642 research outputs found

    What drives innovation? Causes of and consequences for nanotechnologies

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    Nanotechnologies are expected to be the dominant general purpose technology of the next decades. Their market potential is immense and especially demand side arguments will have far reaching consequences for innovations. They may occur as increased miniaturization or via building completely new products, processes or services. Innovations in the field of nanotechnologies do not only affect productivity in downstream sectors but these feed back to nanotechnologies thereby inducing circles of continuing innovation. Demand for nanocomponents mainly arises by firms while private demand is assigned to final products, processes or services that are augmented by nanotechnologies. Due to the technology's controversial character, the consumer's attitude towards risk and technology affects private demand and this may either spur or hamper innovation. The paper aims to unravel how these complex interdependencies and feedback mechanisms affect overall innovation that is induced by nanotechnologies and how this on its part affects further improvements of nanotechnologies. --general purpose technologies,controversial technologies,determinants of innovation

    What Drives Innovation? Causes of and Consequences for Nanotechnologies

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    Nanotechnologies are expected to be the dominant general purpose technology of the next decades. Their market potential is immense and not only supply-side but especially demand-side arguments will have far reaching consequences for innovations. The latter may occur as increased miniaturization or via building completely new products, processes or services. Innovations in the field of nanotechnologies do not only affect productivity in downstream sectors but these feed back to nanotechnologies thereby inducing circles of continuing innovation. Demand for nano-components mainly arises from firms while private demand is assigned to final products, processes or services that are augmented by nanotechnologies. Due to the technology’s controversial character, the consumer’s attitude towards risk and technology affects private demand and this may either spur or hamper innovation. The paper aims to unravel how these complex interdependencies and feedback mechanisms affect overall innovation in downstream sectors that is induced by nanotechnologies and how this for its part affects further improvements of nanotechnologies.general purpose technologies, controversial technologies, determinants of innovation

    Cognition and the single neuron: How cell types construct the dynamic computations of frontal cortex

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    Frontal cortex is thought to underlie many advanced cognitive capacities, from self-control to long term planning. Reflecting these diverse demands, frontal neural activity is notoriously idiosyncratic, with tuning properties that are correlated with endless numbers of behavioral and task features. This menagerie of tuning has made it difficult to extract organizing principles that govern frontal neural activity. Here, we contrast two successful yet seemingly incompatible approaches that have begun to address this challenge. Inspired by the indecipherability of single-neuron tuning, the first approach casts frontal computations as dynamical trajectories traversed by arbitrary mixtures of neurons. The second approach, by contrast, attempts to explain the functional diversity of frontal activity with the biological diversity of cortical cell-types. Motivated by the recent discovery of functional clusters in frontal neurons, we propose a consilience between these population and cell-type-specific approaches to neural computations, advancing the conjecture that evolutionarily inherited cell-type constraints create the scaffold within which frontal population dynamics must operate