42 research outputs found

    Biochemical changes in myofibrillar and sarcoplasmatic meat proteins at different freezing rates

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    Freezing rate significantly affects the quality of frozen meat and its biochemicalchanges. The loss of water from the cellular structure, which, under normal conditions,acts as a mechanical barrier between protein chains, causes spontaneousinteractions of proteins that result in their denaturation. In order to determinethe content of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins in meat samples, the sampleswere frozen at rates of 0.40, 0.90, and 1.25 cm/h for a storage period of 15 days.Protein content was analyzed by capillary gel electrophoresis and high-pressure liquidchromatography. During the freezing process, the protein chains were found tobe shortened so that myofibrillar proteins were between 20 and 50 kDa, whereassarcoplasmic proteins were between 20 and 100 kDa at all the freezing rates mentioned.The results of the analysis also show that the total number of sarcoplasmicproteins (freezing rate 0.90 cm/h; 20 proteins) was lower than the total numberof myofibrillar proteins (freezing rate 0.90 cm/h; 35 proteins), and the molecularweight for both types of protens was lower 50 kDa. Further research should bedirected towards extending storage time


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    Uvod: Prema procjenama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO), jodni deficit je jedan od najozbiljnijih socijalno-medicinskih problema svijeta. Oko dvije milijarde ljudi, odnosno 30% opÅ”te populacije živi s rizikom razvijanja poremećaja koji nastaju kao posljedica jodnog deficita, 700 miliona ima strumu, a oko 20 miliona su ozbiljno mentalno retardirani. Smatra se da je jodni deficit najčeŔći razlog za mentalnu retardaciju. Cilj rada: Cilj rada je bio prikupiti i analizirati podatke o kvaliteti soli na tržiÅ”tu u Bosni i Hercegovini u skladu s važećom legislativom, te iste usporediti s dostupnim znanstvenim informacijama o prekomjernom, odnosno nedovoljnom unosu joda, te eventualnom potrebom izmjene zakonodavnog okvira s aspekta kvalitete soli. Rezultati i rasprava: Optimalan unos joda od osobite je važnosti za zdravlje, a nedovoljan unos joda uzrokuje brojne razvojne i funkcionalne poremećaje koji se nazivaju poremećaji uzrokovani nedostatkom joda (eng. Iodine deficiency disorders - IDD). Jodiranje kuhinjske soli i soli koja se koristi u prehrambenoj industriji te proizvodnji hrane za životinje najbolja je preventivna mjera sprječavanja poremećaja uzrokovanih nedostatkom joda na razini određene populacije ili države. Prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji, Zakladi za djecu Ujedinjenih naroda (UNICEF) i Međunarodnom odboru za kontrolu bolesti povezanih s manjkom joda (ICCIDD) preporučen dnevni unos joda je 150 Ī¼g (za trudnice i dojilje 220- 290 Ī¼g). Jod se u najvećoj mjeri unosi sa soli iz kruha i tjestenine, zatim direktnim dosoljavanjem i konzumiranjem industrijskih gotovih proizvoda. Zaključci: Kontrolu kvalitete soli koja se nalazi na tržiÅ”tu potrebno je redovito pratiti jer je uočeno niz nedostataka kvalitete soli, od čega se dio odnosi i na prisutnost joda. S druge strane nedovoljna istraživanja o unosu količine soli putem hrane u Bosni i Hercegovini otvara dodatne potrebe ovakvih istraživanja u cilju procjene nedovoljnog, odnosno prekomjernog unosa joda.Introduction: According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, iodine deficiency is one of the most serious socio-medical problems in the world. About two billion people, or 30% of the general population live with the risk of developing disorders resulting from iodine deficiency, 700 million have a strike, and about 20 million are severely mentally retarded. Iodine deficiency is believed to be the most common cause of mental retardation. Aim: The aim of the paper was to collect and analyze the data on the quality of salt in the market in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the current legislation, and to compare it with the available Food in health and disease, scientific-professional journal of nutrition and dietetics - Special edition scientific information on excessive or insufficient iodine intake and the possible need to change the legislative framework from the aspect of salt quality. Results and discussion: Optimal iodine intake is of particular importance to health, and inadequate iodine intake causes numerous developmental and functional disorders called iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs). Iodination of kitchen salt and salt used in the food industry and the production of animal feed is the best preventive measure to prevent iodine deficiency disorder at the level of a particular population or state. According to the World Health Organization, the United Nations Childrenā€™s Fund (UNICEF) and the International Committee for the Control of Iodine-Related Disorders (ICCIDD) recommended daily intake of iodine is 150 Ī¼g (for pregnant women and breastfeeding 220-290 Ī¼g). Iodine is largely introduced from salt from bread and pasta, then by direct dosing and consumption of industrial finished products. Conclusions: The quality control of salt in the market needs to be monitored regularly because a number of quality salt shortages have been observed, of which part also relates to the presence of iodine. On the other hand, inadequate research into the amount of salt intake through food in Bosnia and Herzegovina opens up the additional needs of such studies in order to estimate inadequate or excessive iodine intake


