49 research outputs found

    δ13C values of soil organic carbon and their responses to C3 and C4 plants shift in Mengzi karst graben basin, SW China

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    Understanding the controlling factors of soil organic carbon isotope (δ13CSOC) change and the vegetation succession process is crucial to guide ecological restoration and agricultural cultivation in karst rocky desertification region. However, the information about the combination of C3 and C4 plant distribution and rocky desertification remains unknown. Soils from different landforms, including basin, slope, and plateau, were sampled to investigate the spatial variance of the δ13CSOC distribution characteristics. The contribution of C3 and C4 plant species for δ13CSOC under the different rocky desertification grades (LRD: light rocky desertification; MRD: moderate rocky desertification; and SRD: severe rocky desertification) in Mengzi karst graben basin of Southwest (SW) China was also discussed. The δ13CSOC  value decreased with the increase of altitude from basin, slope to plateau. At the same landform, different rocky desertification grades had no significant effect on the δ13CSOC in slope and plateau. Nevertheless, there were significant differences of δ13CSOC C between LRD and SRD in the basin. The C4 plants account for more than 70% in the basin and slope, while C3 plants account for more than 70% in the plateau. This may be due to the long-term cultivation of corn in the historical period in the basin and slope. However, the plateau area is not suitable for the growth of C4 plants such as corn due to the cold climate. In addition, in the same landform, with the aggravation of rocky desertification, the proportion of C4 plants for δ13CSOC increased with the proportion of C3 plants decreased. With the aggravation of rocky desertification, the composition of vegetation species changed from arbour (C3 plants) to small shrubs and herbs (C4 plants).Razumevanje povezave med spremembami izotopa v organskem ogljiku v tleh (δ13CSOC) in procesi ekološke sukcesije je pomembno pri restavraciji in kultivaciji kraških degradiranih območij. O povezavi med porazdelitvijo sestoja rastlin C3 in C4 ter skalno dezertifikacijo na kraških območjih vemo le malo. Prostorsko spremenljivost δ13CSOC smo določali na različnih površinskih oblikah; v kotlini, na pobočjih in na kraški planoti na območju Mengzi v provinci Junan na jugovzhodu Kitajske. V vseh reliefnih oblikah smo obravnavali prispevek rastlinskih vrst C3 in C4 k vrednosti δ13CSOC . Posebno pozornost smo posvetili tudi različnim stopnjam dezertifikacije (LRD: majhna; MRD: zmerna; in SRD: visoka). V splošnem vrednost δ13CSOC pada z naraščanjem nadmorske višine. Na planoti in pobočjih stopnja dezertifikacije ne vpliva pomembno na δ13CSOC, v kotlini pa je značilna razlika med območji z nizko stopnjo dezertifikacije in območji z visoko stopnjo dezertifikacije. Sestoji rastlin C4 tvorijo več kot 70 % rastlinja v kotlini in na pobočjih, sestoji rastlin C3 pa 70 % rastlinja na planoti. Razlika je verjetno posledica pridelave koruze v kotlini in na pobočjih, saj planota zaradi hladne klime ni primerna za sajenje rastlin C4, kot je koruza. Sočasno z napredovanjem dezertifikacije upada delež rastlin C4 (npr. dreves) in narašča delež rastlin C3 (grmičevje in zeli)

    A Wide Bandwidth Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna Array Using Sequentially Rotated Feeding Technique

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    Abstract-A wide bandwidth circularly polarized microstrip antenna array using sequentially rotated feeding technique is presented in this paper. First a stacked microstrip antenna with tuning stub is designed, which meets wide bandwidth application. Then sequentially rotated feeding technique is introduced, basing on which a 4 element stacked microstrip antenna array with preferable axial ratio performance is achieved. The corresponding antenna array is fabricated and measured, the results of which shows that the antenna has the advantages of wide bandwidth, high gain and low axial radio, which has good application foreground

    Extensive necrotizing fasciitis of scrotum and abdominal wall: Report of two cases and a review of the literature

