22 research outputs found

    The legal basis of Sami reindeer herding rights in Sweden

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    This article discusses the basis of the Sami right to pursue reindeer herding, and how that right has been regulated in law. Two aspects of this right are particularly significant: establishing which land areas are covered by the reindeer herding right and clarifying what the right entails. The legal institution of ‘immemorial prescription’ has long been considered highly significant in judicial trials concerning the reindeer herding rights. In the wake of a ruling by the Swedish Supreme Court, that picture has now changed.Keywords: Sami reindeer herding, customary law, immemorial prescription, occupation, Swedish Supreme Court.Citation: Arctic Review on Law and Politics, vol. 4, 1/2013 pp. 43–61. ISSN 1891-625

    Betydelsen av samiska traditioner i svensk rätt

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    The Status of Sámi Customs and Traditions in Swedish Law This article discusses the status of Sámi customs and traditions in Swedish law. With Swedish reindeer herding legislation as a point of departure, three court cases involving customary law, where appeal is made to customs, and traditions ‘from time immemorial’ are discussed. Comparisons are made with the ways in which Supreme Court of Norway treats Sámi culture and traditions. Thereafter, a court case which demonstrates the importance of Sámi traditions with reference to the content of reindeer herding rights is presented. Finally, the standing of Sámi customs and traditions to Swedish law in general is discussed. This article shows the shifting importance of Sámi customs and traditions with regard to reindeer herding rights and Swedish law.Keywords: Swedish law, reindeer herding rights, Sámi traditions, case law.Citation: Arctic Review on Law and Politics, vol. 2/2011 p. 77–101. ISSN 1891-625

    Oklarhet som rÀttslig norm : Om de icke-renskötande samernas rÀtt till jakt och fiske

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    Clarifying Legal Relations and Prescribing Rules of Use in Reindeer Husbandry Areas : A study regarding use of land consolidation procedures

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    Rettsutgreiing og bruksordning i reindriftsomrÄder. En undersÞkelse med henblikk pÄ bruk av jordskiftelovgivningens virkemidler. [Clarifying legal relations and prescribing rules of use in reindeer husbandry areas. A study regarding use of land consolidation procedures]

     Saamelaisten oikeudet Ruotsissa (Sami Rights in Sweden)

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    RÀttsliga följder av HD:s dom i GirjasmÄlet

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    HD:s dom i GirjasmÄlet har vÀckt Ätskillig uppmÀrksamhet och diskuterats  i olika politiska fora. OcksÄ de rent rÀttsliga följder som domen kan tÀnkas  fÄ har debatterats. I detta sammanhang behandlar författaren i fyra punkter vÀsentliga rÀttsliga aspekter av domen samtidigt som tidigare analyser  av domen kommenteras.

    The legal basis of Sami reindeer herding rights in Sweden

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    Abstract: This article discusses the basis of the Sami right to pursue reindeer herding, and how that right has been regulated in law. Two aspects of this right are particularly significant: establishing which land areas are covered by the reindeer herding right and clarifying what the right entails. The legal institution of 'immemorial prescription' has long been considered highly significant in judicial trials concerning the reindeer herding rights. In the wake of a ruling by the Swedish Supreme Court, that picture has now changed