4,293 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Animasi Submikroskopik Berbasis Flash pada Materi Kesetimbangan Kimia

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    Learning media animation could demonstrate the abstract of the subject material to facilitate students in understanding the material. The purpose of this research was to describe feasibility of flash-based animation submicroscopic learning media and the teachers and students response towards the media. The research method used was research and development (R&D) which consists of four stages namely, (1) designing (2) writing script, (3) production and (4) evaluation of the media. Evaluation of the media consisted of 3 steps, namely, (1) one to one evaluation (2) small group evaluation, and (3) field evaluation. Learning media assessed via questionnaire. During one to one evaluation, material and media experts were in charge at evaluation. According to media and matter experts, the media was valid, so that the media could be used in learning. During small group and field group evaluation, teacher and student have responded to the media. Based on result small group and field group evaluation, this media could be used in learning as well

    Analisis Keterbukaan Informasi Publik dalam Kajian Teori Hak Asasi Manusia dan Efektivitas Hukum

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    The openness of public information is part of the human rights related to personal development rights guaranteed in legislation. This study was conducted to find out the legal events when examined from the theory of human rights and the effectiveness of the law. The results of this study are openness of public information is a human right is not supernatural guaranteed in the basic law and the rules of corporate governance and implementation in the field has not been fullest because it influenced several factors namely: the difference between the understanding of perception public body with the applicant information public body that held the rule of State secrets and the lack of synchronization between the standards and regulations of public information disclosure with State secrets

    Evaluasi Pelayanan Angkutan Pedesaan (Studi Kasus : Trakyek Pasar Simpang – Terminal Wanayasa Kabupaten Purwakarta)

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    Transportasi merupakan kegiatan yang berperan sebagai urat nadi pembangunan dan perekonomian suatu daerah. Penataan sistem transportasi harus dilakukan secara terpadu sebagai satu kesatuan sistem transportasi nasional agar mampu mewujudkan tersedianya jasa transportasi yang seimbang dengan tingkat kebutuhan/permintaan, yang layak dengan biaya murah sehingga dapat terjangkau oleh seluruh rakyat. Untuk itu perlu adanya suatu sistem transportasi yang dapat menciptakan Kenyamanan bagi penumpang yang aman dan lancerEvaluasi Pelayanan Angkutan Pedesaan Trayek Terminal Pasar Simpang - Terminal Wanayasa Kabupaten Purwakarta merupakan bertolak dari isu permasalahan yang ada. Analisis yang digunakan dalam menilai atau mengevaluasi trayek angdes rute pasar simpang – terminal wanayasa ini dilakukan dengan penilaian terhadap Load Factor, Kecepatan Perjalanan, Headway, Waktu Perjalanan, Waktu Pelayanan, Frekuensi/jam, Jumlah Kendaraan Beroperasi dan Waktu Tunggu. Kemudian dari indikator tersebut disesuaikan dengan standar penilaian dari The World Bank-Urban Transport masih dalam kategori standar pelayanan yang baik pula.Berdasarkan hasil analisis kualitas angdes rute pasar simpang – terminal wanayasa penumpang umum dengan nilai 21. Penilaian disesuaikan dengan standar penilaian dari The World Bank-Urban Transport masih dalam kategori standar pelayanan yang baik. Yang artinya evaluasi ini tidak perlu dilanjutkan kembali karena pelayanan yang ada dilapangan sudah baik

    Analisis Pengaruh Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Harga Saham Dengan Luas Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responbility Sebagai Pemoderasi

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    Value relevance is being defined as the ability to explain the effect of accounting information to the price or stock returns. Accounting information is relevant if it could affect users of the financial statements in making decision. Earnings, book value, and cash flow constitute important components of financial report which is usually used as a means to inform the company's performance. Aside from financial report, accounting information can also be obtained from on corporate social responsibility disclosure report. The objective of this research is to analyze the relevance of accounting information included earnings, book value, and cash flow to the stock price and to test the role of corporate social responsibility disclosure in moderating the relevance of earnings and book value. Sample that used in this research is non-financial listed companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange on 2007-2011. Samples are determined by purposive sampling method, 505 for the first sampling and 235 for second sampling. Hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis. This research shows that earning, book value, and cash flow from operating activity and cash flow from investment have value relevance, on the other hand financing is proven has no relevance with stock price. CSR Disclosure has been proven that it can moderate the relevance of earning and book value

    Optimalisasi Kualitas Jaringan Internet Dengan Metode Peer Conection Classifier Pada Layanan Web Autentification

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    Along with the increasing need to used existing resources in the development of computer network technology has led to the emergence of the network itself. Availability of resources will be inversely proportional to the level of need are now demanding networking technologies floated a new technique that can resolve the issue. Load balancing is a technique that can harness routing multiple resources tobe used simultaneously. However, there are various methods that can also be used, including methods of NTH, PCC load balancing and Fail Over. This study discusses the PCC Load Balancing Methods In Autentification are accessing the web, which is considered as needed. The implementation of load balancing so that resources are used optimally

