772 research outputs found

    Imaging Polarimeter Arrays for Near-Millimeter Waves

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    An integrated-circuit antenna array has been developed that images both polarization and intensity. The array consists of a row of antennas that lean alternately left and right, creating two interlaced sub-arrays that respond to different polarizations. The arrays and the bismuth bolometer detectors are made by a photoresist shadowing technique that requires only one photolithographic mask. The array has measured polarization at a wavelength of 800 µm with an absolute accuracy of 0.8° and a relative precision of 7 arc min. and has demonstrated nearly diffraction-Iimited resolutiort of a 20° step in polarization

    When do analysts adjust for biases in management guidance? Effects of guidance track record and analysts' incentives

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    Prior research indicates that analysts do not fully adjust for the general downward bias in earnings guidance issued by management. We report the results of two experiments designed to investigate how guidance track record and analysts incentives jointly explain the extent to which analysts adjust for guidance bias. Our results suggest that analysts with accuracy incentives adjust for managements track record of downwardly biased guidance when the bias is relatively small (one cent), but those with relationship incentives do not. Furthermore, the difference in adjustment is larger when the bias track record is inconsistent than when it is consistent. Also, when guidance bias is larger (two cents) relative to smaller (one cent), analysts with relationship incentives partially adjust, as they appear to strike a balance between accuracy and their desire to please management. These findings hold implications for investors, regulators, and the interpretation of prior research

    Genetic Evidence of Functional Ficolin-2 Haplotype as Susceptibility Factor in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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    Background: Ficolin-2 coded by FCN2 gene is a soluble serum protein that plays an important role in innate immunity. In this study, we analyzed five functional polymorphisms of the FCN2 gene for their possible association with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Methods: Initially we screened 40 Syrian Arabs for the entire FCN2 gene. We investigated the contribution of FCN2 functional variants in 226 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis and 286 healthy controls from Syria. Polymorphisms in the promoter regions (2986G/A, 2602G/A, 24A/G) of the FCN2 gene were assessed by TaqMan real time PCR, whereas polymorphisms in exon8 (+6359C/T and +6424G/T) were assessed by DNA sequencing. We also measured serum ficolin-2 levels in 70 control Syrian Arabs and correlated the serum concentrations to FCN2 genotypes and haplotypes respectively. Results: Nine new FCN2 variants including two with non synonymous substitutions in exon6 and exon8 were observed. The homozygous genotypes +6424T/T were distributed more in controls and none in patients (P = 0.04). The AGACG haplotype were observed more in patients than in controls (OR = 2.0, 95%CI 1.2–3.4, P = 0.006). The serum ficolin-2 levels were significantly distributed among the reconstructed ficolin-2 haplotypes (P,0.008) and the haplotype AGACG was observed with higher ficolin-2 levels in 70 control individuals. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate a significant association of FCN2 AGACG haplotype with cutaneous leishmaniasis in a Syrian Arab population. These first results provide a basis for a future study that could confirm or disprove possibl

    Mutations in GATA2 cause primary lymphedema associated with a predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia (Emberger syndrome).

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    We report an allelic series of eight mutations in GATA2 underlying Emberger syndrome, an autosomal dominant primary lymphedema associated with a predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia. GATA2 is a transcription factor that plays an essential role in gene regulation during vascular development and hematopoietic differentiation. Our findings indicate that haploinsufficiency of GATA2 underlies primary lymphedema and predisposes to acute myeloid leukemia in this syndrome

    Design, fabrication, and characterization of a highly nonlinear few-mode fiber

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    We present the design, fabrication, and characterization of a highly nonlinear few-mode fiber (HNL-FMF) with an intermodal nonlinear coefficient of 2.8 (W \ub7 km)−1, which to the best of our knowledge is the highest reported to date. The graded-index circular core fiber supports two mode groups (MGs) with six eigenmodes and is highly doped with germanium. This breaks the mode degeneracy within the higher-order MG, leading to different group velocities among corresponding eigenmodes. Thus, the HNL-FMF can support multiple intermodal four-wave mixing processes between the two MGs at the same time. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we demonstrate simultaneous intermodal wavelength conversions among three eigenmodes of the HNL-FMF over the C band

    The Expression of Epac2 and GluA3 in an Alzheimer's Disease Experimental Model and Postmortem Patient Samples

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases, characterized by amyloid beta (Aβ) and hyperphosphorylated tau accumulation in the brain. Recent studies indicated that memory retrieval, rather than memory formation, was impaired in the early stage of AD. Our previous study reported that pharmacological activation of hippocampal Epac2 promoted memory retrieval in C57BL/6J mice. A recent study suggested that pharmacological inhibition of Epac2 prevented synaptic potentiation mediated by GluA3-containing AMPARs. In this study, we aimed to investigate proteins associated with Epac2-mediated memory in hippocampal postmortem samples of AD patients and healthy controls compared with the experimental AD model J20 and wild-type mice. Epac2 and phospho-Akt were downregulated in AD patients and J20 mice, while Epac1 and phospho-ERK1/2 were not altered. GluA3 was reduced in J20 mice and tended to decrease in AD patients. PSD95 tended to decrease in AD patients and J20. Interestingly, AKAP5 was increased in AD patients but not in J20 mice, implicating its role in tau phosphorylation. Our study points to the downregulation of hippocampal expression of proteins associated with Epac2 in AD. </p