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    Meso je veoma bitna namirnica u ishrani ljudi zbog svojih nutritivno vrijednih sastojaka. Gotovo svi proizvodi od mesa se na neki način toplotno obrađuju kako bi se postigle željene senzorne i nutritivne osobine, kao i zadovoljili kriterijumi po pitanju mikrobioloÅ”ke stabilnosti i bezbijednosti proizvoda. NajčeŔća su dva tipa toplotne obrade u industrijskim uslovima, a to su toplotna obrada kuvanjem na atmosferskom pritisku ili vakumu i suva toplotna obrada pečenjem. Stoga ovaj rad ima za cilj dati kratak pregled najnovijih dostignuća u pogledu uticaja tehnoloÅ”kih parametara tokom toplotne obrade u prvom planu visine temperature u centru uzorka i razlučitih postupaka toplotne obrade (kuvanjem i pečenjem) na promjene na proteinima, boji mesa, reoloÅ”kim osobinama mesa, pH mesa, sposobnosti vezivanja vode, hemijskim osobinama i senzornim osobinama mesa.Meat is a very important food in the diet of people, due to its valuable nutritional ingredients. Almost all of the meat products are somehow heat treated to achieve the desired sensory and nutritional properties, as well as meet the criteria in terms of microbial stability and safety of the product. The most common are the two types of heat treatment in industrial conditions, such as heat treatment by cooking at atmospheric pressure or vacuum and dry heat treatment by roasting. Therefore, goal of this paper is to give a brief overview of the latest developments, regarding the influence of technological parameters during thermal processing of meat. Temperature level in the center of the sample and different thermal treatment procedures (cooking and roasting) were monitored in terms of impact on the proteinā€™s structure changes, meat color, rheological properties of meat, meat pH, water holding capacity, chemical properties and organoleptic characteristics of meat

    Influence of Farm Management for Calves on Growth Performance and Meat Quality Traits Duration Fattening of Simmental Bulls and Heifers

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    Simple Summary: Cattle have been selected for their adaptation to a specific environment and productive system, in which they show, in theory, their best economical results. With appropriate nutrition, the calf's performance enhances during early life and improve the production limit providing distinctive opportunities to optimize feeding strategies and increase the profitability of beef production. There is considerable variation in fattening protocols as well as in farm conditions. Meat quality parameters and carcass traits are the main objectives of most research carried out in the beef production area. Optimizing meat quality parameters and carcass traits are important for farmer profits and consumer satisfaction. According to that, at the phenotypic level, growth performance and traits could be observed. Rearing practices are known to have an impact on cattle carcasses and meat characteristics. The rearing practices applied after calving have an influence on the animal's performance at the growth period and can involve different animal properties at the beginning of the fattening period. Abstract: This study assessed the effects of farm management during rearing practices in the first months of a calf's life on growth performance and meat quality traits during the fattening period. A total of 48 Simmental calves were divided into two groups at a commercial cattle feedlot. In the first group were calves from the same farm and herd (n = 12 male and n = 12 female). The second group included calves from several different herds and farms (n = 12 male and n= 12 female). Calves were transferred to a feedlot and fed with a commercial feedlot ration at three to four months of age. The aim was to determine if identical fattening conditions at feedlot can reduce initial calf rearing differences between cattle during the fattening period. Bulls grew faster than heifers reaching higher total gain and showed significantly higher slaughter weight than heifers. Meat samples of heifers from the same herd had the highest intramuscular fat content and reddest color with significant differences among cattle groups. The most abundant fatty acid was oleic acid (C18:1), followed by palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), linoleic (C18:2), and myristic acid (C14:0). Meat samples of heifers from different herds were darkest with highest content of iron (Fe) with significant differences among cattle groups

    Effects of L-ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol on biochemical parameters of swimming-induced oxidative stress in serum of guinea pigs

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of L-ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol as well as combination of these vitamins with or without exposure to physical exercise on intensity of lipid peroxidation, activity of xanthine oxidase, activity of total antioxidative system, concentration of glutathione, and activity of catalase in the serum of guinea pigs.Materials and Methods: The experimental measurements of intensity of lipid peroxidation, activity of xanthine oxidase, activity of total antioxidative system, concentration of glutathione, and activity of catalase were done in the serum of guinea pigs. The animals were exposed to the test load to achieve exhaustion and the test was terminated when the animal for the third time to sink into the water.Results: The results of this study demonstrated that endurance exercise of guinea pigs induced oxidative stress response in terms of increased lipid peroxidation and activity of xanthine oxidase in the serum of experimental animals. Our study investigated the antioxidant activity of L-ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol also measuring three protective markers in the serum: total antioxidant activity, content of glutathione and activity of catalase. The results obtained show that the vitamins influence the concentrations of above mentioned biochemical parameters, which points out their protective effect of swimming-induced oxidative stress.Conclusion: Single or combined administration of L-ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol caused significant inhibition of these markers indicating the important antioxidant activity of the vitamins. Results lead to conclude that the combined treatments with vitamins with or without exposure to physical exercise showed the clear synergistic effect.Key words: L-ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, guinea pigs, oxidative stress,Ā  biochemical parameter

