8,646 research outputs found

    Discrimination in the Private Sphere. A subjective Right or a Legal Abuse. An European North American Legal Comparative Study

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    En el presente trabajo se estudian los límites de la autonomía privada desde la perspectiva del derecho a la igualdad y del principio de no discriminación tanto en el derecho norteamericano como en el europeo, con especial incidencia a la doctrina española. Por un lado se plantea si la piedra angular a la hora de establecer límites a la autonomía privada debe ser el concepto de dignidad o el de igualdad, por otro superando dicho debate se propone un acercamiento al problema entendido como una colisión entre derechos fundamentales en la que en cada concreto supuesto ha de estudiarse cual debe prevalecer. Finalmente se estima conveniente seguir el modelo de la Constitución de Sudáfrica y entender que los derechos fundamentales afectan directamente tanto a las relaciones horizontales como verticales, es decir tanto al ámbito público como privado.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Weak value amplification: a view from quantum estimation theory that highlights what it is and what isn't

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    Weak value amplification (WVA) is a concept that has been extensively used in a myriad of applications with the aim of rendering measurable tiny changes of a variable of interest. In spite of this, there is still an on-going debate about its true nature and whether is really needed for achieving high sensitivity. Here we aim at solving the puzzle, using some basic concepts from quantum estimation theory, highlighting what the use of the WVA concept can offer and what it can not. While WVA cannot be used to go beyond some fundamental sensitivity limits that arise from considering the full nature of the quantum states, WVA can notwithstanding enhance the sensitivity of real detection schemes that are limited by many other things apart from the quantum nature of the states involved, i.e. technical noise. Importantly, it can do that in a straightforward and easily accessible manner.Comment: 2 pages, 5 figure

    Public debt frontiers: The greek case

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    Las causas de la crisis de deuda Griega son otras distintas de la indisciplina fiscal. Los indicadores macroeconómicos desde el año 200 a 2006 no indicaban nada que pudiera presagiar el desastre. Causas de tipo estratégico en el manejo de la deuda parecen más razonables a la hora de explicar el fenómenoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Public Debt Frontiers: The Greek Case

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    This paper attempts to quantify the maximum amount of debt that a government can sustain by itself, i.e., the limits to public indebtedness. Using a Dynamic General Equilibrium model where the government is fully characterized, we compute the steady state inverse relationship between the public debt to output ratio and the size of the government, measured as the total public expenditures to output ratio. This line is the budget constraint of a government in steady state. Calibration of the model for the Greek economy to fiscal targets reveals that, for the period just before the current recession, i.e. 2002-2006, the debt to GDP ratio was very close to the calculate limits wich depends dramatically on the interest rates. However, short after de financial crisis of 2008, sustained deficits drove the Greek economy to a point where the Greek Government crossed the debt limit where the country could only meet its debt obligations only if international investors where willing to lend. We conclude that the hight initial level of debts previous the crisis together with the rise in interest rates were the causes of the posterior debt crisis.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec