256 research outputs found

    Advice to those about to teach online because of the coronavirus

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    Tracking Online Education in Canadian Universities and Colleges: National Survey of Online and Digital Learning 2019 National Report

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    Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Évolution de l’apprentissage en ligne dans les universités et collèges du Canada : sondage national sur la formation à distance et l’apprentissage en ligne 2019"The Canadian National Online and Digital Learning Survey aims to track the status and development of online, distance and digital learning in public post-secondary education across Canada

    L’enseignement à l’ère numérique : Des balises pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage

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    Comprend des références bibliographiques. Disponible en anglais dans Eduq.info sous le titre ''Teaching in a Digital Age''

    Teaching in a Digital Age

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    The book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when everyone,and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework for making decisions about your teaching is provided, while understanding that every subject is different, and every instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching. The book enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they will need in a digital age: not so much the IT skills, but the thinking and attitudes to learning that will bring them success. This resource includes translated versions in French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Portuguese

    La Gestión de la tecnología en la educación superior: estrategias para transformar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje

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    El uso de la tecnología en la enseñanza no deja de aumentar en los centros de estudios superiores. Sin embargo, el mundo académico sigue teniendo dificultades para determinar la mejor forma de planificar y gestionar esta actividad. La gestión de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación superior ofrece a profesores y administradores una cantidad ingente de recomendaciones prácticas para integrar las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información en la universidad. Los autores exponen propuestas para el liderazgo, la planificación estratégica de las estructuras organizativas, los sistemas de garantía de calidad, la formación de profesores, docentees y administradores, y la gestión de recursos, teniendo en cuenta la cultura organizativa, los obstáculos para el cambio y el papel de los gobiernos. En particular, se centran en cómo la tecnología puede transformar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje dentro de una institución. A partir del análisis de las prácticas actuales sobre la incorporación de la tecnología en más de 30 universidades y centros de postsecundaria, La gestión de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación superior propone un sistema radicalmente nuevo de administrar la tecnología en las instituciones de educación superior, un sistema basado en la innovación en el diseño y la impartición de la enseñanza, y que propicie un acceso mayor y más flexible para los estudiantes y mejore la relación entre costes y efectividad. El libro es de gran valor para quien desee asegurar que las grandes inversiones que se hacen en tecnología se integren de la forma más eficaz posible

    Évolution de la formation à distance et de l’apprentissage en ligne dans les universités et collèges du Canada : 2017

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    Le présent rapport fournit un aperçu des résultats d’une enquête nationale réalisée au printemps et à l’été 2017 auprès de l’ensemble des établissements post-secondaires publics canadiens. L’étude a été menée par une équipe de chercheurs canadiens indépendants. Les résultats du sondage ont été présentés à Toronto le 17 octobre 2017 dans le cadre de la Conférence mondiale sur l’apprentissage en ligne

    Geology and geochronology of the Tana Basin, Ethiopia : LIP volcanism, super eruptions and Eocene-Oligocene environmental change

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    This work was supported by NERC Grants NE/D012996/1 and NER/B/S/2002/00540 and NIGFSC IP/1024/0508.New geological and geochronological data define four episodes of volcanism for the Lake Tana region in the northern Ethiopian portion of the Afro–Arabian Large Igneous Province (LIP): pre-31 Ma flood basalt that yielded a single 40Ar/39Ar age of 34.05 ± 0.54/0.56 Ma; thick and extensive felsic ignimbrites and rhyolites (minimum volume of 2-3 x 103km3) erupted between 31.108 ± 0.020/0.041 Ma and 30.844 ± 0.027/0.046 Ma (U–Pb CA-ID-TIMS zircon ages); mafic volcanism bracketed by 40Ar/39Ar ages of 28.90 ± 0.12/0.14 Ma and 23.75 ± 0.02/0.04 Ma; and localised scoraceous basalt with an 40Ar/39Ar age of 0.033 ± 0.005/0.005 Ma. The felsic volcanism was the product of super eruptions that created a 60–80 km diameter caldera marked by km-scale caldera-collapse fault blocks and a steep-sided basin filled with a minimum of 180 m of sediment and the present-day Lake Tana. These new data enable mapping, with a finer resolution than previously possible, Afro–Arabian LIP volcanism onto the timeline of the Eocene–Oligocene transition and show that neither the mafic nor silicic volcanism coincides directly with perturbations in the geochemical records that span that transition. Our results reinforce the view that it is not the development of a LIP alone but its rate of effusion that contributes to inducing global-scale environmental change.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Sondage national sur la formation à distance et l’apprentissage en ligne

