6 research outputs found

    Non-Recognition-of-BTH4, an Arabidopsis Mediator Subunit Homolog, Is Necessary for Development and Response to Salicylic Acid

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    [EN] Salicylic acid (SA) signaling acts in defense and plant development. The only gene demonstrated to be required for the response to SA is Arabidopsis thaliana NON-EXPRESSER OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENE 1 (NPR1), and npr1 mutants are insensitive to SA. By focusing on the effect of analogs of SA on plant development, we identified mutants in additional genes acting in the SA response. In this work, we describe a gene necessary for the SA Non-Recognition-of-BTH4 (NRB4). Three nrb4 alleles recovered from the screen cause phenotypes similar to the wild type in the tested conditions, except for SA-related phenotypes. Plants with NRB4 null alleles express profound insensitivity to SA, even more than npr1. NRB4 null mutants are also sterile and their growth is compromised. Plants carrying weaker nrb4 alleles are also insensitive to SA, with some quantitative differences in some phenotypes, like systemic acquired resistance or pathogen growth restriction. When weak alleles are used, NPR1 and NRB4 mutations produce an additive phenotype, but we did not find evidence of a genetic interaction in F1 nor biochemical interaction in yeast or in planta. NRB4 is predicted to be a subunit of Mediator, the ortholog of MED15 in Arabidopsis. Mechanistically, NRB4 functions downstream of NPR1 to regulate the SA response.This work was supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" (MINECO) of Spain (Grant BIO201018896 to P.T., a Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Fellowship to J.V.C., and a Formacion del Personal Investigador-MINECO to A.D.) and "Generalitat Valenciana" of Spain (Grant ACOMP/2012/105 to P.T.). We appreciate the opinions and generous help of Jeff Dangl and Pablo Vera with the article as well as the revision of Philippa Borrill.Canet Perez, JV.; Dobón Alonso, A.; Tornero Feliciano, P. (2012). Non-Recognition-of-BTH4, an Arabidopsis Mediator Subunit Homolog, Is Necessary for Development and Response to Salicylic Acid. Plant Cell. 24(10):4220-4235. https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.112.103028S42204235241

    The Blade-On-Petiole genes of Arabidopsis are essential for resistance induced by methyl jasmonate

