2,059 research outputs found


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    The Juvenile Curfew: Unconstitutional Imprisonment

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    Faced with rising crime rates, many municipalities in recent years have enacted juvenile curfews. Professor Tona Trollinger uses an ordinance enacted in Dallas, Texas, as a framework for analyzing juvenile curfews. The author discusses various prudential and constitutional objections to these curfews, including both substantive and procedural due process challenges. The author concludes that the admittedly valid governmental objectives underlying such curfews do not override their constitutional infirmities


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    Relationships Between Specific Health-Related Fitness Components and Standardized Academic Achievement Tests

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    In an attempt to meet monetary-driven mandates to improve student achievement test scores, administrators are replacing physical education activities with subject matter classes in many American schools. This practice negates the positive contributions of physical activity to academic performance and student fitness. Guided by self-efficacy theory, this study assessed the impact of optimal versus minimal physical fitness state on student academic achievement. The study sample included 5,416 9th grade students from the same school district who completed a minimum of 5 of the 6 components of the FITNESSGRAM tests, and who also completed the math and English language arts (ELA) portions of the California Standards Test. The independent variables were optimal and minimal physical fitness based upon completing 6 or 5 FITNESSGRAM components, respectively. Analyses included independent samples t tests, ANOVA, and Dunnet\u27s C test to detect differences in mean academic scores with gender and ethnicity as covariates. Optimally fit students had significantly higher (p \u3c 0.05) scores in math and ELA tests relative to minimally fit students. Female academic test scores tended to be higher than male scores in both academic tests. School officials, when contemplating curricular programs devoid of a physical education component, might judiciously reassess the positive effects of physical fitness upon academic achievement and the associated biopsychosocial benefits for their students. Physically fit and academically enriched students may provide a foundation for positive social change directed at engendering a healthier, motivated, and productive citizenry

    Mobile Business Intelligence Usage Patterns

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    The generation of new mobile devices and the need to make decisions ‘on the move’ led to a new technology coined as mobile business intelligence (m-BI). M-BI is different from traditional BI in terms of user profiles, level of analytics and functionalities. Although there is a growing interest from both practitioners and academics, very little is known about m-BI in general and even less on its usage. A case study research is conducted to explore how m-BI usage patterns emerge and develop. M-BI is used to investigate after a trigger, monitor real-time data, control and support liminality. Users engage with usage patterns based on the their mode (lean back or lean forward) and attention scope (narrow or wide). However, usage patterns developed are not static because m-BI users engage continuously with different usage patterns when shifting among different modes and attention scopes


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    Pengendalian gulma umumnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan herbisida sintetik, namun penggunaan herbisida dapat menimbulkan banyak masalah. Alternatif yang dapat dipilih agar terhindar dari masalah tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan bioherbisida yang berasal dari tumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui konsentrasi yang efektif dari ekstrak methanol babadotan dalam menghambat pertumbuhan gulma bayam duri, teki dan rumput kembang goyang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma Jurusan Agroteknologi, Laboratorium Analisis Pangan Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian, Laboratorium Kimia Organik Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Laboratorium Analisis Kimia Fakultas Matematikan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam serta Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala, Darussalam Banda Aceh sejak Juli - November 2017. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola Non Faktorial, yaitu dengan menggunakan 3 jenis gulma A : bayam duri , B : teki, C : rumput kembang goyang dan ekstrak daun babadotan pada masing-masing gulma yaitu 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, serta terdapat kontrol (herbisida 2,4D). Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali dengan 3 tanaman indikator sehingga terdapat 54 satuan percobaan dan setiap satuan percobaan terdiri dari 4 unit gulma, sehingga terdapat 216 unit percobaan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak metanol babadotan dengan konsentrasi 10 dan 20% mampu mengendalikan gulma bayam duri pada 7 HSA sebesar 93,75% dan pada 14 HSA sebesar 100%. Sedangkan pada rumput kembang goyang konsentrasi 20% pada 7 HSA mampu mengendalikan gulma sebesar 82,50% dan pada 14 HSA sebesar 93,33%. Ekstrak metanol babadotan berpengaruh pada persentase pengendalian gulma, luas daun dan bobot kering gulma bayam duri. Ekstrak metanol babadotan berdasarkan uji fitokimia ditemukan senyawa steroid dan saponin, sedangkan hasil analisis Kromatografi Gas dan Spektometri Massa ditemukan 6 senyawa mayor terdiri dari senyawa 2H-1-Benzopyran, 7-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-2,3-dihydro-3,3-dimethyl, 3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol, 9-Eicosyne, 9-Eicosyne dan Methyl Ester

    Current and Future Improvements in Livestock Nutrition and Feed Resources

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    This study reviews the current and future trends in the improvements being made in livestock nutrition and feed resources. There had been continuous improvements in global livestock production for past decades. Most of the improvements have been in response to increasing human populations, urbanization, income growth, production system efficiency, and environmental sustainability. To meet up with the increasing global demand for livestock products was the role earmarked to be played by animal nutritionists in a manner that there would be optimization of feed efficiency to achieve more livestock products from less feed. There has been the development and adoption of biotechnological applications such as the feeding of genetically modified plants and the use of in-feed additives such as antibiotics. In the past decades, the livestock feed industry had been centered on the use of antibiotics as livestock growth promoters. However, there has also been the negative development of microbial antibiotic resistance with various countries promulgating laws and regulations to ban and discourage in-feed antibiotic applications in the livestock feed industry. Thus, present and future improvements in livestock nutrition and feed resources are now being directed at the use of approved probiotics and the application of nanotechnology in livestock nutrition and feeding

