171 research outputs found

    The use of hose-masks in railway traffic

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    Mašinsko osoblje lokomotiva mnogo stradava od dima u tunelima. Zbog zaštite tog osoblja vršio je Institut za higijenu rada ispitivanja o primjeni cijevne maske s komprimiranim zrakom. Komprimirani zrak uzima se iz rezervoara zraka za kočenje vlaka. Ispitivanja su dala vrlo dobre rezultate, tako da se na svim lokomotivama, koje voze kroz veće tunele, uvodi cijevna maska kao zaštitno sredstvo za, mašinsko osoblje.Locomotive drivers and stokers greatly suffer from smoke in tunnels. In order to protect them the Institute of Industrial Hygiene has investigated the possibility of applying a hose mask with compressed air. The compressed air is supplied from the reservoir used for operating airbrakes. Investigations have proved quite satisfactory; the hose masks have been officially approved and are being introduced as safety appliance for engine drivers and stokers on all trains

    Breznikovo pojmovanje jezikovnih sprememb v Evangelijih in listih

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    This article uses a research methodology to analyze Anton Breznik’s commentary on the literary tradition in the collection known as Evangeliji in listi (EiL, Gospels and Epistles). The article starts by analyzing Breznik’s interpretation of the concept of literary tradition and some of his statements about the development of standard Slovenian, and literary style in EiL is also examined. It is then observed how linguistic ideology affects Breznik’s defnitions and the judgement of various authors in EiL. Quantitative data analysis and the defnition of the meaning and the time of a linguistic innovation is also examined. Finally, changes in various verb‑adverb combinations in eleven editions of EiL (from 1612 to 2003) are examined.Razpravo o literarni tradiciji v Evangelijih in listih (EiL) Antona Breznika razčlenjujemo z vidika avtorjeve metodologije raziskovanja. Na začetku razčlenjujemo Breznikovo razumevanje pojma literarna tradicija in preverjamo nekatere Breznikove trditve o razvoju slovenskega knjižnega jezika oz. jezikovnega sloga v EiL. V nadaljevanju opazujemo, kako se kažejo jezikovnoideološke poteze v njegovih opredelitvah besed in presoji različnih avtorjev EiL, razmišljamo o kvantitativni obdelavi podatkov, pomenu ter časovnem opredeljevanju jezikovne inovacije. Na koncu predstavljamo spremembe različnih zvez glagola s prislovom v enajstih izdajah EiL iz let 1612–2003

    Regulations concerning protective measures in operating X-ray and radioactive aparatus

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    Ministar·rada FNRJ propisao je na osnovu čl, 15. Zakona o insipekciji rada Pravilnik o zaštitnim mjerama pri radu sa rentgenskim uređajima i radioatktivnim materijama. Osoblje, koje radi sa rentgensklm uređajima izloženo je opasnosti od struje visokog napona, koja se upotrebljava za pogon rentgentskih uređaja, a osim toga i opasnosti rentgenskog zračenja. Osoblje, koje radi sa radioaktivnim materijama izloženo je opasnosti od radioaktivaog zračenja. Obzirom na navedene opasnosti Pravilnik se i dijeli na tri dijela s odredbama o zaštitnim mjerama protiv opasnosti od struje visokog napona, i odredbama o zaštitnim mjerama protiv rentgenskog i radno-aktivnog zračenja. Svi rentgenski uređaji nisu u istoj mjeri zaštićeni protiv opasnosti struje visokog napona, pa ih Pravilnik - obzirom na stepen te zaštite - dijeli na 4 klase.The Minister of Work of Yugoslavia has decreed regulations concerning protective measures for the handling of X-Ray and Radioactive appliances. The regulations contain special instructions for work with high tension current such as used in operating X-Ray installations, as well as special protective measures against the damaging influences of X-Rays and Radioactive rays used in medical treatment. The aim of these regulations is to accomplish a complete protection of such installations and safeguard the technical personnel

    Smrtna nezgoda ronioca

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    Contemporary comparators for levelling staffs in Europe