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    Background: NPR1 is a gene of Arabidopsis thaliana required for the perception of salicylic acid. This perception triggers a defense response and negatively regulates the perception of jasmonates. Surprisingly, the application of methyl jasmonate also induces resistance, and NPR1 is also suspected to be relevant. Since an allelic series of npr1 was recently described, the behavior of these alleles was tested in response to methyl jasmonate. Results: The response to methyl jasmonate of different npr1s alleles and NPR1 paralogs null mutants was measured by the growth of a pathogen. We have also tested the subcellular localization of some npr1s, along with the protein-protein interactions that can be measured in yeast. The localization of the protein in npr1 alleles does not affect the response to methyl jasmonate. In fact, NPR1 is not required. The genes that are required in a redundant fashion are the BOPs. The BOPs are paralogs of NPR1, and they physically interact with the TGA family of transcription factors. Conclusions: Some npr1 alleles have a phenotype in this response likely because they are affecting the interaction between BOPs and TGAs, and these two families of proteins are responsible for the resistance induced by methyl jasmonate in wild type plants.This work was supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" (MINECO) of Spain (grant BIO201018896 to PT, a JAE-CSIC Fellowship to JVC and a FPI-MINECO to AD) and "Generalitat Valenciana" of Spain (grant ACOMP/2012/105 to PT). Thanks to Dr. Xinnian Dong for NPR1 overexpression lines and to Dr. Ove Nilsson for BOPs overexpression lines. We appreciate the opinions and generous help of Drs. Vicente Ramirez, Pablo Vera, and Shelley Hepworth about the manuscript.Dobón Alonso, A.; Fajmonova, J.; Tornero Feliciano, P.; Canet, JV. (2012). The Blade-On-Petiole genes of Arabidopsis are essential for resistance induced by methyl jasmonate. BMC Plant Biology. 199:1-1. doi:10.1186/1471-2229-12-199S11199Ross, A. F. (1961). Systemic acquired resistance induced by localized virus infections in plants. Virology, 14(3), 340-358. doi:10.1016/0042-6822(61)90319-1López, M. A., Bannenberg, G., & Castresana, C. (2008). Controlling hormone signaling is a plant and pathogen challenge for growth and survival. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 11(4), 420-427. doi:10.1016/j.pbi.2008.05.002Browse, J. (2009). Jasmonate Passes Muster: A Receptor and Targets for the Defense Hormone. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 60(1), 183-205. doi:10.1146/annurev.arplant.043008.092007Dong, X. (2004). NPR1, all things considered. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 7(5), 547-552. doi:10.1016/j.pbi.2004.07.005Zhang, Y., Cheng, Y. T., Qu, N., Zhao, Q., Bi, D., & Li, X. (2006). Negative regulation of defense responses in Arabidopsis by twoNPR1paralogs. 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Early Responses in theArabidopsis-Verticillium longisporumPathosystem Are Dependent onNDR1, JA- and ET-Associated Signals via Cytosolic NPR1 andRFO1. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 19(9), 958-969. doi:10.1094/mpmi-19-0958Leon-Reyes, A., Spoel, S. H., De Lange, E. S., Abe, H., Kobayashi, M., Tsuda, S., … Pieterse, C. M. J. (2009). Ethylene Modulates the Role of NONEXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES1 in Cross Talk between Salicylate and Jasmonate Signaling. Plant Physiology, 149(4), 1797-1809. doi:10.1104/pp.108.133926Ramírez, V., Van der Ent, S., García-Andrade, J., Coego, A., Pieterse, C. M., & Vera, P. (2010). OCP3 is an important modulator of NPR1-mediated jasmonic acid-dependent induced defenses in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology, 10(1), 199. doi:10.1186/1471-2229-10-199Hepworth, S. R., Zhang, Y., McKim, S., Li, X., & Haughn, G. W. (2005). BLADE-ON-PETIOLE–Dependent Signaling Controls Leaf and Floral Patterning in Arabidopsis. 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    On the way to ovules: The hormonal regulation of ovule development

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    [EN] This review focuses on the hormonal regulation of ovule development, especially on ovule initiation, patterning, and morphogenesis. Understanding of the genetic and molecular basis of ovule development is essential from both the scientific and economic perspective. The ovule represents an attractive system to study lateral organ development in plants, and, since ovules are the precursors of seeds, full comprehension of this process can be the key to the improvement of crops, especially those depending on high production of seeds and grains. Ovule initiation, patterning, and morphogenesis are governed by complex genetic and hormonal networks involving auxins, cytokinins, brassinosteroids, and gibberellins. These coordinate the determination of the ovule number, size, and shape through the regulation of the number of ovule primordia that arise from the placenta and/or ensuring their correct development into mature functional ovules. Here we summarize the current knowledge of how ovules are formed, paying special attention to the roles of these four plant hormones.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation-FEDER under [grant BIO2017-83138R].Barro-Trastoy, D.; Gómez, MD.; Tornero Feliciano, P.; Perez Amador, MA. (2020). On the way to ovules: The hormonal regulation of ovule development. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 39(5):431-456. https://doi.org/10.1080/07352689.2020.1820203S431456395Aida, M., & Tasaka, M. (2006). Genetic control of shoot organ boundaries. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 9(1), 72-77. doi:10.1016/j.pbi.2005.11.011Aida, M., Ishida, T., Fukaki, H., Fujisawa, H., & Tasaka, M. (1997). Genes involved in organ separation in Arabidopsis: an analysis of the cup-shaped cotyledon mutant. The Plant Cell, 9(6), 841-857. doi:10.1105/tpc.9.6.841Armenta-Medina, A., & Gillmor, C. S. (2019). 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    Specific Missense Alleles of the Arabidopsis Jasmonic Acid Co-Receptor COI1 Regulate Innate Immune Receptor Accumulation and Function

