226 research outputs found

    Characteristics and Behaviors Types of Bank’s Clients and the Negotiation Tactics Adjusting (part II)

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    In an attempt to stay on the market in a more and more competitive environment, banks turn to classifying clients in behavioral types and consequently adapt their offer, their dialogue and negotiation techniques and also their selling tactics. The final goal is to maintain and attract a market share as possibly large formed by SMEs and individuals, that are lately been offered more and more new types of products, both by banks and by other financial companies. In the attempt to make them known on the market, banks must find the way between the unique transaction and the long term partnership, based on win-win negotiation strategy.Bank services; Competitive environment; Negotiation techniques.

    Characteristics and Behaviors Types of Bank’s Clients and the Negotiation Tactics Adjusting

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    In detail knowledge of clients that banks enter in business relations with is a way of increasing the efficiency of banks’ investment portfolio. This is because banks so manage to attract new clients more easily and also keep the existing ones into their portfolios, through identifying their motivational factors and consequently adapt dialogue and negotiation techniques and marketing and selling tactics. Also, by applying those methods of classifying clients into behavioral categories, banks better manage to protect themselves from the risk of loosing a viable client or attracting a potentially bad faith client. These methods of classifying clients will become more useful as the Romanian banking market is more and more oriented towards the retail segment, formed by SMEs and individuals, for which are very important the customized and mutual trust relationship with the banking officer, in view of finding the best banking product that best satisfies their needs.behavioral categories; risk management; banking product; negotiating

    Formation of Anticorrosive Structures and Thin Films on Metal Surfaces by Applying EDM

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    The methods of the formation of anticorrosive strata and thin films on metal surfaces by applying electric discharge machining (EDM) are presented in this chapter. The increase of anticorrosion resistance of metal surfaces by the formation of palladium depositions, carbon films and oxide and hydroxide films has been demonstrated. Corrosion and electrochemical behaviour of titanium with palladium powder coatings were investigated in sulfuric acid solutions at temperatures of 80 and 100°C. In order to increase the diffusion of palladium in the base material and to increase the layer homogeneity, after coating, the samples were annealed in vacuum at 1150°C for 1 hour. The proposed method allows to reduce the corrosion speed of titanium at least by two orders (from 18.7 to 0.3 g m−2 h−1); the corrosion potential is changed towards positive values (from −0.56 mV to +0.3 V). The research on surface electrical resistance and resistance to corrosion of oxide and hydroxide films formed on steel C45 surfaces by applying EDM have shown that the surface electrical resistance of the samples increased by 107 times, the potential of corrosion increased from −0.44 mV to +0.4 V and the resistance to corrosion has increased by about two times in 1% NaCl water solution and by about 10 times in 30% H2SO4 water solution. The less pronounced increase of anticorrosion properties has carbon films formed on the same steel C45 surface; instead they increase superficial microhardness, the functional durability and processing productivity of the active piece surfaces


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    The paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental investigations of phenomena that accompany the formation of nanometer oxide and hydroxide pellicles by applying electrical discharges in impulse (EDI). The chemical content of processed surface analysis (EDX – Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis) attests the presence of oxygen that reaches up to 60% at. for steel surfaces, 30-35% at. for those made of titanium alloys, up to 20% at. for those made of aluminum alloys, and up to 50% at. for those made of copper alloys. The presence of considerable amounts of nitrogen is found only in titanium and iron alloys (and constitutes about 15% at), while in aluminum and copper alloys its presence is not significant. The superficial phase analysis (XPS - X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) of the oxygen allowed us to state that the oxygen in pellicle forms three base structures: -O-2 (oxide), - OH- (hydroxide), and structures of the type О-С and О-С=О. The chemical analysis showed that the concentration of each of the three components is 0.89:1.00:0.50

    Photoinduced properties of "T-type" polyimides with azobenzene or azopyridine moieties

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    In this work series of “T-type” polyimides with azobenzene or azopyridine moieties were investigated. It is the first report where the “T-type” polyimides with derivatives of azopyridine were investigated. The cis-trans isomerization in the dark in the solid-state was showed. Polyimides with azobenzene derivatives exhibited higher stability of cis-trans recovery than their azobenzene analogues. For the inscription of the surface relief gratings, two different intensities of light (10 and 45 mJ/cm2) and a number of pulses (10 and 100) were used. Polyimides showed the modulation of SRGs up to almost 330 nm. Our studies showed, that azopolyimides are able to orient the nematic liquid crystal molecules in cell-based on effect at the twisted nematic. The obtained maximum value of tON was 0.9 ms (1 kHz, 1.5 V/μm) for polyimide with azobenzene moieties. Azopolyimides may be successfully used in many photonic devices based on the alignment of the liquid crystal mixture i.e. LC diffraction gratings, Fresnel lens, Vortex, in a photo-pattering technology for creating radical and azimuthal orienting layers

    Determinarea gradului de avansare a procesului malign la pacienţii cu cancer mamar

