73 research outputs found

    Pengujian Bahan Bakar Gas Pada Mesin Sepeda Motor Karburator Ditinjau Dari Aspek Torsi Dan Daya

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    Fossil fuels are a very important source of energy in everyday life, especially in the field of transport and are non-renewable energy sources, while existing data obtained when these vehicles circulating in Indonesia reached 80 million units, of which 85 per cent of this amount is a motorcycle with a majority using the engine carburetor. This experiment aimed to test alternative fuels fuel oil fuel is fuel gas. After testing it was found that the best torque produced fuel LPG gas is 8.20 Nm 7.82 Nm and blue gas at 4000 rpm rotation. The best power generated fuel gas is 2.10 kW and blue gas was 2.06 at 5000 rpm rotation. For the rate of fuel consumption pertamax more fuel efficient than the gas at any rpm the test. As for the fuel efficiency of LPG gas reached 43.94%, pertamax 61.26% at 5000 rpm rotation, and 43.12% blue gas at 4000 rpm rotatio

    Pemanfaatan Dua Jenis Kompos Ganggang Coklat (Sargassum Polycystum) Dalam Meningkatkan Kesuburan Tanah Ultisol Serta Produksi Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.)

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    This reseach aimed to determines differences ability between two types of the brown algaecompost increase fertility of Ultisol and mustard production. This research was conducted inCompos Centre, Gauze House, Laboratory of Chemistry And Soil Fertility ,Laboratory of Researchand Technology Agriculture Faculty, University of North Sumatera, Medan in March-October2013. The method used non-factorial randomized block design consisting of 11 treatments with 3replications. R0 (control), R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 with application of 50 g, 100 g, 150 g, 200 g, and250 g brown algae compost respectively, R6, R7, R8, R9, dan R10 with application of 50 g, 100 g,150 g, 200 g, and 250 g brown algae add chicken dirt compost respectively.The results showed thatapplication of two types compost able to increase the pH, C-organic, N-total, K-exchange in thesoil as well as increase the plant height, plant fresh weight, plant dry weight and root dry weight. Atparameters of soil pH, the K-exchange soil, application of brown algae compost significantlydifferent with brown algae added chicke dirt compost. The best dosage of brown algae add chickendirt compost 150 g /polybag for the K-exchange soil and soil pH

    Effect Of Service Quality On Satisfaction And Word Of Mouth Housing Employees (Case Study On Gfs Department At PT Vale Indonesia)

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    PT. VALE Indonesia has many employees in its area of ​​operation, approximately 3000 permanent employees owned by PT VALE Indonesia at this time.This study aims to determine the effect of service quality on satisfaction and the word of mouth resident housing employees of PT. VALE Indonesia in order to design a strategy to increase the satisfaction of residential residents who are company employees who are closely related to the company's strategy in the long term. This research method using descriptive format is a method in researching the status of a group of people, an object, a set of conditions, a system of thought, or a class of events in the present. The result of this research indicate that service quality have positive and significant influence to satisfaction, service quality have positive and significant influence to word of mouth (WOM), satisfaction of housing resident positively and significantly influences to residential resident of PT Vale Indonesia. While the quality of service and satisfaction of occupants positively and significantly affect the WOM housing residents of PT Vale Indonesia together

    Perancangan Concert Hall Di Giant Sea Wall, Pluit Jakarta Utara

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    Gedung pertunjukan sudah menjadi bagian dari perancangan pada suatu kota.Bangunan ini memiliki berbagai macam jenis yaitu untuk seni musik. bidang seni memang memilikiarti yang sangat besar di masyarakat. Perancangan pusat seni musik merupakan salah satu upayauntuk mewadahi kegiatan musik, dimana pada kesempatan ini menggunakan pendekatanarsitektur ekspresi bentuk. Bentuk yang dinamis dapat terwujud melalui pendekatan arsitekturekspresi bentuk, sehingga perancangan dapat memenuhi kriteria Kenyamanan penggunabangunan yang dapat dilihat dariskala dan rasa ruangnya

    Potential Analysis of Hydro Power Plants in Pesisir Barat District, Lampung Province

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    Hydropower plants are increasingly being heard nowadays, but the growth is still very lacking, especially for residents living in rural and coastal areas. At present several efforts have been made by the government, including the existence of a system of purchasing electricity from small-scale renewable energy generation and the construction of new transmission networks. Pesisir Barat Regency is part of the South Lampung region, Sumatra. This region has a population distribution in the coastal area and is surrounded by Bukit Barisan National Park. So that there are many large river streams that can be utilized by the local community. Large rivers have the potential to be utilized further as hydropower renewable energy sources. River potential is seen by conducting river location surveys, flow measurements and river heads and power calculations. Based on the analysis of measurement results there are two rivers that have the potential to be a micro or mini hydro generator; Way Laai and Way Lami. The maximum design discharge of Way Laai of 4.52 m3/s can produce a mechanical output power of 1223.82 kW with an effective head of 44.16 m. Way Lami with a design discharge of 5,336 m3/s, an effective head of 28.8 m has the potential to provide a mechanical power output of 942.23 kW. Sequentially, with this mechanical output power, the Way Laai and Way Lami rivers, can meet the electricity needs of the community with an installed power of 900VA as much as ± 1350, ± 25100 Houses


