16 research outputs found

    Industrial legacy towards modern urban environment: a comparative study of Wroclaw and Brno

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    The paper examines the spatial structure of industrial production in the urban environment of two Central European cities, Wroclaw and Brno, and their changes during the transformation from centrally controlled to capitalist economies. The study used mapping techniques to analyse the spatial distribution of industrial activities, focusing on the representation of industrial sectors and major industrial enterprises in both cities. The research aimed to evaluate the spatial impacts of deindustrialization on the urban environment and subsequently interpret the functional and structural changes in the cities. Standard methodological procedures in regional sciences, including descriptive statistics and ArcGIS visualization, were employed. The results revealed similarities and differences in the transformation of the two cities and indicated the substantial scale of their post-industrial transformation. Major structural changes have occurred since the 1990s. The last two decades have been directed towards creating modern post-industrial environments while retaining the significant and visible industrial heritage

    (Geo)Demografie nejen pro ekonomy

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    Title in English: (Geo)Demography not only for economists The publication is intended primarily for teaching the subject Demography, which takes place in the bachelor study program Regional Development and Tourism at ESF MU. Its further use can be found in other programs and branches of economically or naturally oriented faculties. The form of the text is oriented to the form of a university text, the content combines elements of demographic analysis and regional demography with an emphasis on the study of populations or more precisely inhabitants of state units, regions and macro-regions and interpretations of their spatial, economic and socio-cultural similarities and differences

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    Atlas sčítání 2011

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    Foreign direct investments in the Czech Republic (with the emphasis on border regions)

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    The role of the foreign direct investments in the economy is nowadays without dispute one of the most debated issues not only for the economic forum. However, most of the regionalists consider these investments to be one of the most effective methods of development, mainly of the regional economies. The purpose of this article is the assessment of the role of the foreign direct investments in the Czech Republic in the development of the Czech border regions after 1989. Although the incentive system preferred the regions with high unemployment rate, the foreign investors often located their financial means even in the economically less problematic regions; therefore the great regional differences in the situation on the job market in the Czech Republic have not been reduced so far. The regional differentiation can also be observed In the Czech border regions. The inflow of the foreign direct investments and the number of job opportunities In industrial companies with foreign capital interests are considerably higher in the regions bordering on Bavaria than for instance in the regions bordering on Poland or Slovakia44545

    A functional interaction approach to the definition of meso regions: The case of the Czech Republic

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    The definition of functional meso regions for the territory of the Czech Republic is articulated in this article. Functional regions reflect horizontal interactions in space and are presented as a useful tool for various types of geographical analyses, and also for spatial planning, economic policy designs, etc. This paper attempts to add to the discussion on the need to delineate areal units at different hierarchical levels, and to understand the functional flows and spatial behaviours of the population in a given space. Three agglomerative methods are applied in the paper (the CURDS regionalisation algorithm, Intramax, and cluster analysis), and they have not been used previously in Czech geography for the delineation of functional meso regions. Existing functional regions at the micro-level, based on daily travel-to-work flows from the 2001 census, have served as the building blocks. The analyses have produced five regional systems at the meso level, based on daily labour commuting movements of the population. Basic statistics and a characterisation of these systems are provided in this paper

    From Wasted Land to Megawatts: How to Convert Brownfields Into Solar Power Plants (the Case of the Czech Republic)

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    This article deals with the issue of brownfield redevelopment for the needs of solar energy projects from different perspectives. Attention is first paid to a brief characterisation of the data and information available both for brownfields and for solar energy projects in the Czech Republic. Then there is description from the most important results of GIS analysis, which (based on a comparison of aerial images from different years) identified the previous uses at the 127 solar power plants with an output of over 1 MWp in the South Moravian Region. The results of the quantitative analyses are accompanied by knowledge from a qualitative survey conducted on selected actors participating in this kind of brownfield regeneration for solar energy development. The conclusion contains proposals which could contribute to the more intensive future use of brownfields for the needs of solar energy in the Czech Republic (a similar process to what has already successfully been realised in Germany). The research results can be inspiring not only for the Czech Republic but also for other EU-member counrties where brownfields have not been re-used for the needs of solar energy projects or where brownfields have been used in this way only marginally

    Shopping and Services Related Travel in the Hinterland of Brno: Changes From the Socialist Period to the Present / Spádovost Za Obchodem A Službami V Zázemí Brna: Srovnání Období Socialismu A Současnosti

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    Dojížďka za obchodem a službami představuje významný aspekt obslužné funkce sídel a lze ji považovat za jeden ze základních regionotvorných procesů. Jedná se o pohyb nepravidelný, jehož analýzy jsou vázány na datovou základnu, která je z oficiálních zdrojů nedostupná. Příspěvek představuje vybrané výsledky šetření spádovosti obyvatel za obchodem a službami na příkladě obslužných procesů v zázemí města Brna. Výsledky šetření mají jak časovou dimenzi v jednom modelovém prostoru (srovnání výsledků z konce 70. let s aktuálními), tak nabízejí možnost srovnání odlišných metodických přístupů (odpovědi reprezentantů obcí a odpovědi místních obyvatel). Je tedy možné sledovat vybrané změny nákupních možností, resp. spádovosti za obchodem službami v horizontu zhruba tří desetiletí