5,334 research outputs found

    Ultrasensitive interferometric on-chip microscopy of transparent objects

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    Light microscopes can detect objects through several physical processes, such as scattering, absorption, and reflection. In transparent objects, these mechanisms are often too weak, and interference effects are more suitable to observe the tiny refractive index variations that produce phase shifts. We propose an on-chip microscope design that exploits birefringence in an unconventional geometry. It makes use of two sheared and quasi-overlapped illuminating beams experiencing relative phase shifts when going through the object, and a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor image sensor array to record the resulting interference pattern. Unlike conventional microscopes, the beams are unfocused, leading to a very large field of view (20 mm(2)) and detection volume (more than 0.5 cm(3)), at the expense of lateral resolution. The high axial sensitivity (<1 nm) achieved using a novel phase-shifting interferometric operation makes the proposed device ideal for examining transparent substrates and reading microarrays of biomarkers. This is demonstrated by detecting nanometer-thick surface modulations on glass and single and double protein layers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Broadening the bandwidth of entangled photons: a step towards the generation of extremely short biphotons

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    We demonstrate a technique that allows to fully control the bandwidth of entangled photons independently of the frequency band of interest and of the nonlinear crystal. We show that this technique allows to generate nearly transform-limited biphotons with almost one octave of bandwidth (hundreds of THz) which corresponds to correlation times of just a few femtoseconds. The presented method becomes an enabling tool for attosecond entangled-photons quantum optics. The technique can also be used to generate paired photons with a very high degree of entanglement.Comment: 4 page

    Heavy Quark Fluorescence

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    Heavy hadrons containing heavy quarks (for example, Upsilon-mesons) feature a scale separation between the heavy quark mass (about 4.5 GeV for the b-quark) and the QCD scale (about 0.3 GeV}) that controls effective masses of lighter constituents. Therefore, as in ordinary molecules, the de-excitation of the lighter, faster degrees of freedom leaves the velocity distribution of the heavy quarks unchanged, populating the available decay channels in qualitatively predictable ways. Automatically an application of the Franck-Condon principle of molecular physics explains several puzzling results of Upsilon(5S) decays as measured by the Belle collaboration, such as the high rate of Bs*-anti Bs* versus Bs*-anti Bs production, the strength of three-body B-anti B + pion decays, or the dip in B momentum shown in these decays. We argue that the data is showing the first Sturm-Liouville zero of the Upsilon(5S) quantum mechanical squared wavefunction, and providing evidence for a largely b-anti b composition of this meson.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Figure 2 updated and some typos corrected. To be published in Physical Review Letter

    Minimum of η/s\eta/s and the phase transition of the Linear Sigma Model in the large-N limit

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    We reexamine the possibility of employing the viscosity over entropy density ratio as a diagnostic tool to identify a phase transition in hadron physics to the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma and other circumstances where direct measurement of the order parameter or the free energy may be difficult. It has been conjectured that the minimum of eta/s does indeed occur at the phase transition. We now make a careful assessment in a controled theoretical framework, the Linear Sigma Model at large-N, and indeed find that the minimum of eta/s occurs near the second order phase transition of the model due to the rapid variation of the order parameter (here the sigma vacuum expectation value) at a temperature slightly smaller than the critical one.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, v2, some references and several figures added, typos corrected and certain arguments clarified, revised for PR

    Spatial wave intensity correlations in quasi-one-dimensional wires

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    Spatial intensity correlations between waves transmitted through random media are analyzed within the framework of the random matrix theory of transport. Assuming that the statistical distribution of transfer matrices is isotropic, we found that the spatial correlation function can be expressed as the sum of three terms, with distinctive spatial dependences. This result coincides with the one obtained in the diffusive regime from perturbative calculations, but holds all the way from quasi-ballistic transport to localization. While correlations are positive in the diffusive regime, we predict a transition to negative correlations as the length of the system decreases.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Absolute dimensions of the G7+K7 eclipsing binary star IM Virginis: Discrepancies with stellar evolution models

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    We report extensive spectroscopic and differential photometric BVRI observations of the active, detached, 1.309-day double-lined eclipsing binary IM Vir, composed of a G7-type primary and a K7 secondary. With these observations we derive accurate absolute masses and radii of M(1) = 0.981 +/- 0.012 M(Sun), M(2) = 0.6644 +/- 0.0048 M(Sun), R(1) = 1.061 +/- 0.016 R(Sun), and R(2) = 0.681 +/- 0.013 R(Sun) for the primary and secondary, with relative errors under 2%. The effective temperatures are 5570 +/- 100 K and 4250 +/- 130 K. The significant difference in mass makes this a favorable case for comparison with stellar evolution theory. We find that both stars are larger than the models predict, by 3.7% for the primary and 7.5% for the secondary, as well as cooler than expected, by 100 K and 150 K, respectively. These discrepancies are in line with previously reported differences in low-mass stars, and are believed to be caused by chromospheric activity, which is not accounted for in current models. The effect is not confined to low-mass stars: the rapidly-rotating primary of IM Vir joins the growing list of objects of near-solar mass (but still with convective envelopes) that show similar anomalies. The comparison with the models suggests an age of 2.4 Gyr for the system, and a metallicity [Fe/H] of approximately -0.3 that is consistent with other indications, but requires confirmation.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
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