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    A thorough understanding of an earthquake is very important to provide a descriptive knowledge and in the same time as a prescriptive knowledge for the future development. In particular, it is essential for site selection and structural design development of nuclear reactor and other critical facilities. Ground motion acceleration time history is an important raw information to understand the earthquake and specific geological condition of where the data is recorded. This paper presented the development of strong-motion analysis code, called Winston-BATAN, which able to interpret ground motion time history. The analysis scope of the code including the ground motion parameters such as peak ground acceleration, several additional seismic intensity parameters, strong motion duration, its frequency content via Fast Fourier Transformation and response spectra analysis. Being developed based on an open source Python programming language, Winston-BATAN is flexible for exploratory study to exploit the ground motion time history and easily improve to accommodate additional features. This code able to read input from PEER NGA type file or a simple time and acceleration data type of ground motion. Analysis results of Winston-BATAN shows a very good agreement compare to the results from the standard tools Seismosignal® 2018 Software, in addition flexibility of this code, in particular, to explore the response spectra from the ground motion time history is demonstrated

    Heritability estimation of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) harvest traits using microsatellite based parentage assignment

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    Silver carp accounts for the largest biomass production of any finfish aquaculture species in the world. In spite of its great importance as an aquacultural species, very little is known about the genetic parameters of its commercially important traits. As an initial step towards developing a selective breeding programme, heritability of harvest weight and length was estimated for a silver carp stock maintained in the NFRDMP (North West Fisheries Resource Development and Management Project) hatchery in Bangladesh. Three sets of partial factorial matings were performed (12 sires and 12 dams in each set) to produce full and half-sib families for this study. Offspring from all families produced in a set were reared communally for six months and then weighed and measured upon harvesting. Ten silver carp microsatellite markers were included in two multiplex PCR systems and were used to assign parentage to the individuals. Out of 331 offspring, 96.3% could be assigned to a single family. Statistical analyses to partition the variance components for weight and length data were carried out by the REML (Restricted Maximum Likelihood) method. Heritability for harvest weight was estimated to be 0.67 (confidence interval: 0.42-0.93) and for harvest length 0.51 (confidence interval: 0.29-0.78). Despite the limited sample size, the moderate to high heritability estimates suggest that this population should respond rapidly to selective breeding for increased harvest size. In addition to this first report of quantitative genetic parameters in silver carp, this paper also describes two novel multiplexes of silver carp microsatellite markers for parentage assignment and discusses the effects of the partial factorial mating design in maintaining effective population size in this species

    Potential Analysis of Hydro Power Plants in Pesisir Barat District, Lampung Province

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    Hydropower plants are increasingly being heard nowadays, but the growth is still very lacking, especially for residents living in rural and coastal areas. At present several efforts have been made by the government, including the existence of a system of purchasing electricity from small-scale renewable energy generation and the construction of new transmission networks. Pesisir Barat Regency is part of the South Lampung region, Sumatra. This region has a population distribution in the coastal area and is surrounded by Bukit Barisan National Park. So that there are many large river streams that can be utilized by the local community. Large rivers have the potential to be utilized further as hydropower renewable energy sources. River potential is seen by conducting river location surveys, flow measurements and river heads and power calculations. Based on the analysis of measurement results there are two rivers that have the potential to be a micro or mini hydro generator; Way Laai and Way Lami. The maximum design discharge of Way Laai of 4.52 m3/s can produce a mechanical output power of 1223.82 kW with an effective head of 44.16 m. Way Lami with a design discharge of 5,336 m3/s, an effective head of 28.8 m has the potential to provide a mechanical power output of 942.23 kW. Sequentially, with this mechanical output power, the Way Laai and Way Lami rivers, can meet the electricity needs of the community with an installed power of 900VA as much as ± 1350, ± 25100 Houses


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    Reaktor Daya Eksperimental (RDE) is an experimental power reactor based on HTGR technology that implements inherent safety system. Its safety systems are in compliance with “defense in depth” philosophy. RDE is also equipped with reactor cavity cooling system (RCCS) used to remove the heat transferred from the reactor vessel to the containment structure. The RCCS is designed to fulfil this role by maintain the reactor vessel under the maximum allowable temperature during normal operation and protecting the containment structure in the event of failure of all passive cooling systems. The performance and reliability of the RCCS, therefore, are considered as critical factors in determining maximum design power level related to heat removal. RCCS for RDE will use a novel shape to efficiently remove the heat released from the RPV through thermal radiation and natural convection. This paper discusses the calculation of RCCS thermal analysis during accident. The RPV temperature must be maintained below 65ºC. The accident is assumed that there is no electricity from diesel generator supplied to the blower. The methodology used is based on the calculation of mathematical model of the RCCS in the passive mode. The heat is released through cavity by natural convection, in which the RCCS is capable to withdraw the heat at the rate of 50.54 kW per hour.Keywords: Passive safety, RCCS, RDE, Thermal analysi