166 research outputs found

    Exploratory study of key persons who success the innovation activities in Japanese firms <Notes>

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    イノベーションの成功に貢献するキーパーソン人材としてのプロダクト・チャンピオン研究において,日本企業を対象とした研究はほとんど進んでこなかった。一方,米国を中心として貢献人材の研究は数多く報告されている。そこで,国別文化におけるプロダクト・チャンピオンの行動戦略を提示しているShane らのフレームワークを用いて,日本企業内に存在するプロダクト・チャンピオンの実際の行動に当てはめ,その特徴を明らかにした。その結果,プロダクト・チャンピオンの行動に影響を及ぼす日本企業の特徴が浮き彫りになった。また,今後の研究課題を示すことができた。本研究は,平成23年度ならびに平成24年度の広島大学マネジメント研究センターのプロジェクト研究,およびJSPS科研費24530514の助成を受けたものである

    Miniature Fuel Cell with Monolithically Fabricated Si Electrodes -Optimization with Square Shape Through-chip Porous Layer

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    Abstract: Our Si based thin fuel cells have a through-chip porous Pt layer. The through-chip porous area has long narrow shape and the through-chip porous layer sometimes cracked during experimental handling. Therefore, the fuel channel shape was changed to square shape. Si substrate around the through-chip porous area works as rims and the mechanical strength seemed to be improved. Using the square openings, peak output of 108mW/cm 2 was obtained. However, the square opening is not suitable for our stacking structure. Then shallow channels, which connect each through-chip porous Pt layer, were fabricated by plasma etching with double masking layers


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    departmental bulletin pape


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    Abstract: In this study, peak output of our miniature fuel cell was raised to 420mW/cm 2 which is comparable to the conventional large scale fuel cells. We have proposed monolithically fabricated Si electrodes for miniature fuel cells, on which porous Pt catalyst layer and fuel channels are formed on a Si wafer. Although our past prototype cells demonstrated relatively high outputs among MEMS based miniature fuel cells, compared with conventional large scale cells, performance was poor. In this study, in order to make spatial non-uniformity of the cell structure conspicuous, reaction area of the fuel cell was reduced to 1mm 2 . Some cells showed high outputs though the majority showed little output. It was suggested that the adhesion between electrode chip and PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane) was not tight. The electrode chip has a depression on the catalyst area. Two sheets of PEM were placed on the catalyst area to realize tight contact and increased output was obtained

    Copper-Catalyzed Regioselective Aminothiolation of Aromatic and Aliphatic Alkenes with N-Fluorobenzenesulfonimide and Thiols through Three-Component Radical Coupling

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    Copper-catalyzed regioselective aminothiolation of terminal and internal alkenes with N-fluorobenzenesulfonimide and thiols has been developed. The three-component reaction is promoted by the addition of dimethyl sulfide. In addition to aromatic alkenes, aliphatic alkenes are subjected to the reaction, affording various aminothiolation adducts as single regioisomers. The radical process is proposed by preliminary mechanistic studies, involving radical trap and radical clock experiments

    Differing deregulation of HER2 in primary gastric cancer and synchronous related metastatic lymph nodes

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     Sorbtional properties of carbonic sorbents on the base of pine sawdust in the processes of purification of water mediums and complicated technological solution from petroleum products and phosphorus compounds are investigated. The possibility of carbonic sorbents modification by halogen organic compounds to increase the degree of purification of water ecosystems is analyzed. Исследованы сорбционные свойства углеродных сорбентов на основе опилок сосны в процессе очистки водных сред и сложных технологических растворов от нефтепродуктов и соединений фосфора. Рассмотрена возможность модифицирования углеродных сорбентов галогенсодержащих органическими соединениями с целью повыше-ния степени очистки водных экосистем. Досліджено сорбційні властивості вуглецевих сорбентів на основі обпилювань сосни у процесі очищення водних середовищ і складних технологічних розчинів від нафтопродуктів і з’єднань фосфору. Розглянуто можливість модифікування вуглецевих сорбентів галогеновмісними органічними з’єднаннями з метою підвищення ступеня очищення водних екосистем

