88 research outputs found

    Recerca i Innovació en Metodologies d’Aprenentatge

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    Jornada d'Innovació Docent UPC 2010

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    Presentació de guies per a l'avaluació de competències: enginyeria, arquitectura i laboratoris de ciències i tecnologia (AQU)

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    Els projectes de millora de la docència: impacte en l'activitat docent

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    Jornada d'innovació docent UPC 2011

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    The forest and climate change: example of application in open science schooling

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    This work is an application of Open Science Schooling (OSS) where schools, in cooperation with other stakeholders, become an agent of community well-being; families are encouraged to become real partners in school life and activities; professionals from enterprise, civil and wider society are actively involved in bringing real-life projects into the classroom. Specifically, it has been working with a European project: Project Erasmus+ Open Science Schooling: Fostering re-engagement in science learning through open science schooling. Developed at the secondary school Pere Fontdevila in Gironella, a direct application of OSS has been carried out around the forest. Secondary school youth work forest as a key element in the fight against the climate change and study its role in energy saving. In a first phase of awareness of the magnitude of their role in energy saving, the students have been taking part of an action named SAVEnergy. The project SAVEnergy is promoted by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya through the research group EXPLORATORI: natural resources. It has been installed a device that measures the electric consumption at the electric board at home of every student participating in the project. The goal is become aware of energy consumption at their own homes. From this point, and to be able to extrapolate individual energy saving and pass globally, students have worked on CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. For this reason, a study of the emissions from Spanish State since 2007 to 2017 has been carried out, applying statistical techniques. In addition, to saving energy and get to know how to study the effect of this savings on a global level, students have closed the cycle studying a source of renewable energy from the forest: biomass. To put their knowledge into practice and learn through the experience they have built a biomass boiler in the form of a prototype. Studying how to fight the climate change through the forest it is essential talk about Agenda 2030. The framework of this project is the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4: Quality Education and the SDG number 13: The climate action. The activities mentioned are also in relation with the SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy and the SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production. Taking into account the fact that the forest might seem like a distant space in the day to day of the students, it has been desired to work on the vegetation that really surrounds them: the urban woodland. This issue has been related to the SDG 3: Good health and well-being. Nowadays it is fashionable to say that the trees in the cities improve the health of the population. The trees, besides beautifying a city, provide fresh and clean air that help in the physical and mental health of its inhabitants. For these reasons, they must be thought as a public health infrastructure. In order to work about this topic, the students are now doing a study about the wooded areas in 2 cities with different size: Berga and Manresa. This work is related with the SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    SAVEnergy: foment de l'estalvi d'energia a les llars dels joves de secundària

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    SAVEnergy és un projecte impulsat per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya a través del grup de recerca EXPLORATORI dels recursos de la natura. Aquest projecte promou la conscienciació dels joves envers l'estalvi energètic, promovent-lo a les seves llars, mitjançant un equip de mesura de consum energètic, que s'instal·la al quadre elèctric de les llars de cada estudiant que participa en el projecte. Alhora els estudiants competeixen, online , per descobrir qui és el més estalviador. The project SAVEnergy is promoted by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya through the research group EXPLORATORI: natural resources. This project promotes the awareness of students about saving energy by promoting saving energy at home. This is achieved with a Device that measures the electric consumption at the electric board, at home of every Student participating in the project. At the same time students are competing, online, in order to know who saves more energy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Open schooling: application in the study of the forest

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    In this work, it has been doing a comparison between some really knowing methodologies of student-centred learning -Learning by doing; method Montessori; Constructivism; Constructionism and the innovating system Open Schooling. The objective is being able to evaluate it. Specifically, it has been working with an European project: Project Erasmus+ Open Science Schooling: Fostering re-engagement in science learning through open science schooling. The most important goal of the project consists in encouraging “Open Science Schooling” where schools, in cooperation with other stakeholders, become an agent of community well-being; families are encouraged to become real partners in school life and activities; professionals from enterprise, civil and wider society are actively involved in bringing real-life projects into the classroom. The project is composed of three periods and nine phases, furthermore a conclusive phase. The blue period, the first one, aims to create consensus and readiness among partners, teachers and students and to mobilise the resources to collaborate with the project, locally and transnationally. The Green Period, the second one, will create the knowledge, experience and documentation on which the project outcomes will be based; the resource creation will follow the project’s five didactic challenges, stepwise building up capacity and resources towards the Red Period: the production and sharing of final results. The project’s final period, the Red Period, will transform the produced raw material, including from the Open Science Schooling Encounter, into high-quality useful outcomes. The outcome presentation will build on the project’s attractive access design that was developed along the project. The final production will, of course, be accompanied by systematic and powerful local and European level sharing and dissemination. The study case is a school located in Gironella, Berguedà. During the first twelve months, the last school year, it was studied the environment with the mean idea of saving energy. The students have visited several companies and enterprises, in order to known their local community. The implication of the students’ families was essential for a good structure of the project. At the fifth phase, in this school year, it was selected the topic to study: “The forest: exploitation and contribution to the sustainability”. It has been chosen, given that the region contributes 70% of the wood of Catalonia. It is considered to be a topic that involves different stakeholders of local society: Wood sector companies (sawmills, biomass plant ...), the food sector (mushrooms, aromatic plants, honey ...), Research centres (Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Fundació Alicia ...), Administration (Department of Education, City Councils, Regional Council ...) ... the central theme of the Forest will be approached from two points of very differentiated view: Use as raw material on the one hand, and contribution from the forest to the sustainability of the other.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft