326 research outputs found

    Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with α1-antitrypsin deficiency genotypes PI*ZZ and PI*SZ in the Spanish registry of EARCO

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    Background The Spanish registry of α1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) integrated in the European Alpha-1 Research Collaboration (EARCO) provides information about the characteristics of patients, in particular those with the PI*SZ genotype, which is frequent in Spain. Method Individuals with severe AATD defined as proteinase inhibitor (PI) genotypes PI*ZZ, PI*SZ and other rare deficient variants were included from February 1, 2020, to February 1, 2022. The analysis focused on a comparison of the characteristics of PI*ZZ and PI*SZ patients. Results 409 patients were included (53.8% men) with a mean±SD age of 53.5±15.9 years. Genotypes were PI*ZZ in 181 (44.7%), PI*SZ in 163 (40.2%), PI*SS in 29 (7.2%) and other in 32 (7.9%). 271 (67.4%) had lung disease: 175 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (43.5%), 163 emphysema (40.5%) and 83 bronchiectasis (20.6%). Patients with the PI*SZ genotype were younger, more frequently non-index cases and had a lower frequency of respiratory diseases except asthma compared with PI*ZZ patients. Among patients with respiratory diseases, PI*SZ individuals were significantly older both at onset of symptoms and at diagnosis; only asthma was more frequent in PI*SZ than in PI*ZZ individuals. Twelve PI*SZ patients (15.4%) received augmentation therapy compared with 94 PI*ZZ patients (66.2%; p<0.001). Conclusions There is a high prevalence of PI*SZ in Spain. Patients with the PI*SZ genotype were older at symptom onset and diagnosis and had less severe lung disease compared with PI*ZZ patients. The prevalence of asthma was higher in PI*SZ, and up to 15% of PI*SZ patients received augmentation therapy.GrifolsCSL BehringKamadapH PharmaTakeda Pharmaceutical Company Lt

    Entrenamiento en habilidades sociales en estudiantes universitarios de Magisterio de la especialidad de Educación Primaria: un estudio preliminar

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    La actuación social competente puede ser decisiva para nuestro éxito social y profesional. Por ello resulta especialmente relevante su entrenamiento en profesionales del ámbito educativo. La asignatura de primero de Grado en Educación Primaria “Familia, escuela, relaciones interpersonales y cambio social” de la Universidad de Sevilla persigue como competencia básica la adquisición de habilidades de interacción social. Para ello, la asignatura cuenta con un bloque de contenidos teóricos y otro de prácticas donde se entrenan estas competencias. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la efectividad del programa de la asignatura en la mejora de las competencias de interacción social del alumnado. Para ello se diseñó una investigación de corte cuasiexperimental con un diseño pretest-postest con grupo de control en el que se tomaron medidas de conducta asertiva. Los resultados avalan la eficacia del programa de la asignatura, sobre todo estudiantes evaluados con elevadas calificaciones.The competent social action can be decisive for our social and professional success. It’s particularly relevant for professional training in the field of education. The subject of the Degree in Primary Education “Family, school, relationships and social change” at the University of Seville aims at acquiring the basic competence of social skills. For this, the course has a theoretical and practical block where the students train these skills. The aim of this work was to study the effectiveness of the course program in improving the skills of social interaction of students of the subject. This research has a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with control group in which the assertive behavior was measured The results support the effectiveness of the program of the subject, especially in students with high grades

    Efecto de una consulta nutricional protocolizada sobre el estado nutricional y hábitos alimentarios de adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad = Effect of a structured nutritional consultation on weight loss and eating habits in overweight and obese adults

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    Overweight and obesity affect 67% of population in Chile. Different strategies have been developed to reverse and improve this situation, nutritional consultation is one such strategy. However, consultation has not been structured and it is unknown whether this procedure has a positive effect for weight loss. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a structured nutritional consultation on weight loss and eating habits in overweight and obese adults in a family health center. A pre-post intervention study was performed with 30 participants over 3 months. Anthropometric measures (weight, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) and % body fat), dietary intake and eating habits were the main outcomes of the study. A structured nutritional consultation was significantly associated with decreased weight, BMI, WC and % body fat. There were improvements in dietary intake habits. A 92% of the participants incorporated a snack mid-morning and a daily serving of low-fat dairy. Despite benefits observed after a structured nutritional consultation, larger studies with longer duration are warranted

    Canta-autoras de música vallenata: explorando el cuerpo femenino desde lo femenino en un universo masculino

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    The research describes the representations of the female body made by the author-songwriters (singers, composers and performers of the instruments) of vallenata music in Valledupar, Cesar. The way in which these narratives question the traditional discourses that represent the female body and how they communicate their experiences of being / being in the world was examined. The objective was to analyze the representations of the female body made by the singer-songwriters of vallenata music. A qualitative, phenomenological study was carried out, in which ten in-depth interviews were conducted, structured, codified and classified according to four themes: beginnings in the vallenato, the feminine from the masculine gaze, the feminine from the feminine and (re) presenting the feminine body. For the analysis of the data, qualitative software NVIVO 11 for Mac was used, each topic was in turn classified in other subcategories. The analysis allowed to identify from the narrated experiences, five types of female bodies of the vallenata music songwriters: the escorted body, the disciplined body, the desire body, the asexual body, and the masculinized female body.La investigación describe las representaciones del cuerpo femenino que hacen las canta-autoras autoras (cantantes, compositoras e intérpretes de los instrumentos) de música vallenata en Valledupar, Cesar. Se examinó la manera en que estas narraciones cuestionan los discursos tradicionales que representan el cuerpo femenino y la forma en que éstas comunican sus experiencias de ser/estar en el mundo. El objetivo consistió en analizar las representaciones del cuerpo femenino que hacen las canta-autoras de música vallenata. Se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo, de tipo fenomenológico, en el que se realizaron 10 entrevistas a profundidad, estructuradas, codificadas y clasificadas de acuerdo con cuatro temáticas: “inicios en el vallenato”, “lo femenino desde la mirada masculina”, “lo femenino desde lo femenino” y “(re)presentando el cuerpo femenino”. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó el software cualitativo NVIVO 11 para Mac, cada tema fue a su vez clasificado en otras subcategorías.  El análisis permitió identificar a partir de las experiencias narradas, cinco tipos de cuerpos femeninos de las canta-autoras de música vallenata: el cuerpo escoltado, el cuerpo disciplinado, el cuerpo del deseo, el cuerpo asexuado, y el cuerpo femenino-masculinizado. 

    Capital Social como Base para um Destino Turístico Criativo

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    In tourist destinations there is a diversity of actors that contribute to the integration of social capital and thus in the social relations that favor the development of the activity or as a motivator for itself. The objective of this article is to analyze the behavior of social capital in a creative tourist destination that configures a conceptual model, from the categories of cooperation, trust and knowledge management linked to the connections of the actors in the space. The methodology is qualitative, through the type of exploratory-descriptive and documentary research. The results demonstrate the model that relates the components of social capital in the tourist destination, where knowledge management nurtures the categories to position itself in a creative tourist destination. It is concluded that the social capital studied from the three components contributes to demonstrate the value of intangibles, to recognize the relevance and link of social actors in tourist destinations and finally, that after their consolidation they maintain creative management.En los destinos turísticos existe una diversidad de actores que contribuyen en la integración del capital social (CS) y con ello en las relaciones sociales que favorecen el desarrollo de la actividad o como un motivador para él mismo. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el comportamiento del CS en un destino turístico creativo que configure en modelo conceptual, desde las categorías de la cooperación, confianza y gestión del conocimiento (GC) vinculadas con las conexiones de los actores en el espacio. La metodología es cualitativa, mediante el tipo de investigación exploratoria-descriptiva y documental. Los resultados demuestran el modelo que relaciona los componentes del CS en el destino turístico, en donde la GC nutre a las categorías para situarse en destino turístico creativo. Se concluye que el CS estudiado a partir de los tres componentes contribuye a demostrar el valor de los intangibles, a reconocer la relevancia y vínculo de los actores sociales en los destinos turísticos y finalmente, que éstos tras su consolidación mantienen una gestión creativa.Nos destinos turísticos existe uma diversidade de atores que contribuem para a integração do capital social e consequentemente nas relações sociais que favorecem o desenvolvimento da atividade ou como motivador da mesma. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o comportamento do capital social em um destino turístico criativo que configura um modelo conceitual, a partir das categorias de cooperação, confiança e gestão do conhecimento vinculadas às conexões dos atores no espaço. A metodologia é qualitativa, por meio do tipo de pesquisa exploratório-descritiva e documental. Os resultados demonstram o modelo que relaciona os componentes do capital social no destino turístico, onde a gestão do conhecimento nutre as categorias para se posicionar em um destino turístico criativo. Conclui-se que o capital social estudado a partir dos três componentes contribui para demonstrar o valor dos intangíveis, reconhecer a relevância e vínculo dos atores sociais nos destinos turísticos e, por fim, que após sua consolidação mantêm uma gestão criativa

