839 research outputs found
3H and 3He calculations without angular momentum decomposition
Results for the three nucleon (3N) bound state carried out using the "three
dimensional" (3D) formalism are presented. In this approach calculations are
performed without the use of angular momentum decomposition and instead rely
directly on the 3D degrees of freedom of the nucleons. In this paper, for the
first time, 3D results for He bound state with the inclusion of the
screened Coulomb potential are compared to H calculations. Additionally,
using these results, matrix elements of simple current operators related to the
description of beta decay of the triton are given. All computations are carried
out using the first generation of NNLO two nucleon (2N) and 3N forces from the
Bochum - Bonn group.Comment: 33 pages, 11 pdf figure
Theoretical uncertainties of the elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering observables
Theoretical uncertainties of various types are discussed for the
nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering observables at the incoming nucleon
laboratory energies up to 200 MeV. We are especially interested in the
statistical errors arising from uncertainties of parameters of a
nucleon-nucleon interaction. The obtained uncertainties of the differential
cross section and numerous scattering observables are in general small, grow
with the reaction energy and amount up to a few percent at 200 MeV. We compare
these uncertainties with the other types of theoretical errors like truncation
errors, numerical uncertainties and uncertainties arising from using the
various models of nuclear interaction. We find the latter ones to be dominant
source of uncertainties of modern predictions for the three-nucleon scattering
observables. To perform above mentioned studies we use the One-Pion-Exchange
Gaussian potential derived by the Granada group, for which the covariance
matrix of its parameters is known, and solve the Faddeev equation for the
nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering. Thus beside studying theoretical
uncertainties we also show a description of the nucleon-deuteron elastic
scattering data by the One-Pion-Exchange Gaussian model and compare it with
results obtained with other nucleon-nucleon potentials, including chiral
NLO forces from the Bochum-Bonn and Moscow(Idaho)-Salamanca groups. In this
way we confirm the usefulness and high quality of the One-Pion-Exchange
Gaussian force.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures in 64 eps file
Role of the total isospin 3/2 component in three-nucleon reactions
We discuss the role of the three-nucleon isospin T=3/2 amplitude in elastic
neutron-deuteron scattering and in the deuteron breakup reaction. The
contribution of this amplitude originates from charge-independence breaking of
the nucleon-nucleon potential and is driven by the difference between
neutron-neutron (proton-proton) and neutron-proton forces. We study the
magnitude of that contribution to the elastic scattering and breakup
observables, taking the locally regularized chiral N4LO nucleon-nucleon
potential supplemented by the chiral N2LO three-nucleon force. For comparison
we employ also the Av18 nucleon-nucleon potential combined with the Urbana IX
three-nucleon force. We find that the isospin T=3/2 component is important for
the breakup reaction and the proper treatment of charge-independence breaking
in this case requires the inclusion of the 1S0 state with isospin T=3/2. For
neutron-deuteron elastic scattering the T=3/2 contributions are insignificant
and charge-independence breaking can be accounted for by using the effective
t-matrix generated with the so-called "2/3-1/3" rule.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 3 Table
Nucleon-deuteron scattering with the JISP16 potential
The nucleon-nucleon J-matrix Inverse Scattering Potential JISP16 is applied
to elastic nucleon-deuteron (Nd) scattering and the deuteron breakup process at
the lab. nucleon energies up to 135 MeV. The formalism of the Faddeev equations
is used to obtain 3N scattering states. We compare predictions based on the
JISP16 force with data and with results based on various NN interactions: the
CD Bonn, the AV18, the chiral force with the semi-local regularization at the
5th order of the chiral expansion and with low-momentum interactions obtained
from the CD Bonn force as well as with the predictions from the combination of
the AV18 NN interaction and the Urbana IX 3N force. JISP16 provides a
satisfactory description of some observables at low energies but strong
deviations from data as well as from standard and chiral potential predictions
with increasing energy. However, there are also polarization observables at low
energies for which the JISP16 predictions differ from those based on the other
forces by a factor of two. The reason for such a behavior can be traced back to
the P-wave components of the JISP16 force. At higher energies the deviations
can be enhanced by an interference with higher partial waves and by the
properties of the JISP16 deuteron wave function. In addition, we compare the
energy and angular dependence of predictions based on the JISP16 force with the
results of the low-momentum forces obtained with different values of the
momentum cutoff parameter. We found that such low-momentum forces can be
employed to interpret the Nd elastic scattering data only below some specific
energy which depends on the cutoff parameter. Since JISP16 is defined in a
finite oscillator basis, it has properties similar to low momentum interactions
and its application to the description of Nd scattering data is limited to a
low momentum transfer region.Comment: 26 pages, 12 eps figures; Version accepted to Phys. Rev. C: text is
shortened, few figures regarding the nucleon-deuteron elastic scattering
observables are removed but a short discussion of the nucleon induced
deuteron breakup cross section is added. Conclusions remain unchange
Break-up channels in muon capture on 3He
The mu + 2H -> nu + n + n, mu + 3He -> nu + 3H, mu + 3He -> nu + n + d and mu
+ 3He -> nu + n + n + p capture reactions are studied with various realistic
potentials under full inclusion of final state interactions. Our results for
the two- and three-body break-up of 3He are calculated with a variety of
nucleon-nucleon potentials, among which is the AV18 potential, augmented by the
Urbana~IX three-nucleon potential. Most of our results are based on the single
nucleon weak current operator. As a first step, we have tested our calculation
in the case of the mu + 2H -> nu + n + n and mu + 3He -> nu + 3H reactions, for
which theoretical predictions obtained in a comparable framework are available.
