246 research outputs found

    Spanish Golden Age painting and the Manuel Ortiz de Zevallos (1812-1882) Collection: reflections of identity, heritage and the art market in Peru

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    A partir del siglo XVII, la pintura del Siglo de Oro español se convierte en una pieza clave de la construcción de la identidad nacional del Virreinato del Perú. Muchos artistas limeños adoptan las nuevas tendencias estilísticas procedentes de la península para diferenciarse del arcaísmo cuzqueño y las obras de maestros hispanos que llegan a América adquieren un gran prestigio. Así, durante el siglo XIX, al mismo tiempo que el coleccionismo vive una época de esplendor en Lima, se intenta generar una concienciación pública acerca de la conservación del patrimonio nacional, denunciando robos y manteniendo la integridad de conjuntos artísticos como la colección Ortiz de Zevallos, la que hubiera dado lugar a una de las pinacotecas más importantes de Sudamérica.From the 17 th century on, Spanish Golden Age painting became a key component in the construction of national identity in the Viceroyalty of Peru. Artists in Lima embraced trends from Peninsular Spain in order to differentiate themselves from the Cuzco School of painting, and pictures by Murillo, Zurbaran, or Velasquez gained great prestige in the country. During the 19 th century, art and antiques collecting flourished in Lima. Meanwhile, different attempts to raise social awareness about the conservation of national heritage were made, denouncing thefts and upholding the preservation of artistic collections. Such was the case regarding the one amassed by Manuel Ortiz de Zevallos, which could have ranked among the best art galleries in South America today

    La presencia de una "relajación social" en la prevención de infecciones de transmisión sexual en la población adolescente canaria

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    Los distintos sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica muestran un importante incremento de casos de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en adolescentes de nuestro país. Los estudios más recientes atisban una preocupante relajación social por parte de los adolescentes en aspectos relacionados con la prevención de ITS. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las conductas sexuales y conocimientos sobre sexualidad, anticoncepción y prevención de ITS en los adolescentes escolarizados de Canarias, con el fin de conocer la realidad conductual de este grupo poblacional. Se trata de un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal llevado a cabo como experiencia piloto en un centro educativo de la isla de Tenerife (Canarias, España). Para ello se utilizó un cuestionario con 38 ítems donde se incluyen variables sociodemográficas, así como otras relacionadas con experiencias, conductas y salud sexual, conocimientos sobre ITS y sexualidad. En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos podemos señalar que la media de edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales es de 15,7 años y la media de parejas sexuales de 3,82. Asimismo, un 20,5% no utilizó preservativo en su primera relación sexual y el 31,8% no lo hizo en la última. La media de aciertos en cuestiones sobre ITS, sexualidad y anticoncepción fue de 82,24%, y el 79,6% recibió información sanitaria. Como conclusión, podemos decir que los jóvenes adolescentes participantes de este estudio llevan a cabo conductas sexuales de riesgo, a pesar de haber recibido información acerca de la sexualidad, anticoncepción e ITS, y manifestar un buen nivel de conocimientos sobre dichas materias, lo que confirma la sospecha de cierta relajación social.Different epidemiological vigilance systems show an important increase of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) cases in teenagers in Spain. The most recent studies give a glimpse of a worrying easing by teenagers in some aspects related to the prevention of STIs. This paper aims to analyze the sexual behavior and knowledge about sex, contraception, and prevention of STIs in teenagers attending school in the Canary Islands, with the purpose of recognizing the real behaviour of this population group. Moreover, this paper considers an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study conducted as a pilot experience in a school in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). In order to do so, a questionnaire with 38 items will be used, which will include socio-demographic variables, as well as others related to sexual experiences, behaviours and health, knowledge about STIs, and sexuality. Regarding the results obtained, we can highlight that the average age at which teenagers have their first sexual relation is 15,7 years old, and the average number of sexual partners is 3,82. Additionally, 20,5% of the teenagers did not use a condom in their first sexual relation, and 31,8% did not use one in their last sexual relation. On the students surveyed on STIs, sexuality and contraception, the average score received was 82,24%, yet only 79,6 received health information. In conclusion, it can be stated that the teenagers who participated in this study undergo risky sexual behaviors, despite having received information about sexuality, contraception, and STIs. The demonstration of a high level of knowledge about these topics shows a certain social relaxation

