164 research outputs found

    Characterizing the transition from diffuse atomic to dense molecular clouds in the Magellanic clouds with [CII], [CI], and CO

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    We present and analyze deep Herschel/HIFI observations of the [CII] 158um, [CI] 609um, and [CI] 370um lines towards 54 lines-of-sight (LOS) in the Large and Small Magellanic clouds. These observations are used to determine the physical conditions of the line--emitting gas, which we use to study the transition from atomic to molecular gas and from C^+ to C^0 to CO in their low metallicity environments. We trace gas with molecular fractions in the range 0.1<f(H2)<1, between those in the diffuse H2 gas detected by UV absorption (f(H2)<0.2) and well shielded regions in which hydrogen is essentially completely molecular. The C^0 and CO column densities are only measurable in regions with molecular fractions f(H2)>0.45 in both the LMC and SMC. Ionized carbon is the dominant gas-phase form of this element that is associated with molecular gas, with C^0 and CO representing a small fraction, implying that most (89% in the LMC and 77% in the SMC) of the molecular gas in our sample is CO-dark H2. The mean X_CO conversion factors in our LMC and SMC sample are larger than the value typically found in the Milky Way. When applying a correction based on the filling factor of the CO emission, we find that the values of X_CO in the LMC and SMC are closer to that in the Milky Way. The observed [CII] intensity in our sample represents about 1% of the total far-infrared intensity from the LOSs observed in both Magellanic Clouds.Comment: 32 pages, 21 figures, Accepted to Ap

    A Search for Kinematic Evidence of Radial Gas Flows in Spiral Galaxies

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    CO and HI velocity fields of seven nearby spiral galaxies, derived from radio-interferometric observations, are decomposed into Fourier components whose radial variation is used to search for evidence of radial gas flows. Additional information provided by optical or near-infrared isophotes is also considered, including the relationship between the morphological and kinematic position angles. To assist in interpreting the data, we present detailed modeling that demonstrates the effects of bar streaming, inflow, and a warp on the observed Fourier components. We find in all of the galaxies evidence for either elliptical streaming or a warped disk over some range in radius, with deviations from pure circular rotation at the level of ~20-60 km/s. Evidence for kinematic warps is observed in several cases well inside R_{25}. No unambiguous evidence for radial inflows is seen in any of the seven galaxies, and we are able to place an upper limit of ~5-10 km/s (3-5% of the circular speed) on the magnitude of any radial inflow in the inner regions of NGC 4414, 5033 and 5055. We conclude that the inherent non-axisymmetry of spiral galaxies is the greatest limitation to the direct detection of radial inflows.Comment: 22 emulateapj pages with bitmapped colour figures, to appear in ApJ (April 2004). For full resolution figures go to http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/twong/preprints

    Molecular Gas in Spiral Galaxies

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    In this review, I highlight a number of recent surveys of molecular gas in nearby spiral galaxies. Through such surveys, more complete observations of the distribution and kinematics of molecular gas have become available for galaxies with a wider range of properties (e.g., brightness, Hubble type, strength of spiral or bar structure). These studies show the promise of both interferometers and single-dish telescopes in advancing our general understanding of molecular gas in spiral galaxies. In particular, I highlight the contributions of the recent BIMA Survey of Nearby Galaxies (SONG).Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposium, "The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies", which was held in Zermatt, Switzerland in September 200

    Quenching of Star Formation in Molecular Outflow Host NGC 1266

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    We detail the rich molecular story of NGC 1266, its serendipitous discovery within the ATLAS3D survey (Cappellari et al. 2011) and how it plays host to an AGN-driven molecular outflow, potentially quenching all of its star formation (SF) within the next 100 Myr. While major mergers appear to play a role in instigating outflows in other systems, deep imaging of NGC 1266 as well as stellar kinematic observations from SAURON, have failed to provide evidence that NGC 1266 has recently been involved in a major interaction. The molecular gas and the instantaneous SF tracers indicate that the current sites of star formation are located in a hypercompact disk within 200 pc of the nucleus (Fig. 1; SF rate ~ 2 Msuns/yr). On the other hand, tracers of recent star formation, such as the H{\beta} absorption map from SAURON and stellar population analysis show that the young stars are distributed throughout a larger area of the galaxy than current star formation. As the AGN at the center of NGC 1266 continues to drive cold gas out of the galaxy, we expect star formation rates to decline as the star formation is ultimately quenched. Thus, NGC 1266 is in the midst of a key portion of its evolution and continued studies of this unique galaxy may help improve our understanding of how galaxies transition from the blue to the red sequence (Alatalo et al. 2011).Comment: 1 page, Proceedings IAU symposium No. 292: Molecular gas, dust and star formation in galaxies, ed. by Tony Wong and Juergen Ot