    Serological responses in humans to the smallpox vaccine LC16m8

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    In response to potential bioterrorism with smallpox, members of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces were vaccinated with vaccinia virus (VACV) strain LC16m8, an attenuated smallpox vaccine derived from VACV strain Lister. The serological response induced by LC16m8 to four virion-surface proteins and the intracellular mature virus (IMV) and extracellular enveloped virus (EEV) was investigated. LC16m8 induced antibody response against the IMV protein A27 and the EEV protein A56. LC16m8 also induced IMV-neutralizing antibodies, but unlike the VACV strain Lister, did not induce either EEV-neutralizing antibody or antibody to EEV protein B5, except after revaccination. Given that B5 is the only target for EEV-neutralizing antibody and that neutralization of both IMV and EEV give optimal protection against orthopoxvirus challenge, these data suggest that immunity induced by LC16m8 might be less potent than that deriving from strain Lister. This potential disadvantage should be balanced against the advantage of the greater safety of LC16m8

    A novel anti-TNF-α drug ozoralizumab rapidly distributes to inflamed joint tissues in a mouse model of collagen induced arthritis

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    In clinical studies, the next-generation anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) single domain antibody ozoralizumab showed high clinical efficacy shortly after the subcutaneous injection. To elucidate the mechanism underlying the rapid onset of the effects of ozoralizumab, we compared the biodistribution kinetics of ozoralizumab and adalimumab after subcutaneous injection in an animal model of arthritis. Alexa Fluor 680-labeled ozoralizumab and adalimumab were administered by subcutaneous injection once (2 mg/kg) at five weeks after induction of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in an animal arthritis model. The time-course of changes in the fluorescence intensities of the two compounds in the paws and serum were evaluated. The paws of the CIA mice were harvested at four and eight hours after the injection for fluorescence microscopy. Biofluorescence imaging revealed better distribution of ozoralizumab to the joint tissues than of adalimumab, as early as at four hours after the injection. Fluorescence microscopy revealed a greater fluorescence intensity of ozoralizumab in the joint tissues than that of adalimumab at eight hours after the injection. Ozoralizumab showed a significantly higher absorption rate constant as compared with adalimumab. These results indicate that ozoralizumab enters the systemic circulation more rapidly and is distributed to the target tissues earlier and at higher levels than conventional IgG antibodies. Our investigation provides new insight into the mechanism underlying the rapid onset of the effects of ozoralizumab in clinical practice.Oyama S., Ebina K., Etani Y., et al. A novel anti-TNF-α drug ozoralizumab rapidly distributes to inflamed joint tissues in a mouse model of collagen induced arthritis. Scientific Reports 12, 18102 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23152-6

    HbA1c and telemedicine during COVID-19

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    Aims/Introduction: To investigate whether the COVID-19 pandemic affected behavioral changes and glycemic control in patients with diabetes and to conduct a survey of telemedicine during the pandemic. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, a total of 2,348 patients were included from 15 medical facilities. Patients were surveyed about their lifestyle changes and attitudes toward telemedicine. Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels were compared among before (from June 1 to August 31, 2019) and in the first (from June 1 to August 31, 2020) and in the second (from June 1 to August 31, 2021) year of the pandemic. A survey of physician attitudes toward telemedicine was also conducted. Results: The HbA1c levels were comparable between 2019 (7.27 ± 0.97%), 2020 (7.28 ± 0.92%), and 2021 (7.25 ± 0.94%) without statistical difference between each of those 3 years. Prescriptions for diabetes medications increased during the period. The frequency of eating out was drastically reduced (51.7% in 2019; 30.1% in 2020), and physical activity decreased during the pandemic (48.1% in 2019; 41.4% in 2020; 43.3% in 2021). Both patients and physicians cited increased convenience and reduced risk of infection as their expectations for telemedicine, while the lack of physician–patient interaction and the impossibility of consultation and examination were cited as sources of concern. Conclusions: Our data suggest that glycemic control did not deteriorate during the COVID-19 pandemic with appropriate intensification of diabetes treatment in patients with diabetes who continued to attend specialized diabetes care facilities, and that patients and physicians shared the same expectations and concerns about telemedicine