Additionally, we have been able to obtain for the first time a realistic
estimate for the total rates of the muon capture reactions on 3He in the
break-up channels: 544 1/s and 154 1/s for the n + d and n + n + p channels,
respectively. Our results have also been compared with the most recent
experimental data, finding a rough agreement for the total capture rates, but
failing to reproduce the differential capture rates.Comment: 29 pages, 18 figure
Three-nucleon force effects in inclusive spectra of the neutron-deuteron breakup reaction
We investigate the sensitivity of the non-exclusive nucleon induced deuteron
breakup reaction to the three-nucleon interaction and distributions of
three-nucleon force effects in inclusive spectra. To this end we solve the
three-nucleon Faddeev equation at a number of incoming nucleon laboratory
energies using the CD Bonn nucleon-nucleon interaction alone or combined with
the 2{\pi}-exchange Tucson-Melbourne three-nucleon force. Based on these
solutions energy spectra of an outgoing nucleon, at a specified detection angle
as well as spectra integrated over that angle, are calculated. By integrating
the spectra at a given angle over the energy of the outgoing nucleon the
angular distributions of three-nucleon force effects in the breakup process are
additionally obtained. Contrary to elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering, where
at higher energies significant three-nucleon force effects were encountered for
scattering angles around the minimum of the cross section, for the breakup
process only moderate effects are found and they are restricted to forward
angles. Results of the present investigation show that the large three-nucleon
force effects found for some specific complete breakup configurations are
reduced substantially in the incomplete spectra when averaging over
contributing complete geometries is performed
The chiral long-range two-pion exchange electromagnetic currents in radiative nucleon-deuteron capture
The nucleon-deuteron radiative capture process is investigated using the
chiral nuclear potentials and the electromagnetic currents developed by the
Bochum-Bonn group. While the strong interaction is taken up to the
next-to-next-to-leading order, the electromagnetic current consists of a single
nucleon current, the leading one-pion exchange one and is supplemented by
contributions from the long-range two-pion exchange current at
next-to-leading-order. The theoretical predictions for the cross sections as
well as analyzing powers show strong dependence on the values of regularization
parameters. Only small effects of the three-nucleon force and the long-range
two-pion exchange current are observed. The dependence on the choice of
regularization parameters results in a big theoretical uncertainty and clearly
points to the necessity to include corrections from higher orders of the chiral
expansion both for the nuclear forces and currents.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
A new way to perform partial wave decompositions of few-nucleon forces
We formulate a general and exact method of partial wave decomposition (PWD)
of any nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential and any three-nucleon (3N) force. The
approach allows one to efficiently use symbolic algebra software to generate
the interaction dependent part of the program code calculating the interaction.
We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach for the one-boson exchange
BonnB potential, a recent nucleon-nucleon chiral force and the chiral
two-pion-exchange three-nucleon force. In all cases very good agreement between
the new and the traditional PWD is found. The automated PWD offered by the new
approach is of the utmost importance in view of future applications of numerous
chiral N3LO contributions to the 3N force in three nucleon calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures (24 eps files
Comprehensive investigation of the symmetric space-star configuration in the nucleon-deuteron breakup
We examine a description of available cross section data for symmetric space
star (SST) configurations in the neutron-deuteron (nd) and proton-deuteron (pd)
breakup reaction using numerically exact solutions of the three-nucleon (3N)
Faddeev equation based on two- and three-nucleon (semi)phenomenological and
chiral forces. The predicted SST cross sections are very stable with respect to
the underlying dynamics for incoming nucleon laboratory energies below MeV. We discuss possible origins of the surprising discrepancies between
theory and data found in low-energy nd and pd SST breakup measurements.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure
The Tucson-Melbourne Three-Nucleon Force in the automatized Partial Wave Decomposition
A recently developed procedure for a partial-wave decomposition of a three-nucleon force is applied to the pi-pi, pi-rho and rho-rho components of the Tucson-Melbourne three-nucleon potential. The resulting matrix elements for the pi-pi and pi-rho components are compared with the values obtained using the standard approach to the partial-wave decomposition, in which the pi-rho expressions for the matrix elements are also derived and presented. Several numerical tests and results for the triton binding energy and the correlation function prove the reliability and efficiency of the new method
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