54 research outputs found

    Measurements of the instantaneous velocity difference and local velocity with a fiber-optic coupler

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    New optical arrangements with two single-mode input fibers and a fiber-optic coupler are devised to measure the instantaneous velocity difference and local velocity. The fibers and the coupler are polarization-preserving to guarantee a high signal-to-noise ratio. When the two input fibers are used to collect the scattered light with the same momentum transfer vector but from two spatially separated regions in a flow, the obtained signals interfere when combined via the fiber-optic coupler. The resultant light received by a photomultiplier tube contains a cross-beat frequency proportional to the velocity difference between the two measuring points. If the two input fibers are used to collect the scattered light from a common scattering region but with two different momentum transfer vectors, the resultant light then contains a self-beat frequency proportional to the local velocity at the measuring point. The experiment shows that both the cross-beat and self-beat signals are large and the standard laser Doppler signal processor can be used to measure the velocity difference and local velocity in real time. The new technique will have various applications in the general area of fluid dynamics.Comment: Patent number: 67437 for associated information on the hardware, see http://karman.phyast.pitt.edu/horvath

    Proposal and testing for a fiber-optic-based measurement of flow vorticity

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    A fiber-optic arrangement is devised to measure the velocity difference, ␦v͑l ͒, down to small separation l. With two sets of optical fibers and couplers the new technique becomes capable of measuring one component of the time-and space-resolved vorticity vector ͑r, t͒. The technique is tested in a steady laminar flow, in which the velocity gradient ͑or flow vorticity͒ is known. The experiment verifies the working principle of the technique and demonstrates its applications. It is found that the new technique measures the velocity difference ͑and hence the velocity gradient when l is known͒ with the same high accuracy and high sampling rate as laser Doppler velocimetry does for the local velocity measurement. It is nonintrusive and capable of measuring the velocity gradient with a spatial resolution as low as ϳ50 m. The successful test of the fiber-optic technique in the laminar flow with one optical channel is an important first step for the development of a two-channel fiber-optic vorticity probe, which has wide use in the general area of fluid dynamics, especially in the study of turbulent flows

    Two Features at the Two-Dimensional Freezing Transitions

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    We studied the two-dimensional freezing transitions in monolayers of microgel colloidal spheres with short-ranged repulsions in video-microscopy experiments, and monolayers of hard disks, and Yukawa particles in simulations. These systems share two common features at the freezing points: (1) the bimodal distribution profile of the local orientational order parameter; (2) the two-body excess entropy, s2, reaches −4.5 ± 0.5 kB. Both features are robust and sensitive to the freezing points, so that they can potentially serve as empirical freezing criteria in two dimensions. Compared with the conventional freezing criteria, the first feature has no finite-size ambiguities and can be resolved adequately with much less statistics; and the second feature can be directly measured in macroscopic experiments without the need for microscopic information

    Mean velocity and temperature profiles in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection at low Prandtl numbers

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    We report a direct numerical simulation (DNS) study of the mean velocity and temperature profiles in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) at low Prandtl numbers (Pr). The numerical study is conducted in a vertical thin disk with Pr varied in the range 0.17 ≤ Pr ≤ 4.4 and the Rayleigh number (Ra) varied in the range 5 × 10^8 ≤ Ra ≤ 1 × 10^10. By varying Pr from 4.4 to 0.17, we find a sharp change of flow patterns for the large-scale circulation (LSC) from a rigid-body rotation to a near-wall turbulent jet. We numerically examine the mean velocity equation in the bulk region and find that the mean horizontal velocity profile u(z) can be determined by a balance equation between the mean convection and turbulent diffusion with a constant turbulent viscosity νt. This balance equation admits a self-similarity jet solution, which fits the DNS data well. In the boundary-layer region, we find that both the mean temperature profile T(z) and u(z) can be determined by a balance equation between the molecular diffusion and turbulent diffusion. Within the viscous boundary layer, both u(z) and T(z) can be solved analytically and the analytical results agree well with the DNS data. Our careful characterisation of the mean velocity and temperature profiles in low-Pr RBC provides a further understanding of the intricate interplay between the LSC, plume emission and boundary-layer dynamics, and pinpoints the physical mechanism for the emergence of a pronounced LSC in low-Pr RBC

    Activity-assisted barrier-crossing of self-propelled colloids over parallel microgrooves

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    We report a systematic study of the dynamics of self-propelled particles (SPPs) over a one-dimensional periodic potential landscape, which is fabricated on a microgroove-patterned polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate. From the measured non-equilibrium probability density function of the SPPs, we find that the escape dynamics of the slow-rotating SPPs across the potential landscape can be described by an effective potential, once the self-propulsion force is included into the potential under the fixed angle approximation. This work demonstrates that the parallel microgrooves provide a versatile platform for a quantitative understanding of the interplay among the self-propulsion force, spatial confinement by the potential landscape, and thermal noise, as well as its effects on activity-assisted escape dynamics and transport of the SPPs

    Long-ranged attraction between charged polystyrene spheres at aqueous interfaces

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    We report an optical and atomic force microscopic study of interactions between charged polystyrene spheres at a water-air interface. Optical observations of bonded particle clusters and formation of circular chainlike structures at the interface demonstrate that the interaction potential is of dipole origin. Atomic force microscope phase images show patchy domains on the colloidal surface, indicating that the surface charge distribution is not uniform as is commonly believed. Such surface heterogeneity introduces inplane dipoles, leading to an attraction at short interparticle distances.Peer reviewedChemistr

    Measured long-ranged attractive interaction between charged polystyrene latex spheres at a water-air interface

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    We report results of a systematic experimental study of interactions between charged polystyrene (PS) latex spheres at a water-air interface. Optical observations of stable bonded particle clusters and formation of circular chainlike structures at the interface demonstrate that the interaction potential is of dipole origin. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is used to examine the distribution of charge groups on the colloidal surface. AFM phase images show patchy domains of size ~100 nm on the particle surface, indicating that the surface charge distribution of the PS spheres is not uniform, as is commonly believed. Such patchy charges can introduce fluctuating in-plane dipoles, leading to an attraction at short interparticle separations. A theoretical analysis is given to explain the mechanism for attractions between like-charged particles at the interface.Peer reviewedChemistr