24 research outputs found

    Long-term stability in obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior in the general population: a longitudinal study in Sweden

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    OBJECTIVE: Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior and their related disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) commonly occur in the general population. Clinical populations indicate a high level of stability, although there are few longitudinal studies in the general population. The recommended drug treatments are SSRIs/TCAs. However, there are few long-term follow up studies. The goal of this study was to 1) examine the occurrence and stability of obsessions, compulsions, and OCD in a longitudinal population-based survey, 2) investigate the use of SSRI and TCA and the potential effect on symptoms. METHODS: A ten-year longitudinal general population in Stockholm was used (2000 and 2010, n = 5650) Obsessional washing, checking, intrusive unpleasant thoughts and the level of suffering due to these symptoms were measured by self-report. Information on use of SSRIs and TCAs by these individuals was obtained from registers. Stability was examined using contingency tables and multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: At baseline, 2.1, 11.7 and 11.9% reported obsessional washing, checking and intrusive thoughts. A total of 5% reported considerable suffering from these (i.e. OCD). Based on psychiatric interview only 0.4% had OCD. Ten years later a quarter of OCD cases were still classified as having OCD, one quarter reported any obsessive or compulsive symptom and half were classified as symptom-free. Treatment receipt was low and controlling for medication did not change the stability. CONCLUSION: Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior are common and stable. While this group is potentially undertreated, there is no indication that those treated display a different pattern of recovery

    Healthy workplaces for women and men of all ages

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    The aim of this knowledge compilation is to contribute with know-ledge about the work environment in relation to the ever-older workforce. How do employee needs and possibilities change from a course of life perspective? What should the employer and other work environment actors think about in order for the workforce to be able to and want to work to a high age? The Swedish Work Environment Authority wishes to give an overar-ching knowledge profile of different aspects of the work environment and the ageing workforce, and we therefore asked seven researchers to summarise the research-based knowledge within each of their are-as, from a course of life and gender perspective. An eighth researcher acted as an editor for the anthology, and has also written the preface. In summary, the report shows that we are becoming even healthier, living ever longer and working to an ever higher age. Older people in the workforce are positive for the economy because productivity increases, and the business sector can make use of competent and experienced staff for a longer time. But for the older labour force to be healthy and want to work at higher ages, one needs to take into consideration how ageing influences health and the capacity to work. With age, all people are affected to different degrees by reduced vision, hearing and physical capacity, as well as longer reaction times. Even their cognitive capacity changes. Certain cognitive abilities are strengthened with rising age, while others deteriorate. With an ageing workforce, more employees have chronic illnesses, which, however, seldom affect the actual working ability. Changes in working life also affect health and wellbeing, for example deregulated work and the technical development. Age and previous experiences impact upon our ability to adapt to these changes. One factor that promotes adap-tation is partly resilience (that is to say, resistance and the ability to adapt to the new), partly compensation strategies when the mental and physical resources change. There are no great differences bet-ween gender when it comes to the consequences of ageing on health and wellbeing in the work. On the other hand, the public health trend shows increasing differences in health between the lower educated and the higher educated - a difference increasing more quickly among women than among men. The gender-segregated labour market also means that more women than men work in physical and mentally burdensome work. Attitudes at the workplace also affect wellbeing and the will to continue working at higher ages. Men tend to be more sensitive to age discrimination while women run the risk of double discrimination, that is to say based upon both gender and age. Work 10 environment and the attitude to an older workforce are central to the considerations that an employee makes in the choice between continuing to work and retiring. Other prerequisites that influence the decision are one’s own health, private finances and self-fulfilling activities. The employer can do a great deal to lengthen and improve their employees’ working life. Systematic work environment management benefits everyone, and it can contribute to everyone keeping their working ability and to older people wanting to and being able to work for longer. Occupational health services of good quality also play an important role. Technical aids and adaptation of the working pace and working tasks are other measures that improve the work environment for the older workforce. The employer can also contri-bute to stimulating work arrangements and organisational support for the employees in order to strengthen their resilience and promote the development of compensation strategies