    Use of inulin-collagen suspension for the total replacement of pork backfat in cooked-emulsified sausages

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    Total replacement of pork backfat with inulin-collagen suspension in the production of cooked-emulsified sausages was investigated. Four groups of sausages were produced: control sausages (backfat 25 %), Series A (backfat 15 %, inulin 4 %, and collagen 0.7 %), Series B (backfat 7.5 %, inulin 4 %, and collagen 1.2 %) and Series C (inulin 4 % and collagen 1.65 %). Physico-chemical properties, chemical composition, fatty acid profile, lipid oxidation parameters, colour, textural and sensory parameters were determined. The results showed that total replacement of pork backfat with inulin-collagen suspension is possible, considering that the low-fat Series C sausages had acceptable sensory properties, lower free fat content (8.5 Ā± 1.8 gāˆ™kg-1), lower cholesterol content (462.3 Ā± 49.3 mgĀ·kg-1) and higher content of carbohydrates-prebiotics (74.6 Ā± 8.4 gāˆ™kg-1) than the control sausages. Series C sausages also had lower polyunsaturated, higher monounsaturated and a similar saturated fatty acids contents compared to the control product. Total fat replacement led to a decrease in values of lightness and redness but did not influence yellowness or the texture parameters. Regarding quality parameters, sausages with partially replaced pork backfat were not superior to those with total fat replacement

    Eksperimentalno ispitivanje i termodinamička analiza Bi-Ni-Pb faznog dijagrama

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    The article presents an experimental study of a phase diagram of a ternary Bi-Ni-Pb system using differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis. The investigated ternary alloys were selected from three vertical sections (x(Bi)=0.75, x(Ni)=0.1 and x(Pb)=0.9) and two isothermal sections at 100 and at 300Ā°C. The obtained experimental results were compared with the thermodynamically extrapolated phase diagram of the Bi-Ni-Pb ternary system based on the thermodynamic parameters for the constitutive binary systems available in literature. Reasonably close agreement between the experimental data and the calculated phase diagram was obtained.U ovom radu je predstavljeno eksperimentalno ispitivanje faznog dijagrama Bi-Ni-Pb ternarnog sistema uz pomoć diferencijalne termijske analize (DTA), skenirajućeg elektronskog mikroskopa (SEM) sa energijsko disperzivno spektrometrijom (EDS) i rentgenskom difrakcijom praha (XRD). Ispitivane ternarne legure su izabrane iz tri vertikalna preseka (x(Bi)=0.75, x(Ni)=0.1 i x(Pb)=0.9), i dva izotermalna preseka na 100 i 300Ā°C. Rezultati eksperimenta su upoređeni sa termodinamički ekstrapolisanim faznim dijagramom Bi-Ni-Pb ternarnog sistema na osnovu termodinamičkih parametara sastavnih binarnih sistema koji su dostupni u literaturi. Utvrđeno je dobro slaganje između eksperimentalnih rezultata i proračunatog faznog dijagrama

    Estimation of fat content in fermented sausages by means of computer vision system (cvs)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of computer vision system (CVS) application in fat content estimation for different types of fermented sausages. Four different types of local fermented sausages with different fat contents were studied: NjeguŔka, Kulen, Pirotska and tea sausage. Results obtained for CVS-estimated fat content were compared to the results of traditional chemical analysis. Relative errors of fat content estimation in NjeguŔka, Kulen, Pirotska and tea sausage were 1.47%, 0.46%, 20.84% and 11.19%, respectively. Results of t-test showed a significant (p<0.01) difference between mean fat contents obtained by CVS and chemical analysis in the case of Pirotska sausage. On the other hand, there was no significant (p<0.01) difference between mean fat contents obtained by the two methods for the rest of the analysed sausages. The results indicate CVS has potential for application in the analysis of fat content of fermented sausages

    Antioxidant potential of herbs and spices in nitrite-reduced frankfurter sausages

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    Nitrites are used in meat processing as a preservative, but there is a need to reduce their usage because of their potential harmful effects on consumersā€™ health. The antioxidant potential of different herbs and spices in nitrite-reduced frankfurter type sausages and their influence on the productsā€™ sensory properties were investigated. The results show the nitrite-reduced sausages enriched with individual herbs or spices as a source of phenolic compounds had significant antioxidant potential, which was the highest in sausages with rosemary followed by sausages with thyme, black pepper, turmeric, and red paprika. Spice-enriched sausages had better sensory properties then the control sausages after chill storage