472 research outputs found

    Russia: from the state of corporation to the state of creation

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    The leading strategic line to develop the state of creation is to develop the system of active citizens impact on the state through the institutions of civil society. The new legal perspective cannot be based on a simple set of legal norms and rationality of the state of creation without the practice of legal communication guaranteed by the state activities. The prerequisite is public confidence in the public authorities. Without this confidence it is not possible to guarantee full public participation in efforts to overcome the negative trend

    The wall flora of the Nebet Tepe Architectural Reserve in the city of Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

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    The flora of the Nebet Tepe Architectural Reserve in the city of Plovdiv (Thracian Plain) was studied in the period 1998–2003. The number of plants growing spontaneously on and around the fragments of the fortification wall and on the pavements is 131. The flora is analyzed with respect to the local distribution of the taxa, their chorology, life form and geoelement characteristics. The flora contains a relatively high proportion of ruderals and weeds. The hemicryptophytes and therophytes constitute the largest group. The following families are distinguished by the greatest number of species: Asteraceae (14), Fabaceae (13), Poaceae (12), Brassicaceae (8), Scrophulariaceae (7), Caryophyllaceae (7). The species Cerastium tauricum Spreng. and Melica transsilvanica Schur are recorded for the first time for the flora of the Thracian Plain floristic region. The results are compared with other European and Mediterranean wall floras

    Pollen morphology of Bulgarian species from the section Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (genus Lathyrus, Fabaceae)

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    The pollen morphology of eight species from the section Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (Lathyrus, Fabaceae) distributed in Bulgaria (Lathyrus alpestris, L. aureus, L. linifolius, L. niger, L. palustris, L. transsilvanicus, L. venetus and L. vernus.) was studied with light and scanning electrone microscope. The pollen grains are 3-zonocolporate of subprolate (semi-erectus) type (P/E=1.20–1.31), medium to large in size, elliptical or rectangular-obtuse- convex (equatorial view) and circular to slightly triangular-obtuse-convex (polar view). The ornamentation is predominantly perforate-foveolate but there are pollen grains with perforate-reticulate sculpture (L. alpestris, L. palustris) or almost reticulate (L. aureus)

    The effect of electronic entropy on temperature peculiarities of the frequency characteristics of two interacting anharmonic vibrational modes in β\beta-Zr

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    A 2D temperature-dependent effective potential is calculated for the interacting longitudinal and transverse LL-phonons of β\beta zirconium in the frozen-phonon model. The effective potentials obtained for different temperatures are used for the numerical solution of a set of stochastic differential equations with a thermostat of the white-noise type. Analysis of the spectral density of transverse vibrations allows one to determine the temperature at which β\beta-Zr becomes unstable with respect to the longitudinal LL-vibrations. The obtained temperature value practically coincides with the experimental temperature of the βα\beta \to \alpha structural transition in zirconium. The role of electronic entropy in the β\beta-Zr stability is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures (submitted in Phys.Rev.


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    Abstract. In article one of the fundamental principles of civil law - the principle of inviolability of property ina restrictive context is analyzed. The comparative analysis of the concepts "restriction of the principle of inviolability of property" and "restriction of the property right" is carried out. The compulsory termination of the property right, i.e. the termination of the right irrespective of will of the owner as restriction of the principle of inviolability of property is considered. The comparative and legal analysis of the principle use of inviolability of property within the civil legislation of the countries of the former Soviet Union is carried out.Keywords: civil law, principle of inviolability of property, restriction of the principle of inviolability ofproperty, compulsory termination of the property right, civil legislation of the countries of the former Soviet Union


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    Abstract.This study was aimed at discussing the main aspects regarding the protection of rights of childrenunder international and Russian law. An analysis of the norms regarding the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children from the point of view of international and Russian legislation was presented. The main directions of the state policy on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children were also covered.Keywords: Children's Rights, Protection of Children's Rights, Constitutional Law of Protection, Minor, International Regulations, International Law, Adolescent, Legitimate Interests of Children, International Documents, Constitution of Russian Federation