discharge declined by 63%, 57% and 54% respectively in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic. Similar antibiotic prescription rates before and during the pandemic indicate that the case-mix presenting to primary care did not considerably change. Our data therefore suggest a true decline as a consequence of infection control measures introduced during the pandemic
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