14 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 įtaka Lenkijos nemokumo teisei

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    The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the business environment created the risk of numerous insolvencies of entrepreneurs. The aim of this study is to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Polish insolvency Law and to compare the solutions adopted in Poland with those in use in other countries.COVID-19 pandemijos poveikis verslo aplinkai sukėlė daugelio verslininkų nemokumo riziką. Šio tyrimo tikslas – aptarti COVID-19 pandemijos poveikį Lenkijos nemokumo teisei ir palyginti Lenkijoje priimtus sprendimus su kitose šalyse taikomais sprendimais

    "Element wspólnotowy" jako przesłanka stosowania art. 23 ust. 1 Rozporządzenia Rady nr 44/2001

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    Wejście Polski do Unii Europejskiej [dalej: UE] spowodowało, że polski sędzia staje wobec nowej rzeczywistości normatywnej, wspartej na bogatym orzecznictwie i doktrynie, co więcej, rzeczywistości dynamicznie się kształtującej. Szczególne znaczenie ma Rozporządzenie nr 44/2001 z dnia 22 grudnia 2000 r. w sprawie jurysdykcji i uznawania orzeczeń sądowych oraz ich wykonywania w sprawach cywilnych i handlowych, które zastąpiło konwencję brukselską o tym samym tytule z dnia 27 października 1968 r. obowiązującą między państwami członkowskimi. Rozporządzenie stanowi, jak to ujęto w pkt. 19 Stanowiska Rady UE do tego aktu, kontynuację konwencji i z tego też względu dorobek orzecznictwa i nauki dotyczący konwencji jest nadal aktualny

    Sprzedaż przez syndyka udziału w nieruchomości : kilka uwag o zasadności nowelizacji art. 313 ust. 6 prawa upadłościowego

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    "Opracowanie dotyczy zagadnienia podstaw wykreślenia hipoteki ciążącej na udziale (części ułamkowej) w nieruchomości, który jest własnością upadłego dłużnika w następstwie zbycia udziału przez syndyka masy upadłości. Rozważania są prowadzone z uwzględnieniem przepisów ustawy prawa upadłościowego i naprawczego [dalej: PUN], która została poddana nowelizacji ustawą prawo restrukturyzacyjne1, na jej mocy zmieniono nazwę PUN na prawo upadłościowe [dalej: PU]. Nowelizacja PUN istotnie zmodyfikowała art. 313 PUN przez wprowadzenie nowej jednostki redakcyjnej, oznaczonej jako ust. 6, o następującym brzmieniu:"[...] (fragm.

    Wykładnia umowy jurysdykcyjnej zawartej na podstawie art. 25 Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) Nr 1215/2012. Glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 5 października 2018 r., I CSK 611/17

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    The choice of court agreement (forum selection clause) is effectively concluded if there is no doubt that the party has actually become acquainted with its content. The Court of Justice of the European Union focuses on those aspects of the conclusion of the contract that allow the assessment that the other party is not surprised by the establishment of a subjective link. The compliance with formal requirements implies that the parties agreed on the conclusion of the contract. There are no objections about so understood “real consent of the parties” as a consequence of fulfilling not only the requirements as to the form, but above all as the way of the conclusion of the contract. The acceptance of the thesis that since the party expressed the undoubted consent to conclude the contract, there is thus no problem of the interpretation of the declaration of intent, is impossible. There is no dispute that the interpretation of a declaration of intent is a legal matter, since the methods of interpretation are determined by the law. According to the Polish Supreme Court, on the basis of Regulation 1215/2012 there is no problem of seeking of the applicable law, because the rules for the interpretation of a jurisdictional agreement should be interpreted from the provision of art. 25 of this regulation. This position is based on the main argument that any deviation from the autonomous rules of interpretation creates the danger that the courts of the Member States will differently determine the law applicable. The Court of Justice of the European Union accepts that an objective (normative) method of interpreting party’s statements should be used. In some situations, it is necessary to apply legis causae to effectuate a supplementary interpretation of the declarations of will