    Reliability and validity study of Persian modified version of MUSIC (musculoskeletal intervention center) – Norrtalje questionnaire

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a major health problem in the world. Self-reported questionnaires are a known method for estimating the prevalence of MSDs among the population. One of the studies concerning MSDs and their relation to work-related physical and psychosocial factors, as well as non-work-related factors, is the MUSIC-Norrtalje study in Sweden. In this study, the research group developed a questionnaire, which has been validated during its development process and is now considered a well-known instrument. The aim of this study is to validate the Persian version of this questionnaire.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The first step was to establish two expert panel groups in Iran and Sweden. The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method was used to detect questionnaire face and content validity. To detect questionnaire reliability, we used the test-retest method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Except for two items, all other questions that respondents had problems with in the focus group (20 of 297), had unclear translations; the ambiguity was related to the stem of the questions and the predicted answers were clear for the participants. The concepts of 'household/spare time' and 'physical activity in the workplace' were not understood by the participants of FGD; this has been solved by adding further descriptions to these phrases in the translation. In the test-retest study, the reliability coefficient was relatively high in most items (only 5 items out of 297 had an ICC or kappa below 0.7).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings from the present study provide evidence that the Persian version of the MUSIC questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument.</p

    Arbetsledare i processindustrin : Arbetsuppgifter, förutsättningar, psykosocial arbetsmiljö och självskattad hälsa

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    Supervisors in the Processing Industry : Work tasks, conditions, psychosocial work environment and self-rated-health The increase in recent years in the psychosocial ill-health of employees has been set in relation by many researchers to different kinds of leadership styles among their superiors. Few studies have focused on the work situation and health of the superiors themselves. The aim of this study was to describe how employees with various supervisory positions in the processing industry perceive their work situation with regard to given conditions in exercising a leadership role, the psychosocial work environment, and self-rated-health. The study, comprising 146 supervisors of all categories, is based on their responses to a questionnaire in autumn 2003. The findings are described for two age groups ( 50 years). Predominantly younger supervisors felt a need to boost their competence in areas of laws and ordinances, planning dialogues and performance reviews and systematic work for health and safety. Younger superiors experienced a lower degree of clarity in goals and tasks than older superiors. Significant age differences were observed, with more of the younger supervisors citing high demands in combination with little influence at work, and far too high demands in relation to their ability. Virtually all of the older supervisors felt the demands were on a par with their ability. Twenty-five percent of the younger supervisors rated their health as less than good, with an overrepresentation among first-line managers. The difference was significant in comparison with older supervisors. The most frequently cited workenvironment factors in connection with poorer health were low social and informative support from the closest supervisor, not having sufficient resources in the form of time for staff, lack of leadership training and a less than optimal social climate within their own team. Other commonly occurring problems that were mentioned were inadequate capacity in relation to physical and psychological work demands, not feeling rested when starting a new work period and feeling a lack of energy during the work day. Conceivable explanations for why younger supervisors feel worse and experience a greater psychosocial burden at work may be that they put higher demands on themselves to succeed in their careers and/or that they may have a hard time understanding and feeling accepted in the prevailing company culture. There may also be a certain healthy worker effect among older supervisors. Key words: Leadership, first-line managers, work situation, psychosocial working environment, self-rated-healthDe senaste årens ökning av psykosocial ohälsa hos anställda har av flera forskare relaterats till olika typer av ledarskapsstilar hos deras chefer. Få studier har fokuserat på chefernas egen arbetssituation och hälsa. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur anställda med olika arbetsledande befattningar i processindustrin uppfattar sin arbetssituation med avseende på givna förutsättningar att utöva ledarrollen, den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och självskattad hälsa. I studien ingick 146 arbetsledare alla kategorier, som hösten 2003 besvarade ett frågeformulär. Resultaten har beskrivits i två åldersgrupper ( 50 år). Övervägande yngre arbetsledare önskade kompetensutveckling i lagar och förordningar, planerings- och utvecklingssamtal samt systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. Yngre upplevde också i större utsträckning än äldre en lägre grad av tydlighet i mål och uppdrag. Signifikanta ålderskillnader noterades för arbetsledarna genom att fler av de yngre angav höga krav i kombination med litet inflytande på arbetet, samt alltför höga krav i förhållande till den egna förmågan. Så gott som samtliga äldre arbetsledare ansåg att kraven motsvarade den egna förmågan. Tjugufem procent av samtliga yngre arbetsledare skattade sin hälsa som mindre bra, med en överrepresentation av första linjens arbetsledare. I jämförelse med de äldre var skillnaden signifikant. De arbetsmiljöfaktorer som främst angavs i samband med en sämre hälsa var ett lågt socialt och informativt stöd från närmaste chef, att inte ha tillräckligt med resurser i form av tid för personalen, brist på ledarskapsutbildning samt ett mindre bra socialt klimat i den egna arbetsgruppen. Vidare, vanligt förekommande problem som uppgavs var bristande arbetsförmåga i relation till fysiska och psykiska krav i arbetet samt att man inte kände sig utvilad när man påbörjade ett nytt arbetspass samt kände brist på energi under arbetsdagen. Tänkbara förklaringar på att yngre mår sämre och upplever en större psykosocial belastning i arbetet kan vara att de har höga krav på sig själva för att lyckas i sin yrkeskarriär och/eller att de kan ha var svårt att förstå och känna sig accepterade i den rådande företagskulturen och att det finns en viss healthy worker effect bland de äldre. Ytterligare kunskap om arbetsledarnas situation skulle kunna fås genom återkommande enkätundersökningar och/eller att komplettera undersökningen med intervjuer

    REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Psykosocial enkät

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    REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and psychosocial working conditions for the years 1970 to 1993 could be tested as independent factors for musculoskeletal morbidity, mental symptoms and low functionality 24 years later, i.e. a lifetime perspective could be put on found relationships. Purpose: The purpose of REBUS-93 was to identify risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, mental symptoms and low physical function.REBUS-93 innebar att data insamlade om arbets- fritids- och familjesituation vid REBUS-undersökningen 1969/70, tillsammans med retroaktivt insamlad information om fysiska och psykosociala arbetsförhållanden för åren 1970 till 1993, kunde prövas som oberoende faktorer för muskuloskeletal sjuklighet, psykiska symtom och låg funktionsförmåga 24 år senare, d v s ett livstidsperspektiv kunde läggas på funna samband. Syfte: Syftet med REBUS-93 var att identifiera riskfaktorer för muskuloskeletala besvär, psykiska symptom och låg fysisk funktionsförmåg

    REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Urval av fp till REBUS1993

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    REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and psychosocial working conditions for the years 1970 to 1993 could be tested as independent factors for musculoskeletal morbidity, mental symptoms and low functionality 24 years later, i.e. a lifetime perspective could be put on found relationships. Purpose: The purpose of REBUS-93 was to identify risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, mental symptoms and low physical function.REBUS-93 innebar att data insamlade om arbets- fritids- och familjesituation vid REBUS-undersökningen 1969/70, tillsammans med retroaktivt insamlad information om fysiska och psykosociala arbetsförhållanden för åren 1970 till 1993, kunde prövas som oberoende faktorer för muskuloskeletal sjuklighet, psykiska symtom och låg funktionsförmåga 24 år senare, d v s ett livstidsperspektiv kunde läggas på funna samband. Syfte: Syftet med REBUS-93 var att identifiera riskfaktorer för muskuloskeletala besvär, psykiska symptom och låg fysisk funktionsförmåg

    REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Dator-Mus

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    REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and psychosocial working conditions for the years 1970 to 1993 could be tested as independent factors for musculoskeletal morbidity, mental symptoms and low functionality 24 years later, i.e. a lifetime perspective could be put on found relationships. Purpose: The purpose of REBUS-93 was to identify risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, mental symptoms and low physical function.REBUS-93 innebar att data insamlade om arbets- fritids- och familjesituation vid REBUS-undersökningen 1969/70, tillsammans med retroaktivt insamlad information om fysiska och psykosociala arbetsförhållanden för åren 1970 till 1993, kunde prövas som oberoende faktorer för muskuloskeletal sjuklighet, psykiska symtom och låg funktionsförmåga 24 år senare, d v s ett livstidsperspektiv kunde läggas på funna samband. Syfte: Syftet med REBUS-93 var att identifiera riskfaktorer för muskuloskeletala besvär, psykiska symptom och låg fysisk funktionsförmåg

    REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Led/muskelstatus

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    REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and psychosocial working conditions for the years 1970 to 1993 could be tested as independent factors for musculoskeletal morbidity, mental symptoms and low functionality 24 years later, i.e. a lifetime perspective could be put on found relationships. Purpose: The purpose of REBUS-93 was to identify risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, mental symptoms and low physical function.REBUS-93 innebar att data insamlade om arbets- fritids- och familjesituation vid REBUS-undersökningen 1969/70, tillsammans med retroaktivt insamlad information om fysiska och psykosociala arbetsförhållanden för åren 1970 till 1993, kunde prövas som oberoende faktorer för muskuloskeletal sjuklighet, psykiska symtom och låg funktionsförmåga 24 år senare, d v s ett livstidsperspektiv kunde läggas på funna samband. Syfte: Syftet med REBUS-93 var att identifiera riskfaktorer för muskuloskeletala besvär, psykiska symptom och låg fysisk funktionsförmåg

    REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Telefonintervju av"nej-sägare"

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    REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and psychosocial working conditions for the years 1970 to 1993 could be tested as independent factors for musculoskeletal morbidity, mental symptoms and low functionality 24 years later, i.e. a lifetime perspective could be put on found relationships. Purpose: The purpose of REBUS-93 was to identify risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, mental symptoms and low physical function.REBUS-93 innebar att data insamlade om arbets- fritids- och familjesituation vid REBUS-undersökningen 1969/70, tillsammans med retroaktivt insamlad information om fysiska och psykosociala arbetsförhållanden för åren 1970 till 1993, kunde prövas som oberoende faktorer för muskuloskeletal sjuklighet, psykiska symtom och låg funktionsförmåga 24 år senare, d v s ett livstidsperspektiv kunde läggas på funna samband. Syfte: Syftet med REBUS-93 var att identifiera riskfaktorer för muskuloskeletala besvär, psykiska symptom och låg fysisk funktionsförmåg

    REBUS93 - Rehabiliteringsundersökningen i Stockholms län 1993 - REBUS93 - Arbetsförhållanden och hälsa 1970/1993

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    REBUS-93 meant that data collected on the work, leisure and family situation of the REBUS survey 1969/70, together with retroactively collected information on physical and psychosocial working conditions for the years 1970 to 1993 could be tested as independent factors for musculoskeletal morbidity, mental symptoms and low functionality 24 years later, i.e. a lifetime perspective could be put on found relationships. Purpose: The purpose of REBUS-93 was to identify risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, mental symptoms and low physical function.REBUS-93 innebar att data insamlade om arbets- fritids- och familjesituation vid REBUS-undersökningen 1969/70, tillsammans med retroaktivt insamlad information om fysiska och psykosociala arbetsförhållanden för åren 1970 till 1993, kunde prövas som oberoende faktorer för muskuloskeletal sjuklighet, psykiska symtom och låg funktionsförmåga 24 år senare, d v s ett livstidsperspektiv kunde läggas på funna samband. Syfte: Syftet med REBUS-93 var att identifiera riskfaktorer för muskuloskeletala besvär, psykiska symptom och låg fysisk funktionsförmåg