    Modeling Bill-of-material with Tree Data Structure: Case Study in Furniture Manufacturer

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    This paper presents a modeling of Bill-of-Material with tree data structure. The BOM represents wooden furniture products. The management of BOM is incorporated into an MRP software which is specially built for a furniture manufacturer. The tree data structure is approached with an object oriented programming to provide the creation and modification of the data. The tree object is designed so that a downstream programmer can create an application with high productivity, using the BOM object of course. Legality of the development is ensured by adapting open source resources, i.e. MySQL database engine, PHP server script, and client-side Javascript. The BOM object is used extensively in the MRP software that is being developed. A couple of screenshots are presented to demonstrate the ease of creation and manipulation of Bill-of-Material. The proper approach of modeling BOM with tree structure allows the programmer to reach high productivity during the development of the aforementioned MRP customized software

    Practical performance of image retrieval methods

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    Abstract. Image retrieval is an important category of machine vision which examines the distances and similarities between images. It has many use-cases in archiving, object detection, localization and few-shot recognition. This thesis examines the problem of image retrieval in which set of images are retrieved from large-scale database based on their similarity to a query image. The problem and its different aspects are examined in this thesis as well as its history. The influence of recent development of deep learning is also covered. We experiment few different types of image retrieval problems with some recent, open-source methods and see how deep learning methods specialising in image retrieval outperform in cases where image contents are more important and classical feature extraction work better with purely visual tasks. The best results with visual tasks achieved at most two thirds accurate retrievals while with the semantic task only one in two. This implies that there is still work to do for efficient image retrieval methods.Kuvahaun menetelmien käytännön suorituskyky. Tiivistelmä. Kuvahaku on konenäön tärkeä osa-alue, joka tarkastelee kuvien välisiä etäisyyksiä ja samankaltaisuuksia. Sillä on useita käyttökohteita arkistoinnissa, objektin havaitsemisessa, paikannuksessa ja muutaman otoksen tunnistamisessa. Tämä työ käsittelee kuvahaun ongelmaa, jossa tietokannasta haetaan hakukuvalla saman näköisiä kuvia. Tätä ongelmaa ja sen eri kulmia käsitellään niinkuin myös sen historiaa. Viimeaikojen tekoälyn kehityksen vaikutus käsitellään myös. Työssä testataan paria erilaista kuvahakuongelmaa muutamalla viimeaikaisella, avoimella metodilla, ja nähdään kuinka syväoppivat, erikoistuneet metodit pärjäävät paremmin tapauksissa, joissa kuvan sisällöllä on väliä ja klassiset piirteenirroittajat paremmin visuaalisemmissa ongelmissa. Parhaimmat tulokset visuaalisissa tehtävissä saivat kaksi kolmasosaa hauista oikein ja semanttisissa tehtävissä vain puolet. Tämä viittaa siihen, että tehokkaiden kuvahakumetodien saavuttaminen vaatii vielä työtä

    The results of breathwork on traumatized African American male juveniles

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    African Americans have a history of profound trauma in America. More specifically, the African American man’s trauma has been marginalized, not only in his own cultural context, but within the patriarchal constructs of dominant culture. This, coupled with institutional racism, has allowed African American men to become a target of the criminal justice system. To date, African American men have staggering rates of incarceration and lead all ethnic groups in recidivism. While African American males comprise 6.5 percent of the U.S. population, as a whole, they comprise 40 percent of the incarcerated prison system (Mauer, 1999; Alexander, 2010). Tie in experiences of the intergenerational trauma of slavery with the social constructs of male identity and the African American male felon’s concerns are institutionally marginalized and made invisible (Alexander, 2010; Leary, 2005; Anderson, 2008). The vast majority of youth in this study have backgrounds rooted in areas of systemic poverty and have faced various degrees of trauma throughout their life. It is this researcher’s hypothesis that breathwork offers a way for African American felons to manage emotions, feel empowered, have ownership of their lives, and contribute constructively to their families and communities. This nonverbal therapeutic technique consists of deep and rapid breathing to facilitate the process of healing psychic trauma rooted outside conscious awareness. This study seeks to answer the question: Can breathwork aid African American male felons to manage emotions, feel a sense of control over institutional racism, effects of incarceration, and poverty after being incarcerated? Analysis of the data will include basic demographic information, and the following instruments: Holmes Rahe Life Event Scale (Colbert, 2003), Zung Self Rating Depression Scale (Colbert, 2003), NOVACO Anger Inventory (Colbert, 2003) (short form). The researcher will use a one-tailed t-test to analyze the data
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