    Admissibility of Suing an Employee from a Third State before a Polish Court on the Basis of the Regulation No. 1215/2012 and the Code of Civil Procedure

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    The EU Regulation 1215/2012, as well as the Polish civil procedural law regarding individual employment relationships are employee-interest oriented. The employee’s domicile is a specific form of privilege on the level of the national jurisdiction regulations establishing international competence of national courts. The domicile provides effective protection for the employee in case of a potential dispute with an employer,who initiates the proceedings. Unfortunately, neither the Regulation 1215/2012 nor the Polish civil procedural law provides for equivalent protection for a third state employee (an employee from outside the EU) compared to an employee domiciled in Poland. The paper argues that despite a one-sided regulation, suing a third state employee before a Polish court is in principle impermissible. When applying the objective criterion to determine whether there is a national jurisdiction to hear the case, the court should consider the need to protect the employee and his or her legitimate interests. The author posits that the employee’s interest constitutes a legal basis for assessing whether in the proceedings before a Polish court — as forum conveniens — it is possible to safeguard the rights of a weaker party of a particular legal relationship. If a choice of court agreement was concluded, suing a third state employee before a Polish court will not be possible. This is because the prorogation agreement is subject to Article 23 of the Regulation 1215/2012. This provision requires that for the prorogation of jurisdiction to be effective, the employee, as party to an agreement, must be domiciled in one of the Member States

    Satisfaction of consumer borrower's debts by the insolvency administrator of a credit and savings union as a result of early repayment of credit

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    Celem artykułu jest omówienie zasad zaspokajania wierzytelności kredytobiorcy, który dokonał wcześniejszej spłaty kredytu po ogłoszeniu upadłości SKOK-u. Ogłoszenie upadłości banku lub kasy oszczędnościowo-kredytowej nie wpływa na uprawnienie konsumenta-kredytobiorcy do wcześniejszej spłaty kredytu na podstawie art. 48 i 49 ust. 1 ustawy o kredycie konsumenckim. Jeżeli kredyt został udzielony przed ogłoszeniem upadłości, kredytobiorca ma obowiązek regulować raty kredytu, chyba że dokona jego wcześniejszej spłaty. Wcześniejsza spłata dokonana po ogłoszeniu upadłości jest równoznaczna z zakończeniem bytu prawnego stosunku kredytowego, a spłacającemu przysługuje wówczas wierzytelność do masy upadłości o zwrot kosztów kredytu w zakresie wyznaczonym przez art. 49 ust. 1 ustawy o kredycie konsumenckim. Wierzytelność kredytobiorcy- konsumenta powstaje i staje się wymagalna po ogłoszeniu upadłości (art. 410 § 2 kodeksu cywilnego). Ta wierzytelność jest zaspokajana co do zasady przez syndyka z masy upadłości w całości, bez konieczności jej zgłoszenia do postępowania upadłościowego.The purpose of the article is to discuss the principles of satisfying the debt of a borrower who has made an early loan repayment after the declaration of bankruptcy of the SKOK. The bankruptcy declaration made by a bank or by a savings and credit union does not affect the right of a consumer borrower to repay a credit earlier under the Article 48 and 49 ust. 1 of the Consumer Credit Act. If the loan has been granted before the bankruptcy was declared, the consumer credit agreement remains in force. The borrower has the obligation to repay the instalments, unless he repay a credit earlier. The early repayment means that the agreement ends and the a borrower has a claim against the bankruptcy estate for the operational costs under the Article 49 ust. 1 of the Consumer Credit Act. The claim arises after the commencement of the bankruptcy as a result of an elimination of the legal basis for the obligation (Article 410 § 2 of the Civil Code). This claim is generally satisfied wholly by a bankruptcy receiver from the bankruptcy estate without the need to present it in the bankruptcy proceedings

    Control of the Crystalline Properties of 2‑Isopropyl-2-oxazoline Copolymers in Condensed State and in Solution Depending on the Composition