    Review on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Mechanisms in Ethiopia

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    Climate  change  is  the  burning  issue  of  the  current  world because  it  is  considered  to  be  one  of  the  most  serious  threats  to sustainable  development,  with  adverse  impacts  expected  on  the environment,  human  health,  food  security,  economic  activity,  natural resources and physical infrastructure. Climate change, biodiversity and forest loss are issues inextricably interlinked and need to be addressed simultaneously. Climate is the fundamental factor that determines different stages of the organism life-cycle, such as plant germination and flowering. Causes for vulnerability of Ethiopia to climate variability and change include very high dependence on rain fed agriculture which is very sensitive to climate variability and change, under-development of water resources, low health service coverage, high population growth rate, low economic development level, low adaptive capacity, inadequate road infrastructure in drought prone areas, weak institutions, lack of awareness, etc. The  objective  of  this paper is  to  examine  the  social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change based on their degree of existence  and trends the impacts, to identify the adaptation strategies  and  mitigation  measures  and  to  find  out  the  challenges  to the adoption of those coping mechanisms. The effects of the changing climate are imposing impacts upon the  social,  economic  and  environmental  conditions  of  the human beings by  affecting  their  livelihoods  causing  poor  living, housing,  and health conditions, by reducing the number at the same time of the production of livestock. Traditional and contemporary coping mechanisms to climate variability and extreme in Ethiopia include changes in cropping and planting practices, reduction of consumption levels, collection of wild foods, use of inter-household transfers and loans, increased petty commodity production, temporary and permanent migration in search of employment, grain storage, sale of assets such as livestock and agricultural tools, mortgaging of land, credit from merchants and money lenders, use of early warning system, food appeal/aid, etc. Keywords: climate change, coping mechanism, and impacts of climate chang

    Review on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Mechanisms in Ethiopia

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    Climate change is the burning issue of the current world because it is considered to be one of the most serious threats to sustainable development, with adverse impacts expected on the environment, human health, food security, economic activity, natural resources and physical infrastructure. Climate change, biodiversity and forest loss are issues inextricably interlinked and need to be addressed simultaneously. Climate is the fundamental factor that determines different stages of the organism life-cycle, such as plant germination and flowering. Causes for vulnerability of Ethiopia to climate variability and change include very high dependence on rain fed agriculture which is very sensitive to climate variability and change, under-development of water resources, low health service coverage, high population growth rate, low economic development level, low adaptive capacity, inadequate road infrastructure in drought prone areas, weak institutions, lack of awareness, etc. The objective of this paper is to examine the social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change based on their degree of existence and trends the impacts, to identify the adaptation strategies and mitigation measures and to find out the challenges to the adoption of those coping mechanisms. The effects of the changing climate are imposing impacts upon the social, economic and environmental conditions of the human beings by affecting their livelihoods causing poor living, housing, and health conditions, by reducing the number at the same time of the production of livestock. Traditional and contemporary coping mechanisms to climate variability and extreme in Ethiopia include changes in cropping and planting practices, reduction of consumption levels, collection of wild foods, use of inter-household transfers and loans, increased petty commodity production, temporary and permanent migration in search of employment, grain storage, sale of assets such as livestock and agricultural tools, mortgaging of land, credit from merchants and money lenders, use of early warning system, food appeal/aid, etc. Keywords: climate change, coping mechanism, and impacts of climate chang

    Assessment of Women Participation in Primary Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Dawuro Zone Essera District, South West Ethiopia

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    Cooperative is a form of organization where voluntary associated together as human being on the basis of equality for the promotion of economic interest of themselves. The study would be conducted to assess cases that hinder women participation in SACCCOs in case of Essera woreda. Women has face many problems in order to participate in cooperative society, division of work and the patriarchy are the source for hindering factors for women to participate in cooperative. The general objective of this study was to assess factors that hinder women participation in cooperatives. The study used both primary and secondary data the primary data were collected from interview, questionnaire and group discussion. The secondary data was collected from member’s loan books, members saving books, members by low, the Essera Woreda Cooperative Promotion Office (CPO) document and other research work. This data was analyzed by using table, percentage and graph.   In order to SACCO for economic benefit in saving and credit cooperative society face the problems in adequate financial structure, low attitude members about saving and loan use and lack of awareness. These situations have the opportunities of cooperative like, members of Essera saving and credit   cooperatives are expected to provide them with a wide range of saving and credit to be used in everyday living and members hope to benefit from saving and credit cooperatives in respect of fair prices, high quality products and reliable services.  The result of the study revealed that most of the respondents saved their money on their saving and credit cooperative society after they join. This indicates that the saving performance of the members was increased. Federal cooperative agency should pay attention continuously supervising of SACCO as they many peoples in providing loan as well as saving services and they are one of the financial services providers that highly contribute for the outreach of financial services for the memberships. Keywords: SACCO, women, Economy, Essera DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-5-04 Publication date:March 31st 2020