    Congenital Chagas’ disease transmission in the United States: Diagnosis in adulthood

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    Two brothers with congenitally-acquired Chagas’ disease (CD) diagnosed during adulthood are reported. The patients were born in the USA to a mother from Bolivia who on subsequent assessment was found to be serologically positive for Trypanosoma cruzi. Serologic screening of all pregnant women who migrated from countries with endemic CD is strongly recommended

    Analysis of fluid velocity inside an agricultural sprayer using generalized linear mixed models

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    The fluid velocity inside the tank of agricultural sprayers is an indicator of the quality of the mixture. This study aims to formulate the best generalized linear mixed model to infer the fluid velocity inside a tank under specific operational parameters of the agitation system, such as liquid level, circuit pressures, and number of active nozzles. A complex model was developed that included operational parameters as fixed eects (FE) and the section of the tank as the random eect. The goodness of fit of the model was evaluated by considering the lowest values of Akaike''s information criteria and Bayesian information criterion, and by estimating the residual variance. The gamma distribution and log-link function enhanced the goodness of fit of the best model. The Toeplitz structure was chosen as the structure of the covariance matrix. SPSS and SAS software were used to compute the model. The analysis showed that the greatest influence on the fluid velocity was exerted by the liquid level in the tank, followed by the circuit pressure and, finally, the number of active nozzles. The development presented here could serve as a guide for formulating models to evaluate the eciency of the agitation system of agricultural sprayers

    Intervention and evaluation of the motivational climate transmitted by a basketball coach

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    Coaches are reference models for youth athletes and have a high degree of influence over them, and thus a suitable education is important. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess how a basketball coach progresses in the transmission of a task climate during his basketball training sessions, after participating in a reflective educational program focused on the coach's actions. In this study, a basketball coach and the two teams that he coached participated. All the players were between 14 and 15 years of age. The behavior of the coach was analyzed through an adaptation of the Coaching Behavior Assessment System (CBAS) (Smith, Smoll, & Hunt, 1977). The observational analysis was carried out by the research team, who was previously trained. Six sessions of observation were carried out, and inter- and intraobserver reliabilities of 97.6% were obtained. During three months, the coach participated in an educational program consisting of six supervised cycles in which the premises established by Ames (1992) with the abbreviation TARGET were followed, in order to transmit a task climate during his coaching sessions. The results demonstrate a progression in the climate that was transmitted by the coach. In the first training session, the proportion of the climate that he transmitted as task was 65.67% and the ego climate was 34.43%, while in the penultimate training session it was 85.11% for task versus 14.89% for ego, and this was the session with the greatest proportion of transmitted task climate. These data demonstrate that as the educational program was applied, the coach progressively increased the task climate during the training sessions (Sousa, Cruz, Torregrosa, Vilches, & Viladrich, 2006). It can be concluded that with the application of an educational program focused on the coach's own actions, the climate oriented to task improved in training sessions

    Classification of Dairy Farms from Cooperatives of Credit and Services.

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    Dairy farms from Cooperatives of credits and services in the province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba were classified. A matrix with physical, productive and efficiency variables was designed for 372 cases, which were divided into three scales, according to cow possession: less than 11; between 11 and 25; and more than 25 .  The animals were grouped in each scale, following the  hierarchic cluster analysis. Three groups were made up in the dairy units  of  less than 11 cows (the first one with 57.5 % of the cases, accounting for 1.7% of the total forage areas). In the 11-25 cow  scale, five groups were made up (in the first and second, with 93.6% of the cases, the forage areas were  1.7 and 2.28 % of the total area, respectively). In the farms with over 25 animals, three groups were set up (the first and second ones had  75.5  and  23.4 % of the cases, with forage areas covering 0.76  and  2.94 % of the total areas, respectively).  The best results were achieved in the groups with more advanced technological conditions, greater enclosing areas, and forage proportion