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    [EN] Plants utilize proteins containing nucleotide binding site (NB) and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains as intracellular innate immune receptors to recognize pathogens and initiate defense responses. Since mis-activation of defense responses can lead to tissue damage and even developmental arrest, proper regulation of NB-LRR protein signaling is critical. RAR1, SGT1, and HSP90 act as regulatory chaperones of pre-activation NB-LRR steady-state proteins. We extended our analysis of mutants derived from a rar1 suppressor screen and present two allelic rar1 suppressor (rsp) mutations of Arabidopsis COI1. Like all other coi1 mutations, coi1(rsp) missense mutations impair Jasmonic Acid (JA) signaling resulting in JA-insensitivity. However, unlike previously identified coi1 alleles, both coi1(rsp) alleles lack a male sterile phenotype. The coi1(rsp) mutants express two sets of disease resistance phenotypes. The first, also observed in coi1-1 null allele, includes enhanced basal defense against the virulent bacterial pathogen Pto DC3000 and enhanced effector-triggered immunity (ETI) mediated by the NB-LRR RPM1 protein in both rar1 and wild-type backgrounds. These enhanced disease resistance phenotypes depend on the JA signaling function of COI1. Additionally, the coi1(rsp) mutants showed a unique inability to properly regulate RPM1 accumulation and HR, exhibited increased RPM1 levels in rar1, and weakened RPM1-mediated HR in RAR1. Importantly, there was no change in the steady-state levels or HR function of RPM1 in coi1-1. These results suggest that the coi1(rsp) proteins regulate NB-LRR protein accumulation independent of JA signaling. Based on the phenotypic similarities and genetic interactions among coi1(rsp), sgt1b, and hsp90.2(rsp) mutants, our data suggest that COI1 affects NB-LRR accumulation via two NB-LRR co-chaperones, SGT1b and HSP90. Together, our data demonstrate a role for COI1 in disease resistance independent of JA signaling and provide a molecular link between the JA and NB-LRR signaling pathways.JLD is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute-Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Plant Science Investigator. This work was funded by the HHMI-GBMF and by the National Science Foundation (Arabidopsis 2010 Program Grant IOS-0929410 to JLD). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.He, Y.; Chung, E.; Hubert, D.; Tornero Feliciano, P.; Dangl, J. (2012). Specific Missense Alleles of the Arabidopsis Jasmonic Acid Co-Receptor COI1 Regulate Innate Immune Receptor Accumulation and Function. PLoS Genetics. 8:1003018-1003018. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003018S10030181003018

    Regulation of ovule initiation by gibberellins and brassinosteroids in tomato and Arabidopsis: two plant species, two molecular mechanisms