    Dopamine transporter genotype is associated with a lateralized resistance to distraction during attention selection

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    Although lateral asymmetries in orienting behavior are evident across species and have been linked to interhemispheric asymmetries in dopamine signaling, the relative contribution of attentional versus motoric processes remains unclear. Here we took a cognitive genetic approach to adjudicate between roles for dopamine in attentional versus response selection. A sample of nonclinical adult humans (N = 518) performed three cognitive tasks (spatial attentional competition, spatial cueing, and flanker tasks) that varied in the degree to which they required participants to resolve attentional or response competition. All participants were genotyped for two putatively functional tandem repeat polymorphisms of the dopamine transporter gene (DAT1; SLC6A3), which are argued to influence the level of available synaptic dopamine and confer risk to disorders of inattention. DAT1 genotype modulated the task-specific effects of the various task-irrelevant stimuli across both the spatial competition and spatial cueing but not flanker tasks. Specifically, compared with individuals carrying one or two copies of the 10-repeat DAT1 allele, individuals without this allele demonstrated an immunity to distraction, such that response times were unaffected by increases in the number of distractor stimuli, particularly when these were presented predominantly in the left hemifield. All three genotype groups exhibited uniform costs of resolving leftward response selection in a standard flanker task. None of these significant effects could be explained by speed–accuracy trade-offs, suggesting that participants without the 10-repeat allele of the DAT1 tandem repeat polymorphism possess an enhanced attentional ability to suppress task-irrelevant stimuli in the left hemifield

    A Rydberg Quantum Simulator

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    Following Feynman and as elaborated on by Lloyd, a universal quantum simulator (QS) is a controlled quantum device which reproduces the dynamics of any other many particle quantum system with short range interactions. This dynamics can refer to both coherent Hamiltonian and dissipative open system evolution. We investigate how laser excited Rydberg atoms in large spacing optical or magnetic lattices can provide an efficient implementation of a universal QS for spin models involving (high order) n-body interactions. This includes the simulation of Hamiltonians of exotic spin models involving n-particle constraints such as the Kitaev toric code, color code, and lattice gauge theories with spin liquid phases. In addition, it provides the ingredients for dissipative preparation of entangled states based on engineering n-particle reservoir couplings. The key basic building blocks of our architecture are efficient and high-fidelity n-qubit entangling gates via auxiliary Rydberg atoms, including a possible dissipative time step via optical pumping. This allows to mimic the time evolution of the system by a sequence of fast, parallel and high-fidelity n-particle coherent and dissipative Rydberg gates.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    FluxSat: measuring the ocean-atmosphere turbulent exchange of heat and moisture from space

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Gentemann, C. L., Clayson, C. A., Brown, S., Lee, T., Parfitt, R., Farrar, J. T., Bourassa, M., Minnett, P. J., Seo, H., Gille, S. T., & Zlotnicki, V. FluxSat: measuring the ocean-atmosphere turbulent exchange of heat and moisture from space. Remote Sensing, 12(11), (2020): 1796, doi:10.3390/rs12111796.Recent results using wind and sea surface temperature data from satellites and high-resolution coupled models suggest that mesoscale ocean–atmosphere interactions affect the locations and evolution of storms and seasonal precipitation over continental regions such as the western US and Europe. The processes responsible for this coupling are difficult to verify due to the paucity of accurate air–sea turbulent heat and moisture flux data. These fluxes are currently derived by combining satellite measurements that are not coincident and have differing and relatively low spatial resolutions, introducing sampling errors that are largest in regions with high spatial and temporal variability. Observational errors related to sensor design also contribute to increased uncertainty. Leveraging recent advances in sensor technology, we here describe a satellite mission concept, FluxSat, that aims to simultaneously measure all variables necessary for accurate estimation of ocean–atmosphere turbulent heat and moisture fluxes and capture the effect of oceanic mesoscale forcing. Sensor design is expected to reduce observational errors of the latent and sensible heat fluxes by almost 50%. FluxSat will improve the accuracy of the fluxes at spatial scales critical to understanding the coupled ocean–atmosphere boundary layer system, providing measurements needed to improve weather forecasts and climate model simulations.C.L.G. was funded by NASA grant 80NSSC18K0837. C.A.C. was funded by NASA grants 80NSSC18K0778 and 80NSSC20K0662. J.T.F. was funded by NASA grants NNX17AH54G, NNX16AH76G, and 80NSSC19K1256. S.T.G. was funded by the National Science Foundation grant PLR-1425989 and by the NASA Ocean Vector Winds Science Team grant 80NSSC19K0059. M.B. was funded in part by the Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division, Climate Program Office (FundRef number 100007298), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, and by the NASA Ocean Vector Winds Science Team grant through NASA/JPL. H.S. was funded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) grant NA19OAR4310376 and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Endowed Fund for Innovative Research at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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