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    The incidence rate of necrotizing fasciitis(NF) is low, but it has a high mortality rate. At present, it lacks experience in clinical treatment in municipal and county-level hospitals, insufficient awareness of disease risk, lack of experience in disease surgical intervention, and lack of a set of mature treatment norms and standards. Most patients have no time to transfer to a higher hospital for treatment. In January and April 2022, two cases of large-scale necrotizing fasciitis of the scrotum and abdominal wall were treated in the Department of Urology of Weifang people's Hospital respectively and were clinically cured after active surgical debridement combined with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Through the retrospective analysis of the diagnosis and treatment of two cases of necrotizing fasciitis, this paper analyzes and summarizes the scope of surgical debridement of NF, postoperative dressing changing skills, timing of multiple debridements, application and timing of vacuum sealing drainage(VSD), and the combined use of antibiotics. To provide experience for clinical diagnosis and treatment of necrotizing fasciitis

    Preliminary Research on Agricultural Cultivation Decreasing Amino Sugar Accumulation in Calcareous Soils in Subtropical Karst Region of China

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    Soil microbial residues play an important role in the formation and stabilization of soil organic matter and can be quantitatively characterized by amino sugars. However, the response of soil microbial residues to agricultural cultivation in karst areas remains unclear. In this study, we collected soil samples from natural reserved land as well as five plantation forests dominated by Citrus trees cultivated for 0, 1, 5, 15, 30 years to examine the effects of agricultural cultivation on the content of microbial residues (amino sugar analysis). Results showed that: (1) Soil Amino Sugars (ASs) contents were significantly reduced after agricultural cultivation along with the sharp decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC). After 30 years of cultivation, the contents of total ASs, glucosamine (GluN), galactosamine (GalN), and muramic acid (MurA) in cultivated soils decreased by 58.22%, 55.30%, 27.11%, respectively, compared with 0 yr.; (2) Microbial residual carbon contribution to SOC increased from 34.11% to 81.33% after 30 years of cultivation, including fungal residual carbon (FRC) (25.79% to 48.6%) and bacterial residual carbon (BRC) (8.32% to 32.72%); (3) Soil GluN/MurA values tended to decrease with increasing cultivation years. The results highlight the significant effect of cultivation years on amino sugar accumulation. It indicates that the years of reclamation in karst areas have different impacts on the organic fractions derived from various microbial communities in the soil organic matter pool, and the microbial residues indicated by amino sugar are of great significance for the interception of soil organic matter

    Preliminary Research on Agricultural Cultivation Decreasing Amino Sugar Accumulation in Calcareous Soils in Subtropical Karst Region of China

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    Soil microbial residues play an important role in the formation and stabilization of soil organic matter and can be quantitatively characterized by amino sugars. However, the response of soil microbial residues to agricultural cultivation in karst areas remains unclear. In this study, we collected soil samples from natural reserved land as well as five plantation forests dominated by Citrus trees cultivated for 0, 1, 5, 15, 30 years to examine the effects of agricultural cultivation on the content of microbial residues (amino sugar analysis). Results showed that: (1) Soil Amino Sugars (ASs) contents were significantly reduced after agricultural cultivation along with the sharp decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC). After 30 years of cultivation, the contents of total ASs, glucosamine (GluN), galactosamine (GalN), and muramic acid (MurA) in cultivated soils decreased by 58.22%, 55.30%, 27.11%, respectively, compared with 0 yr.; (2) Microbial residual carbon contribution to SOC increased from 34.11% to 81.33% after 30 years of cultivation, including fungal residual carbon (FRC) (25.79% to 48.6%) and bacterial residual carbon (BRC) (8.32% to 32.72%); (3) Soil GluN/MurA values tended to decrease with increasing cultivation years. The results highlight the significant effect of cultivation years on amino sugar accumulation. It indicates that the years of reclamation in karst areas have different impacts on the organic fractions derived from various microbial communities in the soil organic matter pool, and the microbial residues indicated by amino sugar are of great significance for the interception of soil organic matter

    Reduced Organic Carbon Content during the Evolvement of Calcareous Soils in Karst Region