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Barro¿Trastoy, D., Carrera, E., Baños, J., Palau-Rodríguez, J., Ruiz-Rivero, O., Tornero, P., Alonso, J.M., López-Díaz, I., Gómez, M.D. and Pérez-Amador, M.A. (2020), Regulation of ovule initiation by gibberellins and brassinosteroids in tomato and Arabidopsis: two plant species, two molecular mechanisms. Plant J, 102: 1026-1041, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14684. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] Ovule primordia formation is a complex developmental process with a strong impact on the production of seeds. In Arabidopsis this process is controlled by a gene network, including components of the signalling pathways of auxin, brassinosteroids (BRs) and cytokinins. Recently, we have shown that gibberellins (GAs) also play an important role in ovule primordia initiation, inhibiting ovule formation in both Arabidopsis and tomato. Here we reveal that BRs also participate in the control of ovule initiation in tomato, by promoting an increase on ovule primordia formation. Moreover, molecular and genetic analyses of the co-regulation by GAs and BRs of the control of ovule initiation indicate that two different mechanisms occur in tomato and Arabidopsis. In tomato, GAs act downstream of BRs. BRs regulate ovule number through the downregulation of GA biosynthesis, which provokes stabilization of DELLA proteins that will finally promote ovule primordia initiation. In contrast, in Arabidopsis both GAs and BRs regulate ovule number independently of the activity levels of the other hormone. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that different molecular mechanisms could operate in different plant species to regulate identical developmental processes even, as for ovule primordia initiation, if the same set of hormones trigger similar responses, adding a new level of complexity.We wish to thank B. Janssen (Horticulture and Food Research Institute, New Zealand) for the pBJ60 shuttle vector, C. Ferrandiz and M. Colombo (IBMCP, CSIC-UPV, Valencia, Spain) for their help in the generation of 35S:ANT lines and L.E.P. Peres (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil) for the tomato mutant lines. Our thanks also go to C. Fuster for technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-FEDER (BIO2017-83138R) to MAPA and from NSF (DBI-0820755, MCB-1158181, and IOS-1444561) to JMA.Barro-Trastoy, D.; Carrera, E.; Baños, J.; Palau-Rodríguez, J.; Ruiz-Rivero, O.; Tornero Feliciano, P.; Alonso, JM.... (2020). Regulation of ovule initiation by gibberellins and brassinosteroids in tomato and Arabidopsis: two plant species, two molecular mechanisms. The Plant Journal. 102(5):1026-1041. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14684S102610411025Azhakanandam, S., Nole-Wilson, S., Bao, F., & Franks, R. G. (2008). SEUSSandAINTEGUMENTAMediate Patterning and Ovule Initiation during Gynoecium Medial Domain Development    . Plant Physiology, 146(3), 1165-1181. doi:10.1104/pp.107.114751Bai, M.-Y., Shang, J.-X., Oh, E., Fan, M., Bai, Y., Zentella, R., … Wang, Z.-Y. (2012). Brassinosteroid, gibberellin and phytochrome impinge on a common transcription module in Arabidopsis. Nature Cell Biology, 14(8), 810-817. doi:10.1038/ncb2546Baker, S. C., Robinson-Beers, K., Villanueva, J. M., Gaiser, J. C., & Gasser, C. S. (1997). Interactions Among Genes Regulating Ovule Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. 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    Gibberellins regulate ovule number through a DELLA¿CUC2 complex in Arabidopsis

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    [EN] Ovule development is a key process for plant reproduction, helping to ensure correct seed production. Several molecular factors and plant hormones such as gibberellins are involved in ovule initiation and development. Gibberellins control ovule development by the destabilization of DELLA proteins, whereas DELLA activity has been shown to act as a positive factor for ovule primordia emergence. But the molecular mechanism by which DELLA acts in ovule primordia initiation remained unknown. In this study we report that DELLA proteins participate in ovule initiation by the formation of a protein complex with the CUC2 transcription factor. The DELLA protein GAI requires CUC2 to promote ovule primordia formation, through the direct GAI-CUC2 interaction in placental cells that would determine the boundary regions between ovules during pistil development. Analysis of GAI-CUC2 interaction and co-localization in the placenta supports this hypothesis. Moreover, molecular analysis identified a subset of the loci for which the GAI protein may act as a transcriptional co-regulator in a CUC2-dependent manner. The DELLA-CUC2 complex is a component of the gene regulatory network controlling ovule primordia initiation in Arabidopsis.We wish to thank Dr. N. Arnaud (INRAE-Versailles, France) for the pCUC1:CUC1-GFP and pCUC2:CUC2-VENUS lines, Dr. D. Alabadi (IBMCP, Valencia, Spain) for the 35S:YFP-M5GAI line and GAI deletions in pDEST32, and Dr. S. Prat (CNB-Madrid, Spain) for the M5-DELLA clones in pGBKT7. We also thank Ms. C. Fuster for her excellent technical assistance and the IBMCP Bioinformatics Core Service for helping in the data processing. This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-FEDER (BIO2017-83138R) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation-AEI (PID2020-113920RB-I00) to MAP-A; DB-T was the recipient of a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU18/00331).Barro-Trastoy, D.; Gómez, MD.; Blanco-Touriñán, N.; Tornero Feliciano, P.; Perez Amador, MA. (2022). Gibberellins regulate ovule number through a DELLA-CUC2 complex in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal. 110(1):43-57. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.156074357110