    The Relationship Between Gas Content and Star Formation in Molecule-Rich Spiral Galaxies

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    We investigate the relationship between HI, H_2, and the star formation rate (SFR) using azimuthally averaged data for seven CO-bright spiral galaxies. Contrary to some earlier studies based on global fluxes, we find that the SFR surface density exhibits a much stronger correlation with the H_2 than with the HI, as the HI surface density saturates at a value of \sim10 Msol pc^{-2} or even declines at large SFR surface densities. Hence the good correlation between the SFR surface density and the total (HI+H_2) gas surface density is driven by the molecular component in these galaxies. We find no clear evidence for a link between the gravitational instability parameter for the gas disk (Q_g) and the SFR, and suggest that Q_g be considered a measure of the gas fraction. This implies that for a state of marginal gravitational stability to exist in galaxies with low gas fractions, it must be due to instability of the stellar disk. In regions where we have both HI and CO measurements, the ratio of HI to H_2 surface density scales with radius R as roughly R^{1.5}, and we suggest that the balance between HI and H_2 is determined primarily by the midplane interstellar pressure. These results favor a "law" of star formation in quiescent disks in which the ambient pressure and metallicity control the formation of molecular clouds from HI, with star formation then occurring at a roughly constant rate per unit H_2 mass. (abstract abridged)Comment: To appear in ApJ. 28 pages with 16 figures (emulateapj5). Full resolution figures available at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/twong/preprints

    Hydraulic & Design Parameters in Full-Scale Constructed Wetland & Treatment Units: Six Case Studies

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    The efficiency of pond and constructed wetland (CW) treatment systems, is influenced by the internal hydrodynamics and mixing interactions between water and aquatic vegetation. In order to contribute to current knowledge of how emergent real vegetation affects solute mixing, and on what the shape and size effects are on the mixing characteristics, an understanding and quantification of those physical processes and interactions was evaluated. This paper presents results from tracer tests conducted during 2015-2016 in six full-scale systems in the UK under different flow regimes, operational depths, shapes and sizes, and in-/outlet configurations. The aim is to quantify the hydraulic performance and mixing characteristics of the treatment units, and to investigate the effect of size and shape on the mixing processes. Relative comparison of outlet configuration, inflow conditions, and internal features between the six different treatment units showed variations in residence times of up to a factor of 3. A key outcome of this study, demonstrated that the width is a more important dimension for the efficiency of the unit compared to the depth. Results underlined the importance of investigating hydrodynamics and physics of flow in full-size units to enhance treatment efficiency and predictions of water quality models

    A novel xylan degrading β-D-xylosidase: purification and biochemical characterization

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    Aspergillus ochraceus, a thermotolerant fungus isolated in Brazil from decomposing materials, produced an extracellular b-xylosidase that was purified using DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography, Sephadex G-100 and Biogel P-60 gel filtration. b-xylosidase is a glycoprotein (39 % carbohydrate content) and has a molecular mass of 137 kDa by SDS-PAGE, with optimal temperature and pH at 70 C and 3.0–5.5, respectively.b-xylosidase was stable in acidic pH (3.0–6.0) and 70 C for 1 h. The enzyme was activated by 5 mM MnCl2 (28 %)and MgCl2 (20 %) salts. The b-xylosidase produced by A. ochraceus preferentially hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl-b- D-xylopyranoside, exhibiting apparent Km and Vmax values of 0.66 mM and 39 U (mg protein)-1 respectively, and to a lesser extent p-nitrophenyl-b-D-glucopyranoside. The enzyme was able to hydrolyze xylan from different sources,suggesting a novel b-D-xylosidase that degrades xylan. HPLC analysis revealed xylans of different compositions which allowed explaining the differences in specificity observed by b-xylosidase. TLC confirmed the capacity.This work was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), and the Conselho de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). J. A. J. and M. L. T. M. P are Research Fellows of CNPq. M. M. was a recipient of a FAPESP fellowship and this work is part of her Doctoral Thesis. It is also part of the project SISBIOTA CNPq: 563260/2010-6 and FAPESP: 2010/52322-3