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    Comparator is special device with which procedures are being done, which results define accuracy of construction and activity of levelling equipment. These procedures are called comparation or calibration and they are being done because, the equipment checked only so, can achive the required precision for the particular tasks of the precise geometric levelling. Tests can be done for precise levelling staffs with line or code graduation and for digital levelling systems, that consist of digital levels and code levelling staffs. In dissertation I first introduced procedure of geometric levelling and levelling equipment, where I described digital levels and code levelling staffs more in detail. I defined comparation and calibration then and explained urgency of these procedures. At description of comparators is particularly presented device, that is located on Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Ljubljana. Also calibration procedure and its results are explained in detail. At the end of dissertation did I also described method of controlling the quality of different comparators and of different calibration procedures

    Optimization of photocatalytic degradation process of azo dyes with poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) /TiO2 photocatalyst and simulated solar radiation

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    Otpadne vode industrija proizvodnje i primjene bojila, osim samih bojila sadrže i različite nusprodukte i pomoćne kemikalije koje su slabo biorazgradljive, te često toksične i kancerogene. Takve otpadne vode potrebno je obraditi prije ispusta. Uobičajene tehnologije obrade temeljene na fizikalnim i biološkim metodama često nisu dovoljno djelotvorne. Napredni oksidacijski procesi (AOP) u kojima pod utjecajem kemijske, električne ili energije zračenja, nastaju vrlo reaktivni hidroksilni radikali odlikuju se mogućnošću brze i djelotvorne razgradnje organskih onečišćivala. U radu je sintetiziran polimerni fotokatalitički nanokompozit poli(3,4-etilendioksitiofen)/TiO2 kemijskom oksidacijskom polimerizacijom s dva oksidansa: FeCl3 i (NH4)2S2O8 te je ispitan utjecaj oksidansa na strukturu nastalog nanokompozita i fotokatalitičku učinkovitost. Karakterizacija je provedena infracrvenom spektroskopijom s Fourierovim transformacijama (FT-IR), a uzorcima je određena elektrovodljivost. Fotokatalitička učinkovitost sintetiziranih nanokompozitnih fotokatalizatora ispitana je praćenjem uklanjanja azo-bojila Reactive Red 45 (RR45) pod simuliranim Sunčevim zračenjem. Tijekom procesa fotokatalize praćeno je obezbojenje određivanjem promjene apsorbancije korištenjem UV/Vis spektrofotometra. Također, praćen je proces mineralizacije RR45 bojila mjerenjem ukupnog organskog ugljika (TOC). Nadalje, provedena je optimizacija uvjeta fotokatalize gdje se je ispitivao utjecaj kiselosti/lužnatosti (pH) i koncentracije fotokatalizatora na učinkovitost procesa uklanjanja bojila. Rezultati su pokazali da tip oksidansa ima značajan utjecaj na fotokatalitičku djelotvornost polimernih nanokompozita pod simuliranim Sunčevim zračenjem.Wastewater industry production and application of dyes, beside the dyes itself contain various by-products and auxiliary chemicals which are poorly biodegradable and often toxic and carcinogenic. Such wastewater needs to be treated before discharge. Typical processing technology based on the physical and biological methods are often not effective enough. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) in which highly reactive hydroxyl radicals are formed under the influence of chemical, electrical or radiation energy, have the capacity and capability of quick and effective degradation of organic pollutants. In this work polymer photocatalytic nanocomposite poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/TiO2 was synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization with two oxidants: FeCl3 and (NH4)2S2O8. The effect of oxidants on the structure of the resulting nanocomposites and photocatalytic efficiency was investigated. Characterization of samples was carried out by infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform (FT-IR) and by measuring electro conductivity. The photocatalytic efficiency of the synthesized nanocomposite photocatalyst was examined by monitoring the removal of azo dye Reactive Red 45 (RR45) under the simulated solar irradiation. The discoloration was followed by UV/Vis spectrophotometer and as a measure of dye mineralization total organic carbon (TOC) was determined. Optimization of photocatalytic conditions was carried out in terms of examining the impact of acidity/alkalinity (pH) and the concentration of photocatalyst on dye removal efficiency. The results showed that the type of oxidant has a significant impact on the structure formation of nanocomposite and on its photocatalytic efficiency under simulated solar irradiation

    O zaštitnim napravama na strojevima

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    Ocjenjivanje izloženosti buci

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