    Market Study of Meat Processing Industry in Manabí, Ecuador

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    A meat market study was conducted in Bolivar canton, as part of this research. The population included in the study (380 persons) was taken from the total number of inhabitants of the canton (37 262). A number of questions were made about the meat market system in the city of Calceta and other areas in Bolivar canton. Supply analysis made to several other similar products available in the area explained the behavior through time. Also included in the study were national meat processing plants that sell cured meat cuts and other meat products, in general. The chain study concluded that 96 % of meat consumers preferred fresh beef from butcheries and traditional markets, though with an increasing perception to consume safer cuts with less supermarket packing. They were also more prone to buy up to 1.8 kg/week of trademark fresh beef, sausages and smoked meat. It revealed a higher inclination to develop a local university industry offering standard processed and meat products, reducing health risks due to wrong production practices at the local slaughterhouse

    Ventajas competitivas de las empresas representativas de bebidas gaseosas en el Perú durante el período 2015- 2016

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    RESUMEN La investigación que se presenta tiene como objetivo principal analizar las ventajas competitivas de las empresas representativas de bebidas gaseosas en el Perú durante el periodo 2015-2016. Se trabajó con un diseño de investigación no experimental porque la variable no se ve afectada por la investigación a estudiar, el tipo de diseño es transversal porque se ciñe al estudio en un tiempo determinado; descriptiva porque solo se realizó el análisis y descripción de las teorías de las ventajas competitivas en las empresas representativas de bebidas gaseosas en el Perú durante el periodo 2015-2016 y cualitativo porque se basa en recolección de datos sin medición numérica como el análisis documental, memoria anual y entrevistas de profundidad a colaboradores estratégicos de las empresas Arca Continental Lindley y Aje Group. Por otro lado, en la investigación se ha considerado la población las empresas representativas de bebidas gaseosas en el Perú Arca Continental Lindley y Aje Group con mayor porcentaje de mercado peruano las cuales tienen marcas representativas en la mente del consumidor. La muestra es no probabilística, intencionada por conveniencia con criterio de inclusión y exclusión. Para ello se incluyeron para el presente trabajo de investigación las empresas Arca Continental Lindley y Aje Group como empresas representativas de bebidas gaseosas en el Perú durante el periodo 2015-2016 y se excluyó a la empresa Pepsico por que las ventas no son representativas para la investigación que se está desarrollando. Finalmente, con estos resultados de la investigación se ha corroborado que la información que se obtuvo teóricamente se plasma en la práctica contrastando que las ventajas competitivas son necesarias para mantenerse vigente en el mercado nacional. PALABRAS CLAVES: Ventajas competitivas, estrategias, liderazgo en costos, diferenciación y enfoque.ABSTRACT The actual research has as main objective to analyze the competitive advantages about representative companies of soft drinks in Peru during the 2015-2016 period. We worked with a non-experimental research design because the variable is not affected by the research to be studied, the design type is transversal because it complies to the study at a certain time; descriptive because only it did the analysis and description of the theories of competitive advantages in the representative companies of soft drinks in Peru during the period 2015-2016 and qualitative because it is based on data collection without numerical measurement as the documentary analysis, memory annual and in-depth interviews with strategic partners of Arca Continental Lindley and Aje Group companies. On the other hand, in the investigation has been considered the population of representative companies of soft drinks in Peru Arca Continental Lindley and Aje Group with a higher percentage of Peruvian market which and that have representative brands in the mind of the consumer. The sample is non-probabilistic, intentional for convenience with inclusion and exclusion criteria. To this use, the companies Arca Continental Lindley and Aje Group as representative companies of soft drinks in Peru during the period 2015- 2016 were included for this research job and the company Pepsico was excluded because the sales are not very representative for the present developed research. Finally, with these results of the investigation, it has been confirmed that the information that was theoretically obtained is reflected in practice, in contrast to the fact that competitive advantages are necessary to keep valid or current in the national market. KEYWORDS: Competitive advantages, strategies, cost leadership, differentiation and focus

    Estudio de la variación de la temperatura obtenida mediante termografía infrarroja en función del incremento de la distancia de medición y la resolución de la cámara termográfica infrarroja

