909 research outputs found

    Measuring the Popularity of Job Skills in Recruitment Market: A Multi-Criteria Approach

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    To cope with the accelerating pace of technological changes, talents are urged to add and refresh their skills for staying in active and gainful employment. This raises a natural question: what are the right skills to learn? Indeed, it is a nontrivial task to measure the popularity of job skills due to the diversified criteria of jobs and the complicated connections within job skills. To that end, in this paper, we propose a data driven approach for modeling the popularity of job skills based on the analysis of large-scale recruitment data. Specifically, we first build a job skill network by exploring a large corpus of job postings. Then, we develop a novel Skill Popularity based Topic Model (SPTM) for modeling the generation of the skill network. In particular, SPTM can integrate different criteria of jobs (e.g., salary levels, company size) as well as the latent connections within skills, thus we can effectively rank the job skills based on their multi-faceted popularity. Extensive experiments on real-world recruitment data validate the effectiveness of SPTM for measuring the popularity of job skills, and also reveal some interesting rules, such as the popular job skills which lead to high-paid employment.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures, AAAI 201

    Physical Layer Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Under A Hybrid Full-/Half-Duplex Receiver Deployment Strategy

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    This paper studies physical layer security in a wireless ad hoc network with numerous legitimate transmitter-receiver pairs and eavesdroppers. A hybrid full-/half-duplex receiver deployment strategy is proposed to secure legitimate transmissions, by letting a fraction of legitimate receivers work in the full-duplex (FD) mode sending jamming signals to confuse eavesdroppers upon their information receptions, and letting the other receivers work in the half-duplex mode just receiving their desired signals. The objective of this paper is to choose properly the fraction of FD receivers for achieving the optimal network security performance. Both accurate expressions and tractable approximations for the connection outage probability and the secrecy outage probability of an arbitrary legitimate link are derived, based on which the area secure link number, network-wide secrecy throughput and network-wide secrecy energy efficiency are optimized respectively. Various insights into the optimal fraction are further developed and its closed-form expressions are also derived under perfect self-interference cancellation or in a dense network. It is concluded that the fraction of FD receivers triggers a non-trivial trade-off between reliability and secrecy, and the proposed strategy can significantly enhance the network security performance.Comment: Journal paper, double-column 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 201

    Modulating binary dynamics via the termination of black hole superradiance

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    A superradiant cloud of ultralight bosons near a rotating black hole provides a smoking gun for particle physics in the infrared. However, tidal perturbations from a nearby binary companion can destabilise the boson cloud and even terminate superradiance. In this work, we consider the backreaction of superradiance termination to the dynamics of general binary orbits parametrised by their semi-latus rectum, eccentricity and inclination angle. Our analysis focuses on Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral (EMRI) systems and employs the period-average approximation to derive evolution equations of these binary parameters in the Newtonian limit. We find that the binary evolution history can be significantly modulated by the backreaction towards large circular equatorial orbits with reduced termination rate. This process can generically happen even away from the resonance bands. Our work therefore serves as a first step towards probing ultralight bosons through the statistics of EMRI binary parameters in the future.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Smartphone App Usage Analysis : Datasets, Methods, and Applications

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    As smartphones have become indispensable personal devices, the number of smartphone users has increased dramatically over the last decade. These personal devices, which are supported by a variety of smartphone apps, allow people to access Internet services in a convenient and ubiquitous manner. App developers and service providers can collect fine-grained app usage traces, revealing connections between users, apps, and smartphones. We present a comprehensive review of the most recent research on smartphone app usage analysis in this survey. Our survey summarizes advanced technologies and key patterns in smartphone app usage behaviors, all of which have significant implications for all relevant stakeholders, including academia and industry. We begin by describing four data collection methods: surveys, monitoring apps, network operators, and app stores, as well as nine publicly available app usage datasets. We then systematically summarize the related studies of app usage analysis in three domains: app domain, user domain, and smartphone domain. We make a detailed taxonomy of the problem studied, the datasets used, the methods used, and the significant results obtained in each domain. Finally, we discuss future directions in this exciting field by highlighting research challenges.Peer reviewe

    Enhancing Person-Job Fit for Talent Recruitment: An Ability-aware Neural Network Approach

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    The wide spread use of online recruitment services has led to information explosion in the job market. As a result, the recruiters have to seek the intelligent ways for Person Job Fit, which is the bridge for adapting the right job seekers to the right positions. Existing studies on Person Job Fit have a focus on measuring the matching degree between the talent qualification and the job requirements mainly based on the manual inspection of human resource experts despite of the subjective, incomplete, and inefficient nature of the human judgement. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel end to end Ability aware Person Job Fit Neural Network model, which has a goal of reducing the dependence on manual labour and can provide better interpretation about the fitting results. The key idea is to exploit the rich information available at abundant historical job application data. Specifically, we propose a word level semantic representation for both job requirements and job seekers' experiences based on Recurrent Neural Network. Along this line, four hierarchical ability aware attention strategies are designed to measure the different importance of job requirements for semantic representation, as well as measuring the different contribution of each job experience to a specific ability requirement. Finally, extensive experiments on a large scale real world data set clearly validate the effectiveness and interpretability of the APJFNN framework compared with several baselines.Comment: This is an extended version of our SIGIR18 pape

    Antibacterial hemostatic dressings with nanoporous bioglass containing silver

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    Nanoporous bioglass containing silver (n-BGS) was fabricated using the sol-gel method, with cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide as template. The results showed that n-BGS with nanoporous structure had a surface area of 467 m2/g and a pore size of around 6 nm, and exhibited a significantly higher water absorption rate compared with BGS without nanopores. The n-BGS containing small amounts of silver (Ag) had a slight effect on its surface area. The n-BGS containing 0.02 wt% Ag, without cytotoxicity, had a good antibacterial effect on Escherichia coli, and its antibacterial rate reached 99% in 12 hours. The n-BGS’s clotting ability significantly decreased prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), indicating n-BGS with a higher surface area could significantly promote blood clotting (by decreasing clotting time) compared with BGS without nanopores. Effective hemostasis was achieved in skin injury models, and bleeding time was reduced. It is suggested that n-BGS could be a good dressing, with antibacterial and hemostatic properties, which might shorten wound bleeding time and control hemorrhage
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