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    Understanding the changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) storage is important for accurately predicting ecosystem C sequestration and/or potential C losses, but the relevant information, especially for the evolvement of calcareous soil is limited in karst regions. Three calcareous soils with different evolvement intensities were sampled from an evergreen broadleaved forest in the subtropical region of southwest of China to investigate the changes in different SOC fractions and microbial communities. The results showed that: (1) The contents of SOC, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), mineral protected organic carbon (MOC), and recalcitrant organic carbon (ROC) significantly decreased with increasing evolvement intensity of calcareous soil, but pH and the chemical composition of SOC, including Alkyl C, O-alkyl C, Aromatic C, and Carbonyl C, did not significantly change, suggesting that various SOC fractions synergistically decrease with the evolvement of calcareous soil. (2) The evolvement of calcareous soil had a substantial negative effect on total phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), bacteria (i.e., Gram positive bacteria and Gram negative bacteria), fungi, and actinomycetes, but did not affect the ratio of fungi to bacteria. This result supported the conclusion that various SOC fractions were synchronously loss with the evolvement of calcareous soil. (3) Results from the multivariate statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between SOC fractions (including SOC, DOC, MOC, and ROC) and soil base cations, mainly calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al). This strengthens the fact that SOC stability largely depends on the complex relationship between organic matter and mineral composition in soil. Taken together, the reduction of SOC during the evolvement of soil in the karst areas accords with some mechanisms of previous studies (e.g., microbial composition and soil geochemistry), and also has its own unique characteristics (e.g., the relative contribution of carbons to chemical shift regions of CPMAS 13C-NMR spectra and F:B ratio)

    CO2 Transfer Characteristics of Calcareous Humid Subtropical Forest Soils and Associated Contributions to Carbon Source and Sink in Guilin, Southwest China

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    In karst landscapes, soil CO2 is a key factor in weathering processes and carbon cycling, where its distribution and migration characteristics directly affect fluxes in carbon source–sink dynamics. We measured the CO2 emission and dissolution rates of carbonate tablets in calcareous soil developed from limestone and red soil developed from clastic rock, in karst and non-karst subtropical forests, in Guilin, southwest China between 2015 and 2018, to analyze their CO2 transfer characteristics and source–sink effects. The results showed similar average soil respiration rates between calcareous soil and red soil, with an average CO2 emission flux of 1305 and 1167 t C km−2 a−1, respectively. Carbonate tablet dissolution rates were bidirectional with increasing depth and were greater in red soil than calcareous soil, averaging 13.88 ± 5.42 and 7.20 ± 2.11 mg cm−2 a−1, respectively. CO2 concentration was bidirectional with increasing soil depth, reaching a maximum at the base of the soil–atmosphere interface (50–60 cm), and the bidirectional gradient was more distinctive in red soil. Change in the carbon isotope value of soil CO2 was also bidirectional in calcareous soils, for which the overall average was 0.87‰ heavier in calcareous than red soil. The carbon sink in calcareous soil in karst regions was estimated to be 11.97 times that of red soil in non-karst regions, whereas its role as a carbon source is just 1.12 times that of red soil, thus indicating the key role of karst soil in the reduction of atmospheric CO2

    Insights into Distribution of Soil Available Heavy Metals in Karst Area and Its Influencing Factors in Guilin, Southwest China

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    The bioavailable contents of heavy metals in karstic soils are a subject of increasing concern since the uptake of heavy metals by plants can pose a severe threat to food safety and public health. However, the bioavailable contents of heavy metals and their effective factors are poorly understood in karst regions. Calcareous soil and red soil developed from carbonate and clastic rocks, respectively, were chosen from a typical karst region (Guilin) of southwestern China, and the total (CT) and available (CA) contents of 11 heavy metals, as well as their influencing factors in soil profiles, were investigated. The results showed that calcareous soil has greater soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available potassium, and calcium (Ca) contents than red soil, but lower available phosphorus and C:N. Acid-soluble Ca (Aca) was the dominant fraction in both types of soil. Heavy metals were highly accumulated in calcareous soil, mainly controlled by secondary enrichment in the processing of carbonate rock weathering. For the majority of metals, calcareous soil had higher CT and lower CA than red soil. According to a redundancy analysis (RDA) and Pearson correlation coefficient, the high pH and Ca content in calcareous soils were primary factors influencing both the CT and CA of the metals, especially residual Ca to CT and Aca to CA. Additionally, higher soil cation exchange capacity and clay minerals also probably improved the immobility of heavy metals