18 research outputs found

    Yaşlılarda Polifarmasinin Sıklığı Ve Potansiyel Uygunsuz İlaç Kullanımı

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    Giriş: Yaşlanma, kronik hastalıklar ve ilaç kullanımını artırması polifarmasi görülme sıklığını artırmaktadır. Çalışmamızda, yaşlı bireylerde polifarmasi sıklığını, neden olan risk faktörlerinin ve ilaç kullanımının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Aile hekimliği polikliniğine başvuran 300 (65 yaş üzeri) birey alındı. Sosyodemografik verilerin yanı sıra, mevcut ilaç kullanımı ile ilgili sorulardan oluşan bir anket uygulanmıştır. Halen kullanılan ilaçlar doktorlar tarafından listelenmiştir. Avrupa Birliği Potansiyel Uygun Olmayan İlaçlar listesine göre taranmıştır. Veriler ki-kare ve Student-t testleri kullanılarak analiz edildi; p =5 ilaç) 187 (% 62.3) katılımcıda varken; Hiper polifarmasi (>=10 ilaç) ise 29 (%9.7) katılımcıda mevcuttu. Avrupa Birliği Potansiyel Uygun Olmayan İlaçlar listesinde olan 317 (% 19.2) ilaç vardı. 195 (% 65) hasta en az bir potansiyel olarak uygun olmayan ilaç kullanıyordu. Gereksiz kullanım nedeniyle toplam 124 (% 7.5) ilaç durduruldu. Hastalar için 108 (% 6.5) kullandığı ilaçlar nedeniyle dal doktorlar sevk edildi. Sonuç: Polifarmasi ve uygun olmayan ilaç kullanımı yaşlı bireylerde sık görülmektedir. Polifarmasi kronik hastalıklarla artarken; yakın doktor kontrolü ile azalmaktadır. Bu nedenle yaşlıda ilaç kullanımını değerlendirme önemli bir basamaktırIntroduction: Increased rates of increase in the elderly population, chronic illnesses and drugs usage are inevitable, making polypharmacy more frequent in older adults. Our study aimed to investigate the frequency of polypharmacy in the elderly and to examine their medication use.Materials and Method: Three hundred elderly individuals (aged >65 years) who visited our family medicine polyclinic were included in the study. In addition to collecting sociodemographic information, a questionnaire about current drug use was administered. Currently used drugs were listed by doctors and screened using screening tools. Data were analysed using the chi-square and Student’s t-tests; p < 0.05 was considered significant.Results: A total of 1,650 drugs were used by study participants. The mean number of drugs per patient was 5.50±2.84 (range, 1–14). Polypharmacy (?5 drugs) was present in 187 (62.3%) participants; 5–9 drugs were used by 158 (52.7%). Hyperpolypharmacy (?10 drugs) was present in 29 (9.7%) participants. In total, 317 (19.2%) drugs were on the list of the European Union Potentially Inappropriate Medications, and 195 (65%) patients were using at least one potentially inappropriate medication. A total of 124 (7.5%) medications were stopped due to unnecessary usage. Patients were referred to branch doctors because of 108 (6.5%) drugs.Conclusion: Polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medication usage were both very frequent in this elderly population sample. Polypharmacy was positively related only to chronic diseases, negatively related to closely controlled therapy. For this reason, evaluation of drug use in the elderly is an important ste

    Knowledge, attitude and practice of family physicians on antimicrobial therapy for acute respiratory tract infections-a study from İstanbul, Turkey

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    Aim: We aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitude, practice of family physicians regarding an-timicrobial therapy in acute respiratory tract infections. Methods: After receiving the ethics committee approval, the data were collected by online questionnaire from a phone application with 304 physicians. Questions about socio-demographic features and knowledge, attitude, and practices on antibiotics use were asked. Using SPSS, we did the statistical analyses with appropriate procedures. Results: Among the participants, 127 (41.8%) were specialists, and 177 (58.2%) were gen-eral practitioners. The specialists gave correct answers about tonsillopharyngitis and bron-chiolitis significantly more often than the general practitioners did. The antibiotic choices for acute otitis media were not in compliance with the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control, and between the groups, there was no significant difference in terms of initial antibiotic choice. The self-reported antibiotic prescription rate was 25%. In 10%, the most common perceived reason for inappropriate antibiotic prescription was pressure from patients. Conclusion: There remains considerable misuse of antibiotics by primary care physicians for acute respiratory tract infections. Education of physicians and patients regarding acute respiratory tract infections may be needed to lower the rate of inappropriate antibiotic pre-scriptions

    Otopsi fotoğraflarından tanısal doğruluğa ulaşmanın tutarlılık ve güvenilirlik derecesinin saptanması

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    Süner Ç, Şam B, Gökdoğan C, Toprak S, Paç M. Otopsi fotoğraflarından tanısal doğruluğa ulaşmanın tutarlılık ve güvenilirlik derecesinin saptanması. Adli Tıp Bülteni, 2002; 7 (3): 85-9

    Bridging between archeologists and civil engineers via e-learning

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    Interaction between archeologists and civil engineers has become one of the critical issues in construction planning and management as the scale of infrastructure construction increases with the needs of increasing population. Unfortunately, such a topic is not covered by any university curriculum neither at undergraduate nor graduate level. In order to fill this gap, a Leonardo da Vinci (LdV) project entitled: “Archaeology and Construction Engineering Skills (ACES)" was started in 2007 and completed in November 2009. The main aims of the project are to deepen and broaden professional understandings between two professional sectors – civil engineers and archaeologists. A vocational training course and handbooks were prepared in four languages as part of the project. The training is conducted in an assisted distance training mode. It means all training materials are provided online and the training process is supervised by a teacher. The training process is composed of a lecture and discussion forum. This paper presents the results of the project