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    Disponible en anglais dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Tracking Online and Distance Education in Canadian Universities and Colleges: 2018"Le premier sondage complet sur la formation à distance et l’apprentissage en ligne mené auprès des établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire publics du Canada, dans chaque province et chaque territoire et pour tous les types d’établissements, a été réalisé en 2017. Les résultats avaient montré que l’apprentissage en ligne se portait très bien dans les établissements postsecondaires canadiens, 85 % de l’ensemble des établissements répondants ayant offert en 2016 des cours en ligne crédités, sans compter que des cours en ligne étaient offerts dans presque tous les domaines d’études dans un établissement ou un autre. Les deux tiers des établissements répondants considéraient que l’apprentissage en ligne était très ou extrêmement important pour leur avenir à long terme. L’étude de 2018 s’appuie sur les résultats de l’année dernière, et comprend une liste élargie d’établissements, un questionnaire modifié avec des questions plus détaillées, ainsi que des définitions et des questions plus précises ayant trait aux inscriptions. Les établissements répondants représentent 92 % de la population étudiante postsecondaire du Canada

    The Sage-Grouse Habitat Mortgage: Effective Conifer Management in Space and Time

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    AbstractManagement of conservation-reliant species can be complicated by the need to manage ecosystem processes that operate at extended temporal horizons. One such process is the role of fire in regulating abundance of expanding conifers that disrupt sage-grouse habitat in the northern Great Basin of the United States. Removing conifers by cutting has a beneficial effect on sage-grouse habitat. However, effects may last only a few decades because conifer seedlings are not controlled and the seed bank is fully stocked. Fire treatment may be preferred because conifer control lasts longer than for mechanical treatments. The amount of conservation needed to control conifers at large temporal and spatial scales can be quantified by multiplying land area by the time needed for conifer abundance to progress to critical thresholds (i.e., “conservation volume”). The contribution of different treatments in arresting conifer succession can be calculated by dividing conservation volume by the duration of treatment effect. We estimate that fire has approximately twice the treatment life of cutting at time horizons approaching 100 yr, but, has high up-front conservation costs due to temporary loss of sagebrush. Cutting has less up-front conservation costs because sagebrush is unaffected, but it is more expensive over longer management time horizons because of decreased durability. Managing conifers within sage-grouse habitat is difficult because of the necessity to maintain the majority of the landscape in sagebrush habitat and because the threshold for negative conifer effects occurs fairly early in the successional process. The time needed for recovery of sagebrush creates limits to fire use in managing sage-grouse habitat. Utilizing a combination of fire and cutting treatments is most financially and ecologically sustainable over long time horizons involved in managing conifer-prone sage-grouse habitat

    Saving the sagebrush sea: An ecosystem conservation plan for big sagebrush plant communities

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    Vegetation change and anthropogenic development are altering ecosystems and decreasing biodiversity. Successful management of ecosystems threatened by multiple stressors requires development of ecosystem conservation plans rather than single species plans. We selected the big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.) ecosystem to demonstrate this approach. The area occupied by the sagebrush ecosystem is declining and becoming increasingly fragmented at an alarming rate because of conifer encroachment, exotic annual grass invasion, and anthropogenic development. This is causing rangewide declines and localized extirpations of sagebrush associated fauna and flora. To develop an ecosystem conservation plan, a synthesis of existing knowledge is needed to prioritize and direct management and research. Based on the synthesis, we concluded that efforts to restore higher elevation conifer-encroached, sagebrush communities were frequently successful, while restoration of exotic annual grass-invaded, lower elevation, sagebrush communities often failed. Overcoming exotic annual grass invasion is challenging and needs additional research to improve the probability of restoration and identify areas where success would be more probable. Management of fire regimes will be paramount to conserving sagebrush communities, as infrequent fires facilitate conifer encroachment and too frequent fires promote exotic annual grasses. Anthropogenic development needs to be mitigated and reduced to protect sagebrush communities and this probably includes more conservation easements and other incentives to landowners to not develop their properties. Threats to the sustainability of sagebrush ecosystem are daunting, but a coordinated ecosystem conservation plan that focuses on applying successful practices and research to overcome limitations to conservation is most likely to yield success
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