Long-term stability in obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior in the general population: a longitudinal study in Sweden


OBJECTIVE: Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior and their related disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) commonly occur in the general population. Clinical populations indicate a high level of stability, although there are few longitudinal studies in the general population. The recommended drug treatments are SSRIs/TCAs. However, there are few long-term follow up studies. The goal of this study was to 1) examine the occurrence and stability of obsessions, compulsions, and OCD in a longitudinal population-based survey, 2) investigate the use of SSRI and TCA and the potential effect on symptoms. METHODS: A ten-year longitudinal general population in Stockholm was used (2000 and 2010, n = 5650) Obsessional washing, checking, intrusive unpleasant thoughts and the level of suffering due to these symptoms were measured by self-report. Information on use of SSRIs and TCAs by these individuals was obtained from registers. Stability was examined using contingency tables and multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: At baseline, 2.1, 11.7 and 11.9% reported obsessional washing, checking and intrusive thoughts. A total of 5% reported considerable suffering from these (i.e. OCD). Based on psychiatric interview only 0.4% had OCD. Ten years later a quarter of OCD cases were still classified as having OCD, one quarter reported any obsessive or compulsive symptom and half were classified as symptom-free. Treatment receipt was low and controlling for medication did not change the stability. CONCLUSION: Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior are common and stable. While this group is potentially undertreated, there is no indication that those treated display a different pattern of recovery

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