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    El presente trabajo de integración curricular tuvo como objetivo estudiar la variación de la temperatura obtenida mediante termografía infrarroja en función del incremento de la distancia de medición y la resolución de la cámara termográfica infrarroja, el cual se realizó a través de la recolección y análisis de datos, además de adecuaciones en un banco de pruebas del Laboratorio de Diagnostico Técnico y Eficiencia Energética, adaptando una probeta de mayor conductividad térmica y tamaño, utilizando cámaras termográficas con distintas resoluciones. Se determinaron treinta y seis valores por cada metro hasta completar doce metros de distancia del elemento inspeccionado, se realizó una regresión lineal entre la variable independiente que es la distancia de medición y resolución de la cámara, también la variable dependiente que es la temperatura obtenida mediante termografía infrarroja, para así obtener la ecuación de corrección definitiva, en el cual se verán involucrados factores externos tales como: el viento, la humedad y el calor, que influyeron que la temperatura no se mantenga constante en la medición, para lo cual se realizó un controlador PID que permitió tener una temperatura constante al momento de realizar las pruebas. Se concluyó que el análisis del tamaño de probeta fue establecido con valores de temperatura proporcionados por la cámara termográfica Satir HotFind-VR, donde el coeficiente de variación de 1,21% de la muestra es menor al 30% establecido, es decir, el tamaño de la probeta de aluminio de 50mm x 50mm es aceptada, de tal manera que la temperatura se distribuye homogéneamente en toda su cara. Además, se recomienda realizar mediciones en un lugar cerrado que no permita el paso de la luz, viento y calor, estos factores afectan que los datos varíen de manera brusca, además de utilizar probetas de otro material para probar su conductividad térmica.The objective of this curricular integration work was to study the variation of the temperature obtained by infrared thermography as a function of the increase in the measurement distance and the resolution of the infrared thermographic camera. It was carried out through the collection, data analysis and adaptations in a test bench of the Technical Diagnosis and Energy Efficiency Laboratory. Adapting a test tube with greater thermal conductivity and size, using thermographic cameras with different resolutions. Thirty-six values were determined for each meter until completing twelve meters of distance from the inspected element. A linear regression was performed between the independent variable, which is the measurement distance and the camera resolution, as well as the dependent variable, which is the temperature obtained by infrared thermography, in order to obtain the definitive correction equation. External factors such as: wind, humidity and heat will be involved, which influenced the temperature not to remain constant in the measurement. Then, it was carried out a PID controller that allowed to have a constant temperature at the time of testing. It was concluded that the analysis of the size of the test tube was established with temperature values provided by the Satir HotFind-VR thermographic camera, where the coefficient of variation of 1.21% of the sample is less than the established 30%. In other words, the size of the aluminium specimen of 50mm x 50mm is accepted. So the temperature is distributed homogeneously throughout its face. In addition, it is recommended to carry out measurements in a closed place that does not allow to pass light, wind and heat. These factors affect the data to vary abruptly and using test tubes of another material to test its thermal conductivity

    Frecuencia y factores asociados al consumo de medicamentos en internos de Medicina Humana de la región Lambayeque – 2022

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    Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia y factores asociados al consumo de medicamentos en internos de Medicina Humana de la región Lambayeque – 2022, con la finalidad de identificar factores modificables y minimizar riesgos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, realizado en 169 internos de medicina humana 2022, de la región Lambayeque al término de su internado en marzo 2023. Se aplicó un test de opción múltiple virtual, de consumo de medicamentos a través de Google forms. Resultados: De los 169 (100%) encuestados, 135 (79.88%) consumieron medicamentos durante el internado, mayormente durante el internado hospitalario (54.07%), específicamente durante la rotación por el servicio de medicina interna (45.19%). Los síntomas que más conllevaron a dicho consumo fue el dolor representado en 74.81% (siendo cefalea de tipo tensional la de mayor frecuencia seguida de lumbago), además de gripe 40%, fiebre 34.81%. Los analgésicos fueron el tipo de medicamento más usado con un 82.22% y en segundo lugar los antigripales (24.44%) y los antipiréticos (17.78%). Se encontró que tanto el padecer una enfermedad crónica (p=0.008), como el visitar al médico en el último año (p=0.002) se asocian al consumo de medicamentos en los internos de medicina humana. Conclusiones: La frecuencia de consumo de medicamentos en los internos durante el periodo de estudio fue alta, y está relacionada a una enfermedad crónica y visitar al médico. El dolor fue el síntoma más frecuente que motivó el consumo