876 research outputs found

    Thermal Neutrons in Eas: A New Dimension in Eas Study

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    A new method to study Extensive Air Shower (EAS) hadronic component is proposed. It is shown that addition of specific detectors for thermal neutron detection to a standard array for EAS study can significantly improve its performance. Results of CORSIKA based Monte Carlo simulations as well as preliminary experimental data are presented. A proposal of novel type of EAS array is given.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, a talk given at ISVHECRI2007, Weihai, China. To be published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.

    The neutron 'thunder' accompanying large extensive air showers

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    The bulk of neutrons which appear with long delays in neutron monitors nearby the EAS core (~'neutron thunder'~) are produced by high energy EAS hadrons hitting the monitors. This conclusion raises an important problem of the interaction of EAS with the ground, the stuff of the detectors and their environment. Such interaction can give an additional contribution to the signal in the EAS detectors at {\em km}-long distances from the large EAS core after a few ÎĽs\mu s behind the EAS front.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proc. of 14th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, Weihai, China, 15-22 August 2006, to be published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc.Suppl.), 200

    "E libertade / in Erinni cangi\uf2". Monti e la Rivoluzione

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    Il saggio prende in esame la posizione politica e l\u2019attivit\ue0 letteraria di Monti di fronte agli eventi rivoluzionari francesi, dalla presa della Bastiglia fino alla caduta di Robespierre; s\u2019interroga quindi sulla valutazione, a ritroso, di quegli eventi, proposta dal poeta divenuto ormai \u201ccittadino\u201d. L\u2019analisi del testo superstite del Caio Gracco, steso a Roma nel 1788 \u2013 e quindi prima della rottura degli equilibri francesi \u2013 ci mostra un Monti gi\ue0 interessato a riflettere sugli esiti che comporta la crisi delle rappresentanze istituzionali delle diverse classi, una crisi che lasciava aperta, esplicitamente, la prospettiva della conquista del potere attraverso la forza. A tale precoce sensibilit\ue0 nel leggere le dinamiche della storia segue, per lungo tempo, fino al 1793 (e cio\ue8, in sostanza, fino alla stesura della Bassvilliana) un sostanziale silenzio poetico ed un\u2019altrettanto rigorosa prudenza nei comportamenti e nelle dichiarazioni pubbliche e private (ne \ue8 esempio significativo la scarsit\ue0 di lettere superstiti risalenti a questi anni). Sono quindi analizzate nel saggio le diverse prospettive di valutazione della cultura radicale e materialista francese e del suo ruolo nella prima stagione rivoluzionaria, prospettive sottese alla Bassvilliana e poi \u2013 in piena et\ue0 napoleonica \u2013 alla Mascheroniana

    «Fan dunque guerra ancora i poeti?». Versi per la Guerra dei Sette anni

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    The essay offers a survey of the wide poetry-production, written in Italy during the second half of the 18th Century, and  having as main topic events and protagonists of Seven Year War. The first part of the article describes the common features of those compositions – often anonymous poems with clear propagandistic intents – and the way in which they circulated. The second part is focused on the more refined and restrained poems signed by well-known authors, who were invited and sometimes urged to write about the topic

    Classici Italiani e reti diplomatiche: note su Metastasio e i fratelli Calzabigi

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    Nel saggio sono discusse le iniziative editoriali parigine dei fratelli Calzabigi e di Fran\ue7ois Gerbault (l'edizione delle opere di Metastasio, e di alcuni classici italiani) concepite anche sfruttando, in modo tavolta maldestro, una fitta e importante rete di contatti diplomatici

    Chemical LTP induces confinement of BDNF mRNA under dendritic spines and BDNF protein accumulation inside the spines

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    The neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a key role in neuronal development and synaptic plasticity. The discovery that BDNF mRNA can be transported in neuronal dendrites in an activity-dependent manner has suggested that its local translation may support synapse maturation and plasticity. However, a clear demonstration that BDNF mRNA is locally transported and translated at activated synapses in response to long-term potentiation (LTP) is still lacking. Here, we study the dynamics of BDNF mRNA dendritic trafficking following the induction of chemical LTP (cLTP). Dendritic transport of BDNF transcripts was analyzed using the MS2 system for mRNA visualization, and chimeric BDNF-GFP constructs were used to monitor protein synthesis in living neurons. We found that within 15 min from cLTP induction, most BDNF mRNA granules become stationary and transiently accumulate in the dendritic shaft at the base of the dendritic spines, while at 30 min they accumulate inside the spine, similar to the control CamkIIα mRNA which also increased inside the spines at 60 min post-cLTP. At 60 min but not at 15 min from cLTP induction, we observed an increase in BDNF protein levels within the spines. Taken together, these findings suggest that BDNF mRNA trafficking is arrested in the early phase of cLTP, providing a local source of mRNA for BDNF translation at the base of the spine followed by translocation of both the BDNF mRNA and protein within the spine head in the late phase of LTP
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