    Addressing learner satisfaction outcomes in electronic instrumentation and measurement laboratory course organization

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    This paper proposes and details a course organization methodology based on learner satisfaction achievement. The approach follows the prevailing tendency in modern university reforms which are primarily concerned about “how people learn.” As a consequence, the learner has been placed as the main actor of the teaching–learning process. Nevertheless, the current learning literature has not addressed the measurement of learner satisfaction within laboratory and practical subjects. This study develops a general and comprehensive methodology for learner satisfaction measurement in practical subjects. As a case example, the proposed methodology has been applied to an electronic instrumentation and measurement course, confirming the variables with a significant influence on learner satisfaction and becoming the starting point for curriculum redesign based on the learner satisfaction approach. To assess the improvement of the proposed course organization methodology, a comparison with previous academic years has been performed showing the students’ rated score evolution. Results fully confirm the validity of the technique and the novel course organizatio

    An electronic engineering curriculum design based on concept-mapping techniques

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    Curriculum design is a concern in European Universities as they face the forthcoming European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This process can be eased by the use of scientific tools such as Concept-Mapping Techniques (CMT) that extract and organize the most relevant information from experts’ experience using statistics techniques, and helps a working group to achieve conclusions. This paper presents an empirical exploratory research study related to the application of the CMT to the design of the Electronic Engineering (EE) Degree at the University of Seville, Spain. Considering the Career-space conclusions as the initial point, the main relevant competences were identified in a brainstorming technique. These competences are organized according to their affinity using CMT, establishing and interpreting the main clusters and their relative importance. Finally, a reliability analysis of the concept maps was carried out verifying the correctness of the procedure and validating the results for the curricula adaptatio

    Modeling learner satisfaction in an electronic instrumentation and measurement course using structural equation models

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    The prevailing tendency in modern university reforms is towards “how people learn,” following a learner-centered approach in which the learner is the main actor of the teaching-learning process. As a consequence, one of the key indicators of the teaching-learning process is the measurement of learner satisfaction within the classroom. Learner satisfaction has traditionally been measured using survey responses to a standard learning survey. However, more scientific analysis should be performed to assess adequately not only learner satisfaction but also the main dimensions that have a positive impact on learner satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to define a structural and measurement model in which causal relationships among these different dimensions are adequately established. The methodology is based on a multivariate regression model (Structural Equation Models) to establish scientifically a structural model for learner satisfaction within a classroom, measuring its validity and reliability. The proposed approach has been applied to model learner satisfaction in an electronic instrumentation course at the University of Seville, Spain. The results and implications of this study will contribute to improve student satisfaction with respect to the dimensions considere

    A learning methodology using Matlab/Simulink for undergraduate electrical engineering courses attending to learner satisfaction outcomes

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    Learner-centred approaches follow the prevailing tendency in modern University reforms which are primarily concerned about ‘‘how people learn’’. The methodologies can be learner-centred in the sense of placing the student as the main actor of the teaching–learning process by increasing his interactivity and participation, but also considering what is relevant for the student by measuring the learner satisfaction. In order to promote both aspects, this paper proposes a synchronous software-based active methodology that makes use of the simulations to show a virtual scenario to the students and challenge them to predict and discuss the evolution of the scenario. The proposed methodology improves the visual interface, promotes discussion both among students and with the teacher in a brainstorming stage and shows real-world examples. This software-based methodology has been implemented into an Electric Machinery course at the University of Seville (Spain), and the evaluation has been carried out considering both the affective and cognitive domains. Principal components analysis proves to be useful to highlight the dimensions with a higher influence on learner satisfaction and the affective and cognitive results confirm the successful implementation of the proposa