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    Cancerul glandei mamare reprezintă o problemă extrem de importantă în ceea ce priveşte diagnosticul precoce şi complex. Morbiditatea şi mortalitatea este înaltă din cauza diagnosticului tardiv şi numărului mare de procese avansate. În prezent scintigrafi a osoasă în regim corp integru, permite determinarea afectării metastatice a scheletului osos, aprecierea stadiului procesului malign, monitoringul pacienţilor şi alegerea unui tratament specifi c

    Spatially resolved spectroscopy of an atmospheric pressure microwave plasma jet used for surface treatment

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    In this study, the variations of properties of a microwave plasma jet (surfatron) along the discharge axis have been investigated using optical emission spectroscopy. As the argon jet is not enclosed, the spatial distribution of individual species in effluent plasma is the result of rather complicated interplay between energy loss and gradual mixing with the air. Spatial 2D relative intensity profiles of atomic lines and molecular bands at 310 nm, 336 nm, 391 nm and 656 nm are presented in the form of colour maps revealing different positions of maximum emission intensity for 310 nm and 336 nm (in the effluent plasma) and for 391 nm and 656 nm (inside the discharge tube). The plasma jet was used for surface treatment of heat resistant samples (stainless steel, aluminium, silicon wafer) and the effectiveness of the plasma treatment was evaluated by measuring the sessile drop contact angle, with water and glycerol as testing liquids. The optimal position for plasma treatment (close to the tube nozzle) combined with longer treatment time (10 s) lead to hydrophilic properties of samples with contact angles as low as 10°

    Фармакоэкономический анализ использования антибактериальных препаратов в лечебном учреждении.

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    Antibacterial preparations are some of the most common groups of drugs used in healthcare institutions that requiresignificant financial resources, especially in the event of a dangerous increase in microbial resistance to antibiotics. The ABC/ VEN pharmacoeconomic analysis will allow assessing the rationality of antibacterial drugs, redirecting financial resourcesfor the purchase of effective preparations in the context of data on bacterial resistance in the curative institution, highlightingadditional resources for inclusion in the pharmacotherapeutic form of more effective synthetic antibiotics and chemotherapeutics. The results of the analysis will contribute to the optimization of the use of antibacterial groups and preparationsin the sections of the curative institution and the rational distribution according to the incidence of the treated pathologiesPreparatele antibacteriene constituie unele din cele mai frecvente grupe de medicamente utilizate în instituțiile curativece necesită resurse financiare semnificative, îndeosebi în situația creșterii periculoase a rezistenței microbilor la antibiotice.Analiza farmacoeconomică ABC/VEN va permite aprecierea raționalității administrării medicamentelor antibacteriene, redirecționarea resurselor financiare pentru achiziționarea preparatelor efective în contextul datelor despre rezistența bacteriilorîn instituția curativă, evidențierea resurselor suplimentare pentru includerea în formularul farmacoterapeutic a unor antibiotice și chimioterapice sintetice mai eficiente și inofensive. Rezultatele analizei vor contribui la optimizarea utilizării grupelorși preparatelor antibacteriene în secțiile instituției curative și repartizarea rațională în funcție de incidența patologiilor tratate.Антибактериальные препараты, одна из наиболее распространенных групп лекарств, используемых в медицинских учреждениях, которые требуют значительных финансовых ресурсов, особенно в условиях возрастающего повышения устойчивости микробов к антибиотикам. Фармакоэкономический анализ ABC/VEN позволитоценить рациональность использования антибактериальных препаратов, перенаправить финансовые ресурсы назакупку эффективных препаратов в контексте данных об устойчивости бактерий в лечебном учреждении, выделить дополнительные ресурсы для включения в фармакотерапевтическом формуляре более эффективных и безопасных антибиотиков и синтетических химиотерапевтических препаратов. Результаты анализа будут способствовать оптимизации использования антибактериальных групп и препаратов в отделениях лечебного учреждения ирациональному распределению по частоте пролеченных патологи

    Effects of Temperature Variations during Sintering of Metal Ceramic Tooth Prostheses Investigated Non-Destructively with Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Calibration loss of ovens used in sintering metal ceramic prostheses leads to stress and 18 cracks in the material of the prostheses fabricated, and ultimately to failure of the dental treatment. 19 Periodic calibration may not be sufficient to prevent such consequences. Evaluation methods based 20 on firing supplemental control samples are subjective, time consuming, and rely entirely on the 21 technician’s skills. The aim of this study was to propose an alternative procedure for such 22 evaluations. Fifty prostheses were sintered in a ceramic oven at a temperature lower, equal or 23 larger than the temperature prescribed by the manufacturer. A non-destructive imaging method, 24 swept source (SS) optical coherence tomography (OCT) was used to evaluate comparatively the 25 internal structure of prostheses so fabricated. A quantitative assessment procedure is proposed, 26 based on en-face OCT images acquired at similar depths inside the samples. Differences in 27 granulation and reflectivity depending on the oven temperature are used to establish 28 rules-of-thumb on judging the correct calibration of the oven. OCT evaluations, made on a regular 29 basis allow an easy and objective monitoring of correct settings in the sintering process. This 30 method can serve rapid identificatio