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    Copolymers of 2-isopropyl- (<i>i</i>PrOx) and 2-<i>n</i>-propyl-2-oxazoline (<i>n</i>PrOx) were obtained, and attempts to control their crystallization both in condensed state and in solution were made. The homopolymer of <i>n</i>PrOx showed a weaker crystallization tendency than P<i>i</i>PrOx; nevertheless, the frequently encountered assumption that it is completely amorphous and is not able to crystallize was found to be unjustified. By increasing the amount of <i>n</i>PrOx in copolymers, their crystallization ability decreased both in the condensed state and in solution. The highest degree of crystallization was achieved for copolymer <i>i</i>PrOx/<i>n</i>PrOx of the composition 85:15 mol %, and χ<sub>c</sub> values of ∼60% in condensed state and ∼45% in water were obtained. On the other hand, for the copolymer with 50 mol % of <i>n</i>PrOx no crystalline fraction was observed, even when it was subjected to mild thermal treatment, both in the condensed state and in solution. However, when copolymers were subjected to more rigorous external conditions, such as exposure to high, predefined temperature for a significantly extended time, the crystallization of seemingly amorphous copolymer could be forced

    Poly(2-oxazoline) Matrices with Temperature-Dependent Solubility—Interactions with Water and Use for Cell Culture

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    In this work, we studied the stability of matrices with temperature-dependent solubility and their interactions with water at physiological temperature for their application in cell culture in vitro. Gradient copolymers of 2-isopropyl- with 2-n-propyl-2-oxazoline (P(iPrOx-nPrOx)) were used to prepare the matrices. The comonomer ratio during polymerization was chosen such that the cloud point temperature (TCP) of the copolymer was below 37 &deg;C while the glass transition (Tg) was above 37 &deg;C. The role of the support for matrices in the context of their stability in aqueous solution was examined. Therefore, matrices in the form of both self-supported bulk polymer materials (fibrillar mats and molds) and polymer films supported on the silica slides were examined. All of the matrices remained undissolved when incubated in water at a temperature above TCP. For the self-supported mats and molds, we observed the loss of shape stability, but, in the case of films supported on silica slides, only slight changes in morphology were observed. For a more in-depth investigation of the origin of the shape deformation of self-supported matrices, we analyzed the wettability, thickness, and water uptake of films on silica support because the matrices remained undeformed under these conditions. It was found that, above the TCP of P(iPrOx-nPrOx), the wettability of the films decreased, but at the same time the films absorbed water and swelled. We examined how this specific behavior of the supported films influenced the culture of fibroblasts. The temperature-dependent solubility of the matrices and the possibility of noninvasive cell separation were also examined

    Processing of (Co)Poly(2-oxazoline)s by Electrospinning and Extrusion from Melt and the Postprocessing Properties of the (Co)Polymers

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    Poly(2-oxazoline) (POx) matrices in the form of non-woven fibrous mats and three-dimensional moulds were obtained by electrospinning and fused deposition modelling (FDM), respectively. To obtain these materials, poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) (PiPrOx) and gradient copolymers of 2-isopropyl- with 2-n-propyl-2-oxazoline (P(iPrOx-nPrOx)), with relatively low molar masses and low dispersity values, were processed. The conditions for the electrospinning of POx were optimised for both water and the organic solvent. Also, the FDM conditions for the fabrication of POx multi-layer moulds of cylindrical or cubical shape were optimised. The properties of the POx after electrospinning and extrusion from melt were determined. The molar mass of all (co)poly(2-oxazoline)s did not change after electrospinning. Also, FDM did not influence the molar masses of the (co)polymers; however, the long processing of the material caused degradation and an increase in molar mass dispersity. The thermal properties changed significantly after processing of POx what was monitored by increase in enthalpy of exo- and endothermic peaks in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curve. The influence of the processing conditions on the structure and properties of the final material were evaluated having in a mind their potential application as scaffolds